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Velo - April 2015 USA, NOWE CZASOPISMA |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->IS YOUR BIKE A COUNTERFEIT?VOLUME & INTENSITY:YOUR PERFECT MIXROHANDENNISHOURMANIS CYCLING'SOFTHECYCLING'S GRAY AREASUnwritten rules Virtual doping The bio-passportSRAM.COMAPRIL 2015DEPARTMENTSSPRINGTIME IN GERMANYSPECIAL ISSUE:CYCLING'S GRAY AREASDOCTOR’S NOTESVIRTUAL CHEATINGThe concept of Strava is simple: compareyour rides with the world. Unfortunately,not everyone believes in fair play.20After years of distancing itself fromthe sport of cycling, Germany hascome back to the fray, with a slew of youngstars filling the results sheet, and televisionbroadcasters willing to air the sport across thecalendar.13In a sport with sometimes murky rules,Therapeutic Use Exemptions may bethe grayest area of them all.40UNWRITTEN RULESPASSPORT TO PANDEMONIUMThe biological passport has beendecisive in the fight against doping. But,as the Roman Kreuziger case has brought tolight, the legal ramifications aren’t so simple.SITTING IN282650There’s a new kid in town. Australia’sRohan Dennis takes the first stage racevictory of the year Down Under, and quicklyfollows that with a new Hour Record.The rulebook for cycling takes upvolumes, from the substances athletescan’t ingest, to the points they gain afterevery race. But the rules on the road? That’sanother story.42ASSISTED LIVINGOPPOSING PHILOSOPHIESTwo training methods are at oppositeends of the spectrum. Trevor Connorcompares polarized and sweet-spot training.34You pedal, but they make you faster.E-bikes have entered the marketplaceand bring cycling to more people than ever.But do they belong on our trails?Which of these frames is the realSpecialized S-Works Tarmac, andwhich is the counterfeit? We enter theworld of black market bikes to find out.COPY?SEE PAGE 54CARBONON THE COVER: Rohan Dennis PHOTO: Tim De WaeleTHIS PAGE: Specialized Tarmac S-Works SL4 and counterfeitPHOTO: Brad KaminskiVelo (ISSN 0161-1798) (USPS 017-730), a publication of Competitor Group, Inc., 9477 Waples Street, Suite 150, San Diego, CA 92121, is published monthly, plus 2 special issues (published in January and May) for a total of 14issues. Annual subscription $29.95, Canadian remit $55.95 in US funds (includes GST); other international air mail $89.95 in US funds only. For subscription inquiries, please call 800-336-5653 or email Velomagazine@emailcustomerservice.com. Periodical Postage Paid at San Diego, California and additional offices. Canada Post International Publications Mail Agreement #40010538. Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: OnTracInternational PO Box 25058 London BRC, Ontario, Canada N6C 6A8. GSTR 127573335. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Velo, PO Box 430235, Palm Coast, FL 32143-0235. Printed in the U.S.A.4VELO APRIL 2015 VELONEWS.COM
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