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Transformers - The - ign(1), Poradniki Do Gier ! |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] Introduction Directed by Michael Bay, Transformers is a blockbuster movie full of gigantic robots, beautiful cars, and impressively explosive fight scenes. Transformers: The Game is the gaming worldÓs counterpart to the film, in many ways following the same storyline seen in the movie. With the ability to play as both the Autobots and the Decepticons in the game, Transformers: The Game gives you a considerable amount of choice in regard to exploring the open- ended environments the title has to offer with both the forces of good and evil. Naturally, IGN Guides is here to help you through the game from front to back. Whether you play as the Optimus Prime-led Autobots or the forces of evil from the planet Cybertron, the Decepticons with Megatron at the helm, we have you covered. Within, you will find a full walkthrough for both campaigns, a basics section covering the fundamentals and mechanics of the title, and a sub-missions and extras walkthrough that has information on each optional sub- mission in the game, as well as a word or two on in-game extras and how to acquire them. Whether youÓre a fan of the Autobots, Decepticons, or both, IGN Guides has your back. In the words of Optimus Prime, "transform and roll out!" Guide by: Colin Moriarty ¨ 2007, IGN Entertainment, Inc. May not be sold, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast, in whole or part, without IGNÓs express permission. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content. All rights reserved. ¨ 2007 IGN Entertainment, Inc. Transformers Basics Transformers: The Game is a title that takes very little skill to play. With rare exception, the game isnÓt difficult, and its pseudo non-linear nature contributes to a surprisingly scripted feel. With that said, there are several things that one needs to understand in order to successfully get through the game. In the short basics section below, you can read up on the gameÓs most basic fundamentals. Of course, weÓll keep the spoilers for both the game and the movie to a minimum. Autobots vs. Decepticons The Transformers hail from a faraway planet called Cybertron. On this planet, two factions are constantly at war -- the "good" Autobots and the "bad" Decepticons. Since this game is based on the film, the storyline reflects the cinematic vision displayed in the movie. Megatron, who crash-landed on Earth searching for the AllSpark, is obtained by the American government and held in the Hoover Dam. Meanwhile, the Autobots learn of the AllSparkÓs existence on the planet and try to acquire it before the Decepticons, led by Megatron, obtain it. Since the AllSpark is an object of extreme power and consequence, the battle over it will no doubt be epic. In Transformers: The Game, the AllSpark is at the center of both campaigns. Since you can play as both the Autobots and the Decepticons in the game, weÓve written a walkthrough (included in this very guide) for both. Keeping in mind the good vs. evil battle inherent between the two factions, you will get to play both sides of what is essentially the same story. This will bring you across many of the same maps but allow you to play as different Transformers on both sides. Optimus Prime, the leader of the Autobots, leads a team including Bumblebee, Jazz, Ironhide and others, while MegatronÓs Decepticons include Scorponok, Starscream, Barricade and Blackout (amongst others). Playing as both sides will allow you to unlock many in-game extras that can only be obtained by doing so. You can find more on that in the Sub-Mission & Extras section of this guide. Playing the Game Transformers: The Game will put you in control of various Transformers, dependent on both which campaign your playing and which stage and/or mission youÓre currently on. All of that is covered in the Walkthrough section of the guide. Sub-missions and other optional quests and collection bids are covered in the aforementioned Sub-Mission & Extras section of the guide. Thankfully, no matter what youÓre doing on any stage, the game mechanics remain very much the same. At the core of this game is the ability for all of the characters (with the exception of Scorponok) to transform from their robotic form to an Earth-like vehicle that acts as their disguise and cover. For instance, Optimus Prime turns into a big rig truck, Barricade into a cop car, and Starscream into a high-powered jet aircraft. Using a combination of both the robotic and vehicular form of each Transformer will allow you to successfully complete each chapter of each stage (interchangeably called missions in the walkthrough). Since no matter which side youÓre playing as you will be a huge robot, destruction will occur everywhere you go. But donÓt worry. Unlike a Rockstar game, human casualties arenÓt shown in the game and everything you destroy mysteriously returns to its normal state after straying from the area for a time, or by simply playing a chapter or sub-mission. There are four stages for each campaign, making eight stages total. Each stage has four chapters, meaning there are thirty-two chapters in the game. This doesnÓt include the final battles on each campaign, nor does it cover the optional Cybertron missions after a campaign is defeated (the latter of which is covered in the Sub-Missions & Extras section). Each Transformer has health that can be replenished by using purple-colored hearts strewn around each environment and dropped by deceased enemies. Remember that while you will be playing as high-profile Transformers, most of your enemies will come in the form of "drones", oft-mentioned in the walkthrough as lesser robots that will do battle with you far more often than the main Transformers will (though youÓll get a piece of each of them as well). Fighting primarily occurs through melee attacks, although each Transformer has a strong and weak firearm that can be used on buildings, cars, objects and some weaker Transformers (stronger ones will simply block firearm shots). You, too, can block with any Transformer, which is seldom-used but extremely important on certain missions. Fighting is at the core of the game, and understanding how to fight and defend will be the key to victory on both campaigns. Ready to play? Then proceed on to our walkthrough... ¨ 2007 IGN Entertainment, Inc. Transformers Walkthrough HereÓs the main section of our guide -- the walkthrough. ItÓs split into two parts, for the Autobot campaign and the Decepticon campaign. Remember that you can play them concurrent to one another by going to the in-game menu and selecting whatever you want to play, but that the stages and chapters within must be done in order. While the game is open-ended in its environments and the order in which you play sub-missions and otherwise explore, chapters will only appear in a certain order. That order is reflected in the walkthrough. For information on sub-missions and other items to find on each stage, as well as the optional Cybertron missions that appear after each campaign, see the sub-mission & extras section of the guide. Stage One Stage Two Stage Three Stage Four Final Battle Stage One: The Suburbs Uninvited Guests The first wave of Decepticon drones are easy enough to handle. Simply have Bumblebee melee with them to kill each in only a few hits. When these little guys are destroyed, more will appear, coupled with larger drones that are completely invulnerable to fire from either of your guns (not that this should matter, of course, since you should be punching them to bits as well). The frantic action will move from the in-development area you started in to the adjacent streets. This will cause some police interest in whatÓs going on, but donÓt sweat them; simply stay on the Decepticons. Objective: Destroy the Decepticon drones. Story: The Decepticons have joined you on Earth. Take out each incoming wave as far as possible before they can cause much damage. Remember to grab the heart containers dropped by the Decepticons as you lay waste to them. This will allow you to replenish your own health (if youÓve even lost any) and remain in the fight. And of course, you can use the super-nifty radar on the lower right side of the screen to see the exact location of all Decepticons crash-landed in your area. TheyÓre represented, not surprisingly, by the Decepticon logo. When all are slain, the chapter will automatically end in victory. Congratulations on your first valiant fight -- but be ready for a lot more. ¨ 2007 IGN Entertainment, Inc. Stage One Stage Two Stage Three Stage Four Final Battle Guardian Angel This mission requires fast thinking and even faster action, because youÓre limited to the amount of time you have to complete it. It might not be outwardly obvious (after all, thereÓs no on-screen clock or anything like that), but you must act quick nonetheless. From the outset, two Decepticon cars will race away from your location towards the location of Sam, whom you must protect (hence the time limit). Drive towards them, firing at them until each transforms out of their vehicle form and into their robotic form. ItÓs at this time that you can do battle with both. As usual, melee fighting is your best option. Objective: Defeat the Decepticons before they reach Sam. Story: Sam Witwicky must be protected at all costs. The Decepticons must be stopped before reaching Sam at the car lot. Damage them to force them to convert and then take them out! When the two initial Decepticons are slain, three more will appear on your map. This is where things can get crazy, and where youÓll need to be "on your horse" so-to-speak in order to reach them before they reach Sam, effectively ending the mission. Like before, the three must be fired upon in order to make them come out of their car form and into robotic form. Focus on getting all three into robotic form before stopping to fight any one, or thereÓs no way youÓll finish them all off in time. Once they revert out of car form, they wonÓt go towards Sam anymore, so definitely concentrate on doing that first. Battling with them once transformed is at your discretion. The three foes are easy enough to kill with melee tactics (and are all invulnerable to firearm damage), but if you want to make things interesting, use the trees, cars, and other objects around you to swing at them or, better yet, throw at them. Doing this will make the battle much more fun, as what started out as a difficult mission on an imminent time crunch turns into something much simpler at the end. Either way, once these three foes are slain, the chapter ends and a new one begins. ¨ 2007 IGN Entertainment, Inc. Stage One Stage Two Stage Three Stage Four Final Battle Protect and Serve Protect and Serve is another fight-and-chase chapter that will require you to fight the first "name brand" Decepticon in the entire game, Barricade. YouÓll have to do battle with Barricade three times in this chapter, each battle more laborious than the last. Unfortunately, itÓs not as straight- forward as it may seem. Barricade goes into a seemingly- unbreakable attack, swinging his arms wildly as he approaches you, slowly but surely. The only way to break his attack is to throw something -- anything around -- at him. Once you do that, heÓll snap out of his attack and you can attack yourself. You can see BarricadeÓs energy in the top right corner of the screen, and this bar will be extended from the first to the second to the third battle. Objective: Defeat Barricade and get to Sam before him. Story: The Decepticon Barricade has posed as a human Police vehicle in an effort to harm Sam. Keep him away from Sam at all costs, ensuring that you reach each location before Barricade does. Begin by throwing a nearby object (like a tree or fence) at Barricade to stop his swinging arms, and then go in for the kill. When enough damage is dealt, Barricade will turn into his other form -- a police cruiser -- and take off. Go towards the green dot on the radar, making sure to get there before Barricade does (or the mission will end in failure). There are plenty of better routes to take, and Barricade isnÓt the sharpest driver, so you should be fine. Fight him once more (this time on a baseball diamond) and heÓll again drive away when heÓs sustained more damage. Again race him to the next destination by driving towards the green marker on the map, and do battle. This last fight is more precarious than the last ones simply because it takes place in a volatile area. Let Barricade destroy all of the explosives before nearing him and going to town on him. When heÓs felled for the third time, the chapter will end in victory. ¨ 2007 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
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