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Vennard Vickliffe, Różne |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->50 YEARS OFTREASON IN 100ACTSByWICKLIFFE B. VENNARD, Sr.Author of "The Federal Reserve Hoax" "What's Wrongin Washington," "Conquest or Consent" and "FiftyYears of Treason In 100 Acts"Reprint (revised) 196450 YEARS OF TREASONIN 100 ACTSPrior to 1913, our Date of Infamy, the U.S.A. progressed likeno other nation in history, as a Constitutional Republic. Thefollowing International Strait-Jacket was strapped on ourshoulder as a 1913 Package Deal, and we have been going down-hill since. Reserve Act16th Amendment17th AmendmentTax-Free FoundationsInt. Foreign Policy replaced Monroe DoctrineAnti-Defamation LeagueUniversal Military TrainingFederal Churches of Christ in AmericaNational Municipal League"For the love of money is the root of all evil" — I Timothy6:10."Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not whowrites its laws" — Amschel Rothschild."Any nation that does not control its Money, Military andMail is doomed for the scrap-heap" — the Author.Our destruction was engineered by Paul Warburg, NelsonAldrich, Carter Glass, Col. Mandel House, and WoodrowWilson. The Federal Reserve Act was passed 12-23-13, two daysbefore Christmas, when many of our Representatives were homefor the Holidays. At that time our National Debt was $1 Billion,whereas today it is $325 Billion. The Federal Reserve System isa private corporation, controlled by International Bankers. Dur-ing WW II their assets increased $35 Billion while 35 MillionChristians were uselessly slaughtered.2IN ONE HUNDRED ACTS3Eighty-one Congresses have authorized investigations in ourhistory, including every department of the executive branch,every war except the Spanish-American, all sorts of electionscandals, railroads, shipping, oil, banking housing, insurance,utilities, industries, Teapot Dome, Fascist and Nazi groups,Alger Hiss, along with the Silvermaster, Perlo and Wareespionage cells, defense plants, McCarthy-Army hearings, andothers.Just why none has seen fit to investigate, audit or tax theFederal Reserve System is a mystery. It has been wellestablished that money talks; money is all-powerful. With anyknowledge of corporate structure, it is apparent that one man andhis clique, with control of the money (the F.R.S. is a PrivateCorporation founded 12-23-13) have more power than the threebranches of government when it comes to the formulation of ourpolicies and administration of our affairs. Therefore, it behoovesthe Congressional investigating committees to bring thesematters to light and restore to Congress the power createdthrough the printing, evaluation and control of our money, as laiddown by our Founding Fathers in Art. 1, Sec. 8, Par. 5 of theConstitution. If this is done promptly, our Ship of State will rightitself and we will have smooth sailing for many years to come. Ifwe do not repeal the Federal Reserve Act, or purchase the 12Federal Banks, withdraw from the United Nations and pass theBricker amendment, we will soon cease to exist as ChristianAmerican citizens with freedoms as provided under theConstitution, and will be within the Communistic orbit withoutever firing a shot.Is there still time to alert the populace? By what means can wealert them? Is there any propaganda media by which the truthmay be brought to the people?Early in 1957. President Eisenhower proposed a commissionof qualified citizens to conduct a broad, national4FIFTY YEARS OF TREASONinquiry into the nation's financial system. Neither the House northe Senate took direct action. The Senate started its own probethrough its finance committee, headed by Chairman Byrd, whoproclaimed it would be the most thorough investigation of itskind in the past 50 years. It was set up to last a year, if necessary,to solve the problems. This writer was requested to prepare (40)questions, to be used in the interrogation of Secretary Humphreyand William McChesney Martin, chairman of the Board ofGovernors of the Federal Reserve System. Read mybook."What's Wrong in Wash-ington"—Forum Publishing Co.,324 Newbury St., Boston Mass.—40 cents. I have carefullystudied the six weeks testimony of Humphrey, Burgess andMartin, and not one of the questions, which were based upon thefacts brought out in my five books, was brought to light. Yet thechairman of the Congressional Finance Committee said that suchfacts brought out into the open would "take the roof off thenation!"It would appear that the international bankers, in 1913, eithersold the Senate banking committee a bill of goods or boughtthem, in order to strap the Federal Reserve strait-jacket onto theUnited States. In all probability they stressed the facts thatmoney is a very complicated matter, understood only by the"elite guard"; the most difficult problem is getting the moneyinto circulation; it would be better for Congress to relievethemselves of those great responsibilities; the international bankswould accept those great responsibilities if Congress wouldpermit them to use Uncle Sam's printing presses, for which theywould pay the cost of the ink and paper in the manufacture of allFederal Reserve Notes. They would be compensated for theseenormous efforts by lending the money to private enterprise (10for 1) at interest; and last but not least, if UncleIN ONE HUNDRED ACTS5Sam needed some of the money, he could have it providedUncle Sam would give the bankers interest-bearing U. S. bonds,dollar for dollar!You see, the bankers would lose out on that 10-for-1 checkingcredit if Uncle Sam should take some of the currency for his ownuse, so they must be compensated therefor by gifts of an equalamount of U. S. bonds, which they would then own, lock stockand barrel— principal and interest. Laws were then passedpermitting the F. R. Bankers to deposit U. S. Bonds with theComptroller and secure equal amounts in currency; then hoardthe currency in their own vaults and lend (10 for 1) to customersin the form of check-book currency. Do you wonder now whythe internal debts of this nation total in execess of one and one-half trillion dollars and during the same period of time the assetsof the Federal Reserve System have skyrocketed to 62 billiondollars, just by means of bookkeeping entries? During WorldWar II the assets of the Federal Reserve System increased $35billion while 35 million Christians were slaughtered.Had we not turned over to a Private Corporation (the FederalReserve System) the all-powerful right to issue and control ourmoney and credit we would not have a National Debt.The people are entitled to know who put a quietus on the 1957Byrd Senate Investigating Committee, and WHAT they weretold to cause Senators Byrd, Jenner and Malone to state publiclythat they would not run for re-election.Our elected Congressmen and Senators were apparently takinga nap on the floor, or absent, or they were too busy with socialfunctions and committee meetings, or they were playing partypolitics instead of national welfare, or the majority leaned toinfluence, when the
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