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Understanding Japanese Society(1), Książki Japonia |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->UNDERSTANDING JAPANESE SOCIETYJapanese society is not well understood in the West, but the need tounderstand Japanese society is becoming increasingly imperative ascontacts between the West and Japan increase.This book provides a comprehensive introduction to all aspects ofJapanese society and culture. It begins with the home and family lifeand goes through various aspects of everyday and ceremonial life tothe larger, more complex units such as government and the legalsystem. It pays particular attention to the way the world is seen,classified and ordered by Japanese people and to the symbolicaspects of Japanese behaviour, particularly ritual behaviour. Thebook draws on anthropological studies carried out in houses,villages, factories, businesses, schools, hospitals and so forth toshow the reality of Japanese society in specific detail. Men, womenand children are given equal weight throughout. The book is writtenso as to be comprehensible to those with no previous knowledge ofJapan.Joy Hendryis Professor of Social Anthropology at OxfordBrookes University.The Nissan Institute/Routledge Japanese Studies SeriesEditorial BoardJ.A.A.Stockwin, Nissan Professor of Modern Japanese Studies, University ofOxford and Director, Nissan Institute of Japanese StudiesTeigo Yoshida, formerly Professor of the University of Tokyo, and nowProfessor, Obirin University, TokyoFrank Langdon, Professor, Institute of International Relations, University ofBritish Columbia, CanadaAlan Rix, Professor of Japanese, The University of QueenslandJunji Banno, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo LeonardSchoppa, University of VirginiaOther titles in the series:The Myth of Japanese Uniqueness,Peter DaleThe Emperor’s Adviser: Saionji Kinmochi and Pre-war Japanese Politics,Lesley ConnorsA History of Japanese Economic Thought,Tessa Morris-SuzukiThe Establishment of the Japanese Constitutional System,Junji Banno,translated by J.A.A.StockwinIndustrial Relations in Japan: the Peripheral Workforce,Norma ChalmersBanking Policy in Japan: American Efforts at Reform During theOccupation,William M.TsutsuiEducation Reform in Japan,Leonard SchoppaHow the Japanese Learn to Work,Ronald P.Dore and Mari SakoJapanese Economic Development: Theory and Practice,Penelope FrancksJapan and Protection: The Growth of Protectionist Sentiment and theJapanese Response,Syed Javed MaswoodThe Soil, by Nagatsuka Takashi: a Portrait of Rural Life in Meiji Japan,translated and with an introduction by Ann WaswoBiotechnology in Japan,Malcolm BrockBritain’s Educational Reform: a Comparison with Japan,Mike HowarthLanguage and the Modern State: the Reform of Written Japanese,Nanette TwineIndustrial Harmony in Modern Japan: the Invention of a Tradition,W.Dean KinzleyJapanese Science Fiction: a View of a Changing Society,Roger MatthewThe Japanese Numbers Game: the Use and Understanding of Numbers inModern Japan,Thomas CrumpIdeology and Practice in Modern Japan,Roger Goodman and KirstenRefsingTechnology and Industrial Development in Pre-War Japan,YukikoFukasakuJapan’s Early Parliaments 1890–1905,Andrew Fraser, R.H.P.Mason andPhilip MitchellJapan’s Foreign Aid Challenge,Alan RixEmperor Hirohito and Showa Japan,Stephen S.LargeJapan: Beyond the End of History,David WilliamsCeremony and Ritual in Japan: Religious Practices in an IndustrializedSociety,Jan van Bremen and D.P.MartinezUnderstanding JapanesesocietySecond editionJoy HendryLondon and New yorkFirst published 1987by Croom HelmSecond edition 1995Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis GroupThis edition published in the Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2003.Simultaneously published in the USA and Canadaby Routledge29 West 35th Street, New York, NY 10001© 1987, 1995 Joy HendryAll rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprintedor reproduced or utilized in any form or by any electronic,mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafterinvented, including photocopying and recording, or in anyinformation storage or retrieval system, without permissionin writing from the publishers.British Library Cataloguing in Publication DataA catalogue record for this book is available from the British LibraryLibrary of Congress Cataloguing in Publication DataA catalogue record for this book is available from the Library ofCongressISBN 0-203-42512-X Master e-book ISBNISBN 0-203-73336-3 (Adobe eReader Format)ISBN 0-415-10259-6 (pbk)
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