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VSX-C100 manual EN, ebook, manuale do ampitunerów itp |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->AUDIO/VIDEO MULTI-CHANNELRECEIVERVSX-C100Operating InstructionsThank you for buying this Pioneer product.Please read through these operating instructions so you willknow how to operate your model properly. After you havefinished reading the instructions, put them away in a safeplace for future reference.In some countries or regions, the shape of the power plugmay sometimes differ from that shown in the explanatorydrawings. However, the method of connecting and operat-ing the unit is the same.This product complies with the Low VoltageDirective (73/23/EEC, amended by 93/68/EEC), EMCDirectives (89/336/EEC, amended by 92/31/EEC and93/68/EEC).CAUTION:THE STANDBY/ON BUTTON IS SECONDARY CONNECTEDAND THEREFORE DOES NOT SEPARATE THE UNIT FROMMAINS POWER IN STANDBY POSITION. THEREFORE INSTALLTHE UNIT SUITABLE PLACES EASY TO DISCONNECT THEMAINS PLUG IN CASE OF THE ACCIDENT. THE MAINS PLUGOF UNIT SHOULD BE UNPLUGGED FROM THE WALL SOCKETWHEN LEFT UNUSED FOR A LONG PERIOD OF TIME.H017BEnThis product is for general household purposes. Anyfailure due to use for other than household purposes(such as long-term use for business purposes in arestaurant or use in a car or ship) and which requiresrepair will be charged for even during the warrantyperiod.K041_EnOperating EnvironmentH045 EnOperating environment temperature and humidity:+5°C – +35°C (+41°F – +95°F); less than 85%RH (coolingvents not blocked)Do not install in the following locations• Location exposed to direct sunlight or strong artificiallight• Location exposed to high humidity, or poorlyventilated locationVENTILATION:When installing this unit, make sure to leave space around the unit for ventilation to improve heatradiation (at least 20 cm at top, 50 cm at rear, and 10 cm at each side).WARNING:Slot and openings in the cabinet are provided for ventilation and to ensure reliable operation of the product and2Ento protect it from overheating, to prevent fire hazard, the openings should never be blocked and covered with items, such asnewspapers, tablecloths, curtains, etc. Also do not put the apparatus on the thick carpet, bed, sofa, or fabric having a thick pile.H040 EnFeaturesEnglishCompatibility with the HomeTheater FormatsDolby Digital, DTS Sound DecodersThese highly evolved multichannel sound formats arethe heart of home theater. They deliver realistic multi-channel sound that can turn any living room into atheater, reproducing all the sound effects of the originalmovie. The VSX-C100 has the flexibility to decode allthese formats.Dolby Pro Logic II DecoderThe VSX-C100 reproduces this industry-leading formatwith excellent clarity. With it you can get multichannelsurround sound even from two channel and DolbySurround sources.Easy-to-use Remote ControlThis new remote control is extremely convenient to use.One button is dedicated to one task in the control of thereceiver, eliminating confusing buttons whose purposeare unclear. In addition, this remote can be used tooperate a variety of other components simply byrecalling the appropriate setup codes.Easy Setup for Quick Home UseThis receiver features an automatic setup function thatsenses which speakers you have hooked up andautomatically sets the receiver for proper surroundsound. Thus, you can start enjoying home theaterimmediately after hooking up your speakers andcomponents, without worrying about difficult setupprocedures.Home Theater Listening ModesCustom Designed Listening Modes (p.33)These modes enhance the sound of sources from moviesand music to TV and video games for a more dramaticeffect. These are each designed to accentuate specificsound qualities, giving the listener a wide range ofpossibilities.VIRTUAL Mode (p.33)This especially designed listening mode uses only twochannels but through sound imaging imitates a fullsurround sound. It allows you to experience surroundsound with only two speakers.PHONES SURROUND Mode (p.33)This new headphone mode allows the user to get asurround-like sound while listening on headphonesdesigned to accommodate this technology.Sound Modes (p.35)This unit also has especially created Sound Modes thatcan enhance your listening experience and bring out thebest in each soundtrack. Each mode is designed to bringout a specific quality of the soundtrack or balance thesound. The NATURAL corrects the frequencies for smallspeakers to achieve better theater-like surround sound.The MIDNIGHT listening mode allows you to obtainexcellent surround sound effects even when listening atlow volumes, something that was previously impossible.The MANNER mode provides good sound by smoothingout harsh noises in the soundtrack. This is achieved byreducing the bass and treble. The BRIGHT mode flattensout the total frequency output to match the charactersicsof the front speakers. The S.BASS mode gives you addedbass for that driving punch that really livens up yourmusic or makes a film more realistic.The Energy-saving DesignThis unit is designed to use less than 1 W of energywhen the receiver is in standby mode.Manufactured under license from Dolby Labo-ratories. "Dolby", "Pro Logic", and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laborato-ries.“DTS” and “DTS Digital Surround” aretrademarks of Digital Theater Systems, Inc.®TruSurround and thesymbol are trade-marks of SRS Labs, Inc. TruSurround technol-ogy is incorporated under license from SRSLabs, Inc.3EnContentsCongratulations on buying this fine Pioneer product.Please read through these operating instructions so you will know how to operate your model properly. After youhave finished reading the instructions, put them away in a safe place for future reference.Contents 4Quick Start Guide0107599Using the TunerFinding a StationMPX Mode3636RF ATT Mode3636Introductory InformationInstalling the ReceiverVentilation99Checking the Supplied AccessoriesTuning Directly to a StationMemorizing Stations37Naming Memorized StationsRecalling Memorized Stations10An Introduction to RDSUsing the RDS DisplayAn Introduction to EONIdentification FunctionUsing EON 4213143939373838When Making Cable ConnectionsLoading the Batteries109Operating Range of Remote Control UnitMaintenance of External Surfaces10Searching for RDS Programs41414002Connecting Your EquipmentAudio/Video Cords1111Coaxial Cords/Optical CablesConnecting a DVD Player & TV11The Receiver’s Internal Program12Connecting a Digital Tuner/Set Top BoxConnecting Video ComponentsConnecting SpeakersConnecting Antennas16171818Hints on Speaker PlacementUsing External Antennas14Connecting a TV with an Internal Digital Tuner08Using Other FunctionsMuting the Sound4343Using the Headphones43Changing the Display Brightness (DIMMERbutton) 43Input Signal SelectThe SLEEP FunctionResetting the System44444445Operating other Pioneer Components with thisUnit’s Sensor 19Plugging in the Receiver19Default Settings for the Receiver03Displays & ControlsFront PanelRear Panel2021222009Controlling the Rest of Your SystemChanging the Remote Control ModeRecalling Preset Codes4748Clearing the Preset Codes4646Remote Control04Basic Playback24CD/MD/CD-R/VCR/DVD/LD/DVD recorder/Cassette Deck Controls 49Cable TV/Satellite TV/Digital TV/TV Controls5024Preset Code List51Checking the Settings on Your DVD (or other)Player 24Program Format/Speaker Channel IndicatorsPlaying a Source251026112732Additional InformationTroubleshooting545405Fine Tuning Your Surround SoundRoom Setup26Personalizing Your Surround SoundTechno Know HowDigital Audio FormatsRecording FormatsPlayback FormatsSpecifications605859575757Understanding DVD PackagingSetting the Volume Level of Each Channel06Playback ModesListening ModesSound Modes35333334Selecting a Listening Mode4EnSelecting a Sound Mode35Quick Start GuideHome Theater: The BasicsMost consumers are used to using stereo equipment to listen to music but many people are not used to home theatersystems that give you many more options when listening to soundtracks. In fact, home theater is not really compli-cated and this little guide should give you an understanding of basics.The main reasons why it seems so difficult is that there are three different factors involved in home theater and eachwill contribute to what kind of sound you get.These factors are:1) The equipment you are using for you home theater set up. Particularly important is the number of speakers youare using. We call this your speaker configuration. The default settings should be fine in most cases.2) The 'source' material you are using. This is the actual product (like a DVD) or broadcast (like cable TV) you arelistening to/watching. We call this the source.3) The last factor is the listening mode you choose on the VSX-C100 receiver. These are explained below and insubsequent chapters but most likely the default setting will be fine.Let's start with the home theater set up you have in your home.EnglishYour Home SystemThe heart of your system is the VSX-C100 receiver and it is very flexible in getting you theater-like surround sound.You can use this receiver with anywhere from two to five speakers (front left, front right, center, surround left andright) and a subwoofer to get home theater surround sound. However we recommend you use five speakers. If youonly have two speakers choose the Listening mode that offers surround sound for your home setup. Also, a DVDplayer is essential for home theater and you can also hook up satellite or cable TV tuner to this receiver and get amore home theater like sound from those programs.The Source MaterialDVDs have become the basic source material for home theater because they offer excellent sound and picture quality,allow users to choose the movies they want, and are easy to store, etc. You can also enjoy home theater with othersources, such as digital satellite TV, cable TV and VHS videotapes. The important part here is all these sources havesoundtracks recorded on them with various kinds of technology (this is called the sound encoding). Home theatersources are recorded (encoded) with multiple sound channels, that is discrete parts of the overall sound. CDs (whichare stereo sources) work the same way but they only have two sound channels, the left channel and the right channel.These two channels carry different parts of the soundtrack and mix together when you hear it to make an enjoyable,stereo sound. The same idea applies to home theater sources except home theater sources are recorded withmultichannels, that is, more than two channels. For example, Dolby Pro Logic encoding has four channels (front left,front right, center and a single channel for both surround speakers), Dolby Pro Logic II, Dolby Digital and DTSencoding usually have six channels (front left, front right, center, surround left and right and a channel that powersthe subwoofer). Since the subwoofer channel is only for bass sounds this multichannel set up has been named 5.1channel sound. These multiple channels are what create a surround sound effect and give you a similar experience ofthat of a movie theater. It is important you consult the manual that came with your DVD player as well to make surethe player is outputting a surround soundtrack and all the other settings are appropriate for home theater.The Listening ModesThis receiver has many different listening modes and they are designed to cover all the speaker configurations andtypes of sources you might be using. In general, if you follow the recommend advice and have five speakers hookedup in most cases the AUTO listening mode is the easiest way to get realistic home theater sound. This is the defaultsetting so you don't have to do anything. Other possibilities (like listening to a stereo CD with all five speakers or,conversely taking a stereo source and it getting multichannel home theater-like sound) are explained in Listeningmodes (page 33).These are the three basic factors that contribute to your home theater sound. The easiest thing is to hook up fivespeakers and simply play your DVDs with AUTO mode. This will give you realistic and enjoyable home theatersound.5En
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