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Vegetarian Living - November 2015, Czasopisma Kulinarne |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->HealtHy • SuStainable • DeliciouSNovember 2015 £4.50www.vegetarianliving.co.uksuper foodsuppersbonfire nightinspirationQuick and easy ideas forchilly winter eveningsfabulousfungiRachel Demuthworks wonderswith mushroomsJamie Oliverwhips up vibrant,healthy midweek mealsquirkycakesGet creative withBake OffwinnerFrances Quinndinner fortwo atPrashadWinclassicsreinventedAnnie Bell’s contemporarytake on familiar dishesMexican leeKand beanqueSadillaSsunday lunchTuck into JohnTorode’s comfortcooking this weekendbest browniesTry these delicious raw,vegan and free-fromchocolate treatsglobal tastesSinger Kelis shares theculinary influencesfrom her jet-setting lifePLUS:Gluten-free recipes | Community orchards | Visit LisbonIs your family looking for IRONthat’sgentleandgreat tasting?With busy lives, more of us are looking to support energy release and vitality, with an ironsupplement that is easy on the stomach and tastes great too.GENTLE FORMULAFeroglobin® Originalis a gentle, liquid formula with iron which contributes to normalformation of red blood cells and haemoglobin.Feroglobin® Plus liquidprovides all the benefitsof the original, plus Siberian Ginseng, L-Carnitine, Green Tea and Q10. Both provide a greattasting blend of minerals, co-factors, honey and Swiss malt, with vitamins B2, B6 & B12 whichcontribute tonormal energy release,and vitamin C which increasesiron absorption.EXCELLENT TASTEIncludes IRON, FOLATE & B12 which can contribute to thereduction of tiredness & fatigueOriginalLiquidPlusLiquidWith SwissAlpine MaltADFERCONP 19-06-15EAvailable fromSuperdrug, Holland & Barrett, GNC, chemists, healthstores, supermarkets &www.vitabiotics.com*(IRI value data. 52 w/e 6th Sept, 2014).The UK’s best-selling, award-winning vegetarian magazineWelcome© Dan PEaRCE© GEORGIa GLynn SMIth32FrancesQuinnCOVER RECIPE: Mexican leek and bean quesadillas (page 49).Photograph by Michael Dannenberg. Recipe and styling by Liz Martin.We’re heading into comfort food season now, and it’s thattime of year we start roasting root veg, simmering soupand developing cravings for crumble. With this in mind,Veg Living’sfood editor has created some delicious ideas forwarming suppers (page 48), with filling dishes that are alsoquick and easy to scale up if you’re hosting a bonfire party.On page 22, Rachel Demuth puts her global twist on oneof our most magical seasonal ingredients, wild mushrooms,with ideas for richly flavoured dishes from a Japanese noodlestir-fry to a hearty winter pie with a dash of ale. One of ourfavourite cookery writers, Annie Bell, goes back to basics,reinventing classic dishes from oven-baked tomato risotto toa homemade ‘pot noodle’ for a contemporary take on familyrecipes that everyone loves (page 42).With the current series ofGreat British Bake Offdrawing toits no-doubt nail-biting conclusion, last year’s winner FrancesQuinn has launched her debut baking book featuring hertrademark creative cakes. Her recipes (page 32) may look likeshowstoppers but are surprisingly simple, so you can be thestar baker in your own home at least!For health-conscious cooks, Jamie Oliver shares his newcharacteristically vibrant but also nutritionally balancedrecipes (page 38), or try Lucy Bee’s gluten-free ideascooked with coconut oil on page 88, including a deliciouscauliflower-based pizza and moreish raw chocolate brownies.In this issue, we also find out about the latest city currencyto launch in Exeter, exploring how it will promote local,seasonal food (page 74); and on page 54 we talk to NickySloan, whose homewares brand Magpie was founded on herpassionate vegan and ethical principles.Stay cosy in the kitchen…Lindsey Harrad, Editor‘I am a designer as muchas I am a baker, and ideasare as important to meas ingredients. Peopleoften ask which I’d ratherdo: bake or design. Butfor me, the two areabsolutely inseparable’© 2015 PauL StuaRt38JamieOliver‘Food is there to beappreciated, shared andenjoyed, and healthy,nourishing food should becolourful, delicious and,most importantly, fun’© DaVID LOftuS66KelisSubscribe today…‘The food I’m drawn to isthe food that tells us whowe are and what we are.It can have personality,heartache, and rebirth allon one plate. What betterway to tell our story?’03And receive a FREE copy ofDeliciously Ella.See page 64 for full details.In this issue…an anna jonesrecipe boxfrom riverfordpage 9win!60888466822148 Bonfire bitesif you’re hosting a bonfire night party, tryLiz martin’s winter warmers that can easily bescaled up to feed a crowd!FooD matterS38483242122215 Season’s eatingsnovember’s celeriac, cauliflower and cobnuts22 Magical mushroomsfrom asian noodles to a hearty pie, racheldemuth works wonders with wild mushrooms60 Sunday winnerjohn Torode creates two pastry centrepieces,perfect for a weekend family lunch31 Gunpowder, treacle and plot…Luis Troyano’s sticky, rich and figgy take ontraditional parkin is a fireside favourite66 Sing for your suppersinger Kelis shares the global flavours she’spicked up on her travels, in a menu for friends3 ways to buyNever miss aN issue ofVegetarian LiVinglSubscribe:get the equivalent oftwo free issues delivered directto your door – see page 64lBuy onlineat www.selectps.comlDownloadthe digital editionfrom www.pocketmags.com04|32 Feed your imaginationBake Offwinner frances Quinn shares hercreative cakes that are surprisingly simple70 Sweet little chestnutssarah beattie treats guests to a roastedvegetable pie made with autumn chestnuts38 Jamie’s super food suppersvibrant, healthy and easy ideas based onnutrient-packed foods from jamie oliver80 Home cooking with Chavastay happy with family-friendly pad Thai,oven-roasted tagine and chocolate traybake42 Home & hearthannie bell perfects these classic family disheswith a contemporary twist84 Kitchen confidenceTasty recipes for budding young chefs to helpcook, created by Hillary graves of Little dishSubscribe today and receiveDeliciously Ellafor FREE!– see page 64Editor’spickContents3224181988 Cooking with coconut oillucy Bee shows how to make deliciousgluten-free recipes with this new versatile oil4228RegulaRs03 Welcome07 Shopping listBrilliant breakfast ideas to start the dayFeatuRes28 Green livinggardening editor alice Whitehead discovershow the community orchard movement isoffering a lifeline to heritage fruit varieties08 New shootsNews, competitions, delicious veggie andvegan products, and wine recommendationsVeganism is atthe core of whoI am; it’s not somefaddish fashion orlifestyle choiceNicky SloaNfouNder of Magpie, page 5454 Magpie tendenciesNicky Sloan founded her homeware and giftbrands on her passionate vegan principles73 Back issuesare you missing an issue? order them here92 Beauty notesour pick of bathtime products, from luxuriousmelts to eczema-friendly bubble bath74 Pennies from Devonfind out about the new exeter pound and howcity businesses hope the new currency willhelp customers keep their cash local94 Conversion tables and next issuecooking conversion tables, andVegetarianLiving’schristmas issue on-sale date!82 Go wild!fun ideas for all the family, from baking afive-minute mug cake to helping hedgehogs98 Places to go: Lisbonalex Bourke visits this historic portuguese citywww.vegetarianliving.co.uk|05
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