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[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] User Mode Linux ® perens_series_7x9_25.fm Page 1 Wednesday, March 1, 2006 3:43 PM B RUCE P ERENS ’ O PEN S OURCE S ERIES www.prenhallprofessional.com/perens is a denitive series of books on Linux and open source technologies, written by many of the world’s leading open source professionals. It is also a voice for up-and-coming open source authors. Each book in the series is published under the Open Publication License (www.opencontent.org), an open source compatible book license, which means that electronic versions will be made available at no cost after the books have been in print for six months. ◆ Java™ Application Development on Linux ® Carl Albing and Michael Schwarz ◆ C++ GUI Programming with Qt 3 Jasmin Blanchette and Mark Summereld ◆ Managing Linux Systems with Webmin: System Administration and Module Development Jamie Cameron ◆ Understanding the Linux Virtual Memory Manager Mel Gorman ◆ PHP 5 Power Programming Andi Gutmans, Stig Bakken, and Derick Rethans ◆ Linux ® Quick Fix Notebook Peter Harrison ◆ Implementing CIFS: The Common Internet File System Christopher Hertel ◆ Open Source Security Tools: A Practical Guide to Security Applications Tony Howlett ◆ Apache Jakarta Commons: Reusable Java™ Components Will Iverson ◆ Linux ® Patch Management: Keeping Linux ® Systems Up To Date Michael Jang ◆ Embedded Software Development with eCos Anthony Massa ◆ Rapid Application Development with Mozilla Nigel McFarlane ◆ Subversion Version Control: Using the Subversion Version Control System in Development Projects William Nagel ◆ Intrusion Detection with SNORT: Advanced IDS Techniques Using SNORT, Apache, MySQL, PHP, and ACID Rafeeq Ur Rehman ◆ Cross-Platform GUI Programming with wxWidgets Julian Smart and Kevin Hock with Stefan Csomor ◆ Samba-3 by Example, Second Edition: Practical Exercises to Successful Deployment John H. Terpstra ◆ The Ofcial Samba-3 HOWTO and Reference Guide, Second Edition John H. Terpstra and Jelmer R. Vernooij, Editors ◆ Self-Service Linux ® : Mastering the Art of Problem Determination Mark Wilding and Dan Behman Bruce Perens’ Open Source Series User Mode Linux ® Jeff Dike Upper Saddle River, NJ • Boston Indianapolis San Francisco New York Toronto Montreal London Munich Paris Madrid Capetown Sydney Tokyo Singapore Mexico City Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and the publisher was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed with initial capital letters or in all capitals. The author and publisher have taken care in the preparation of this book, but make no expressed or implied warranty of any kind and assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. No liability is assumed for inci- dental or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the use of the information or programs contained herein. The publisher offers excellent discounts on this book when ordered in quantity for bulk purchases or special sales, which may include electronic versions and/or custom covers and content particular to your business, training goals, marketing focus, and branding interests. For more information, please contact: U.S. Corporate and Government Sales (800) 382-3419 corpsales@pearsontechgroup.com For sales outside the United States, please contact: International Sales international@pearsoned.com Visit us on the Web: www.prenhallprofessional.com This Book Is Safari Enabled The Safari® Enabled icon on the cover of your favorite technology book means the book is available through Safari Bookshelf. When you buy this book, you get free access to the online edition for 45 days. Safari Bookshelf is an electronic reference library that lets you easily search thousands of technical books, find code samples, download chapters, and access technical information whenever and wherever you need it. To gain 45-day Safari Enabled access to this book: Complete the brief registration form Enter the coupon code 84J7-DAEK-ZNZP-2JK4-FMBD If you have difficulty registering on Safari Bookshelf or accessing the online edition, please e-mail customer- service@safaribooksonline.com. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Dike, Jeff. User Mode Linux / Jeff Dike. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-13-186505-6 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1. Linux. 2. Operating systems (Computers) 3. Application software porting. I. Title. QA76.76.O63D545 2006 005.4'32--dc22 2006004225 Copyright © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc. This material may be distributed only subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Open Publication ISBN 0-13-186505-6 Text printed in the United States on recycled paper at RR Donnelley in Crawfordsville, Indiana. First printing, April 2006 Contents Preface ......................................................................................................................ix Acknowledgments ....................................................................................................xi About the Author .................................................................................................. xiii 1 Introduction ...........................................................................................................1 What Is UML?...........................................................................................................1 Comparison with Other Virtualization Technologies .............................................2 Why Virtual Machines? ............................................................................................3 A Bit of History .........................................................................................................4 What Is UML Used For? ..........................................................................................8 Server Consolidation ............................................................................................8 Education ............................................................................................................10 Development .......................................................................................................12 Disaster Recovery Practice ................................................................................13 The Future ..............................................................................................................14 2 A Quick Look at UML ........................................................................................ 17 Booting UML for the First Time ............................................................................20 Booting UML Successfully .....................................................................................24 Looking at a UML from the Inside and Outside ...................................................29 Conclusion ...............................................................................................................37 3 Exploring UML ................................................................................................... 39 Logging In as a Normal User .................................................................................39 Consoles and Serial Lines ......................................................................................40 Adding Swap Space ................................................................................................47 Partitioned Disks ....................................................................................................49 UML Disks as Raw Data ........................................................................................53 v
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