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Unveil Your Destiny by Vincent Koh, Occult Library |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] • HEAVENLY STEMS AND EARTHLY BRANCHES HEA VENLY STEVlS (HS) EARTHLY BRANCHES (EB) l Jia HI - Yang Wood T Zi El - Yang Water Rat E2 - Yin Earth , Yi H2 1 Chou Ox Yin Wood r Yin Tiger ;j Bing H3 E3 Yang Fire Yang Wood P Mao Rabbit E4 - Yin Wood T Ding H4 - Yin Fire � Wu H5 � Chen Dragon E5 - Yang Earth - Yang Earth B Ji H6 - Yin Earth B Si E6 - Yin Fire Snake ! Geng H7 - Yang letal f Wu E7 Horse Yang Fire * Xin H8 - Yin Metal * Wei Ram E8 - Yin Earth ! Shen Monkey E9 Ren H9 - Yang Water Yang letal ? Gui HID W You Rooster EIO Yin Water - Yin Metal ; Xu Ell Dog - Yang Earth * Hai E12 Pig - Yin Water THE HOUR PILLAR CHART HS of Day Pillar H1 H2 H3 H8 H4 H9 H5 H10 Hour H6 H7 of Birth 2300-0100 E1 HI I H3 H5 I H7 EI I H 9 EI I E1 E1 E1 0100-0300 E2 H4 H6 I H8 E2 I HIO E2 H2 E2 E2 E2 � 5 l H l 0300-0500 E3 H3 H7 I H9 E3 E3 E3 E3 l HIO E4 'H I 0500-0700 E4 I H4 H6 H8 ! H2 I E4 £4 E4 £4 0700-0900 E5 H7 H9 . H3 ! .' E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 I H4 I I 0900-1100 E6 H6 I HIO I H2 E6 lI8 E6 E6 E6 E6 1100-1300 E7 I HI I H3 H5 H7 lI9 -.- E7 E7 £7 E7 E7 1300-1500 E8 I 118 I HIO £8 I H2 114 I H6 E8 I E8 E8 E8 I -- 1500-1700 E9 119 Hl i H3 H5 I H7 E9 E9 E9 E9 E9 EI0 i H4 I 170-1900 E10 HIO EIO H2 H6 H8 EI0 E10 EIO 100 - 2100 Ell HI H3 H5 H7 119 I i Ell Ell Ell Ell Ell El2 I JIlO 210-2300 E12 H2 H4 H6 H8 E12 El2 EI2 EI2  IL WHAT DETERMINES OUR DESTINY? From the viewpoint of Chinese metaphysics, everyth ing in the Universe fo llows a set of rules which determine our fat e. The Four Pillars of Destiny is a scientiic tool used by the Chinese to reveal the cosmic components ofeach person. This system is used in conjunction with the ingenious Hsia Calendar (I0,OOO-year Calendar), which records the elemental influences prevailing in our own lives at any moment. The Hsia Calendar helps us to translate our birth data year, month, day and hour of birth - into our Four Pillars of Destiny (also known as Eight Characters, or Ba Zi in Chinese). Each pillar yields two elements, Heavenly Stem (HS) on top and Earthly Branches (EB) below, thereby making up our Eight Characters. A typical Year Pillar is expressed below: Year 2001 (Year of Snake) H 8 " ---- Heavenly Stem (HS) Yin Metal E 6 B ---- Earthly Branch (EB) Yin Fire From the above illustration, we can see that the year 2001 exhibits the inluence of Metal in the Heavenly Stem and Fire in the Earthly Branch. ' How does destiny analysis work? It all rests on the basic premise that the complementary fo rces of Yin and Yang create matter an d, by extension, all living things. This matter is divided into ive primordial elements that make up everything in the universe: Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal. They inluence everything, including human fo rtunes. Their interactions stringently fo llow two sets of rules known as the Cycle of Birth and the Cycle of Destruction. Understanding these relationships allows us to decipher our birth data and unveil our hidden destiny buried within. This is done by reading the Four Pillars in accordance with these two sets of ru les. This enables you to evaluate a person's character, appearance, behaviour, family and social relationships, potential, achievements, health and wealth, etc. It also allows you to pinpoint when your potential in a particular area of your life will peak, right down to the day! On top ofthat, auspicious dates fo r various social unctions or events can be selected to enhance your good fortune or ward off bad luck . As can be seen, the Four Pillars of Destiny lets us detennine the srengths and weaknesses in our destiny, and the ups nd downs of our Luck Cycles. We are thus able to tweak our destiny and manipulate our fortunes to our advntage. Luck Cycle The years of good luck a person enjoys duing his life span is expressed by another set of pillars known as the Luck Pillars. Our Luck Cycle can be revealed by analysing the interactions amongst the components of our birth data. �l/1 Each set of Luck Pillas comprises two elements and governs 1 0 years of a person's �! life. The Heavenly Stem covers the first five years of a Luck Pillar while the Earthly Ta��te! Branch covers the period from the sixth to the 10th year. According to Chinese belief, there are ive factors which puport to detennine our fate and fortune. (i) Destiny Destiny is the inheritance of, and influence by, conditions already determined at our birth. (ii) Luck Luck refers to variation in fortune during the different phases of our life. Even a person blessed with a favourable destiny is subject to ups and downs. (iii) Feng Shui Good Feng Shui can enhance our Luck Cycle. (iv) Philanthrophy Our virtues and meritorious deeds directed at others and the world at large can improve our fortune. (v) Education Leaning is a long-term process which betters our life chances and contributes to our wisdom. Destiny analysis is certainly not an easy subject. To unravel a person's fortne requires a complex study of his date of birth, astrological sign, geographical location and the Five Elements. In order to acquire a fair mastery of the requisite skills, one has to put in a great deal of effort in leaning. However, as they are able to cast light on the mystery of life, the sense of achievement and satisfaction is itself a reward. YIN AND YANG Yin and Yang are positive and negative forces that goven the Universe. They have their own attributes and their own magnetic ields of energy. In general, Yang (represented by "+") symbolises active, strong, male and positive elements while Yin (represented by " - ") symbolises passive, weak, female, fragile and negative elements. The purpose of dividing elements into Yin and Yang is to distinguish between the stronger and weaker characters. It is wrong to assume that Yang is better than Yin. Harmony and balance must be well-maintained between these two integral forces. For example, Yang Water is oten compared to water in the sea or ocean whereas Yin Water usually refers to droplets of moning dew. Yang Wood is oten compared to a tall and thick forest tree whereas Yin Wood is likened to tree branches and flower stems. Diagram Showing Yin and Yang Yin Yang The Taiji Symbol The Taiji is actually a sphere and there is no top or bottom. Likewise, the concept of Yin and Yang illustrates the two sides of a single entity. They are relative and not absolute. The two small circles indicate that everything in the Universe contains varying degrees of Yin and Yang. Within Yin, there is a little Yang and within Yang, there is a little Yin.
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