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Travel World International - March April 2010, czasopisma |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->10.2 MAR.APRtheGreenissueGreen SeasTIMES ARE CHANGINGFOR CRUISE SHIPSEquitrekON HORSEBACKKERALAEXPERIENCE THEULTIMATE ECO-TRIPPLUS...Eco-ExcellenceFor Michiganeco-cruising throughparadiseGOING GREEN IN THE GALAPAGOST H E M A G A Z I N E W R I T T E N B Y N O R T H A M E R I C A N T R AV E L J O U R N A L I S T S A S S O C I AT I O N M E M B E R StheGreenissueTRAVELWORLD MAGAZINE / 10.2 MAR.APR10.2 MAR.APRFEATURES8GOINGGREEN IN THEGALAPAGOSWelcome To The Earth’s First World Heritage SiteSTORY AND PHOTOGRAPHY BY NANCY SCHRETTER12GETGREEN ONHORSEBACKEco-Friendly Horse AdventuresBY DARLEY NEWMAN18HOUSEBOATING, INDIASTYLECruising in Style on the Ultimate Eco-Trip in KeralaSTORY AND PHOTOGRAPHY BY DANIELE AUVRAY24GREENSEASCruise Companies Get Up to Speed on the EnvironmentBY ANDREA GRANAHAN28HOLLANDMICHIGANHOTELEARNS THEGOLDCityFlats Combines Comfort with Eco-excellenceBY CHRISTINE TIBBETTS32VISIONS OFVENETOThe Amazing Charms of this Paradise on the WaterBY BARBARA BARTON SLOANE38HORSES, JULEPS, & ROSESGlory in Two Minutes at Derby 136BY MICHAEL DWYERCOLUMNS46744485054575861FROM THE PUBLISHERLETTER FROM THE EDITORBENEFITS OF BEING A NATJA MEMBERARTS & ARCHITECTUREVancouver’s Art Mecca Granville Island /FAMILYBY MICHELLE NEWMANForget Kumbaya: Lego Atlantis Fantasy Camp Just Clicks /SENIOR TRAVELBY KIM FOLEY MACKINNONCoast To Coast Adventures /SPORTS & SIGHTSBY SANDRA KENNEDYHigh Spirits At Michigan’s First Certified Organic Restaurant /GADGETS WE LIKEBY MICHAEL DWYERMust-Have Accessories For Your LuggageSPOTLIGHTWays to Help (Or Infuriate) a Tourism Pro /BOOK STOREBY ARLINE ZATZ10.2 MAR.APR / TRAVELWORLD MAGAZINE*FROM THE PUBLISHEREconomy In The Tank?SOWHAT? GOGREEN!Nearly a year ago, Keith Bellows, editor-in-chief ofNational Geo-graphic Traveler,spoke at the North American Travel Journalists Association con-ference in Cleveland. He spoke to the fact that travel is changing. He said we willsee more people traveling with their families and more people traveling via back-packing, hiking, and by more environmentally-friendly means.Boy was he right. In the past 11 months, we’ve seen a huge influx of “green travel”as well as multi-generational family travel. Some say that the economy has drivenpeople to “less expensive” ways to travel. I say, “So What??” Perhaps what’s badfor the economy is good for the environment.I think the economic woes of the country are changing travel for the better. Yes,luxury travel will suffer losses. No way around that. But if the family can econo-mize and travel together, what a great boost for family dynamics! If people areforced to travel more by train or foot, what a better way to see the sites! The ex-periences that folks will have now are very different than those they would ex-perience if the economy was not in the tank. AND our planet will be better off forit. Yeehaw!I’m constantly telling my 10-year-old daughter to look at challenges as oppor-tunities. Turn the negative around to a positive, and watch the magic happen. Isay the same to today’s traveller.Green is good. Having money is very good, but so is not having as much. Goinggreen in travel is an amazing opportunity. And watching more cruise lines, hotelsand restaurants go green is very exciting. I challenge everyone to have a “green”travel experience. It will change your life!JerriJerri HemsworthPublisherE: jerrih@natja.orgB: www.travelworldmagazine.com/blog/publisherTRAVELWORLD MAGAZINE / 10.2 JAN.FEB
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