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Truck Model World 2015-09-10, Czasopisma-Truck |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->TRUCK MODEL WORLD - THE UK'S NO 1 FOR TRUCK MODELLERS, COLLECTORS & ENTHUSIASTS!www.truckmodelworld.com1:24SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2015 • ISSUE 221 • UK £3.99PICK &CARRYScania P370LESCLARKSONVolvo FM Tipper1:24NewsDIECAST REVIEWKIKCOLA1:241:24HINGLEYTRANSPORTScania 143M 6x2IN THE BOXHAND CRAFTEDEXCLUSIVESGoldhoferBallast TrailerAntosBox TruckWooden TrucksRTK GrabHirePlusLDIESORG DELIVERIES O WUBRETAILER FOCUS T TBEDS SUMMER SHOLABOXING CLEVER F BLOOMERSand much more!BERYL’SIssue 221£3.991:501:501:50CONTENTSSEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2015|Issue 22169MODEL NEWSWhat’s new, what’s due16SUMMER SHOW12SOFT DRINK DELIVERYChrysler Fargo FL60 1:2416PICK & CARRYScania P370 Tipper1:24Summerlee show highlights25HARD WORKEDWeathering with Andreas20LES CLARKSON 8x4Volvo FM Tipper 1:2426CRAFTYPOPSHand Crafted Wooden Vehicles1:242030HARTINGER HEAVY MOVERGoldhofer Ballast Trailer 1:5028RETAILER FOCUSMaguires Models Highlights 1:5036FLATBEDSShowcasing the Dennison trailerfrom WSI 1:5038HINGLEY TRANSPORTScania 143M 1:2432BERYL’S BLOOMERS (Part 1)Foden Condor 1:242544BOXING CLEVERBox Trucks1:5042TUBORG DELIVERIESBedford TK Delivery Truck1:5048COMPETITIONYour chance to win some goodies!4www.truckmodelworld.comSEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2015Contact the editor either by post: TMW Editorial Office 3 Orchard Close, Saracens Head, Holbeach,Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE12 8AR, England or by email: editor@truckmodelworld.comMAIN CONTRIBUTORSNick Shuttleworth, Larry Read,Danny De Braekeleer, Andrew Bell,Andreas Rousounelis, Christiaan Wagenaar,Nick Burden, Alan Fixter, Tim CottonCOMMENTDuring the Gaydon truck show which seems like a long timeago now, I had the opportunity to put some faces to the namesof the contributors to the magazine. The weekend passedso quickly and unfortunately, I did not get to speak witheveryone I would have liked to, so sorry to anyone that I mayhave missed inviting to have their models photographed. Itwas clear from the show that there are some very talentedmodel builders out there, and the promised articles shouldkeep the magazine packed with content well into the newyear. As for this issue, I take a look at several die-cast trucks,highlight another example of weathering from AndreasRousounelis and feature some great custom builds includingthe impressive Fargo delivery truck, a Les Clarkson tipper,Scania P370 tipper, Scania 143M 6x2 and a selection of handcrafted wooden truck and landrover models from RogerJames while Tim Cotton highlights some sights from theSummerlee show.s I put the finishing touches to another issue, sometough decisions have been taken to ensure themagazine continues to survive. While sales figures arelooking positive, there is still a long way to go before the titlebecomes profitable, so the decision to reduce the number ofpages to 52 will no doubt come as a disappointment, but it isnecessary to ensure the title can continue.AEDITORSteven Downesemail:editor@truckmodelworld.comMANAGING DIRECTORAndrew Ebbageemail: andy.ebbage@igp-ltd.comOPERATIONS DIRECTORSally Ebbageemail: sally.ebbage@igp-ltd.comDESIGN & PRODUCTIONGreenland Design LimitedMAGAZINE DESIGN & LAYOUTEmma Wilsonemail: greenland.design@btinternet.comADVERTISING SALES EXECUTIVEKerri Firth Tel: 01406 424681email: advertising@truckmodelworld.comADVERTISING COPY CONTROLLERSally Ebbage Tel: 01406 424681email: sally.ebbage@gmail.comIGP LTD Limited,3 Orchard Close, Saracens Head, Holbeach,Spalding, Lincolnshire. England. PE12 8ARTel: 01406 424681 Fax: 01406 426855email: info@igp-ltd.comPUBLISHED BYTelPRINTERFPensordNEWSSTAND DISTRIBUTIONSeymour Distribution Ltd.+44 (0) 20 7429 4000SUBSCRIPTIONS1 year subscription prices:UK £25.00 Europe £37.50W/Wide £40.002 year subscription prices:UK £40.00 Europe £70.00W/Wide £75.00BACK ISSUESUK £3.99/US $7.99Order Hotline: +44 (0)1406 424681Online Ordering:www.themodelhobbyshop.comFor those looking for a trip out, we will be attending theHEMS show on the 18th October and look forward to meetingwith fellow collectors, model builders andenthusiasts who come along for what, inthe past, has been a great day. Anotherdate for the calendar is the IPMS show inHolland which takes place on the 31stOctober (see pages 46 & 47 for thedetails).TRUCK MODEL WORLD -THE UK'Swww.truckmodelworld.comSEPTEMBER/OCTOBER2015 • ISSUE 221 •UK £3.99NO 1 FOR TRUCK MODELLERS, COLLECTORS & ENTHUSIASTS!PICK &CARRYScania P3701:24Volvo FM TipperLESCLARKSON1:24Until next time, Happy ReadingSteven DownesEditorNewsDIECAST REVIEWIN THE BOXKIKCOLAHAND CRAFTED1:24Scania 143M 6x2HINGLEYTRANSPORT1:24EXCLUSIVESPlusRTK GrabHireRETAILER FOCUSBOXING CLEVERTUBORG DELIVERIES OLDIESFLATBEDS SUMMER SHOWBERYL’S BLOOMERSand much more!This magazine is sold subject to the following conditions: that it shall not without written consent of the publishers be lent,resold or otherwise disposed of by way of trade in excess of the recommended maximum retail price.All rights strictly reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any way without the prior agreement of the publisher. All letters must be accompaniedby the sender’s full name and address. The publisher cannot accept responsibility for unsolicited correspondence nor some of the opinions expressed.All material and artwork originated by IGP Ltd, photographs, drawings, plans used in this magazine become the publishers copyright under Copyright law. Somephotographs may have been digitally re-mastered. The Company reserves the right to suspend or refuse any advertisements without giving reasons. Whilst everycare is taken to avoid mistakes, IGP Ltd. cannot be liable in any way for errors or omissions.Nor can the Publisher accept any responsibility for the bona fides of advertisers.ISSN 0958-0530©2014 IGP Limited. All rights reserved.SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2015www.truckmodelworld.com5Issue 221£3.991:50GoldhoferBallast Trailer1:50AntosBox TruckWooden Trucks1:50
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