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Trey Ratcliff Top 10 Mistakes in HDR Processing and How to Fix Them 2010(1), HDRI |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] TOP 10 MISTAKES AND HOW TO FIX THEM - TREY RATCLIFF * N O T E T H A T T H I S C O V E R P H O T O IN HDR PROCESSING I S W O N D E R F U L L Y M I S T A K E - F R E E S T U C K I N C U S T O M S E B O O K S S t u c k I n C u s t o m s. c o m / e B o o k b u s i n e s s @ S t u c k I n C u s t o m s. c o m C O P Y R I G H T © 2 0 1 0 B Y T R E Y R AT C L I F F E D I TO R A N D P U B L I S H E R : Tr e y R a t cl i f f C O P Y E D I T O R : L u k e L a k a t o s h C O N T E N T S U P E RV I S O R : T h e D ra g o n L a d y P R O D U C T I O N & M A N A G E R : W i l l K e l l y N o p a r t o f t h i s b o o k m a y b e re p r o d u c e d o r t ra n s m i t t e d i n a n y fo r m b y a n y m e a n s w i t h o u t t h e p r i o r w r i t t e n p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e p u b l i s h e r. J U S T W H AT Y O U N E E D , W H E N Y O U N E E D I T A L L R I G H T S R E S E RV E D TOP 10 MISTAKES IN HDR PROCESSING F R O M T H E D E S K O F : a p e r s o n a l c o l l e c t io n 2010 First Edition StuckInCustoms.com/ebook o f n o t e s a n d ti p s ( 8 8 8 ) 8 8 0 - 4 5 0 9 B U S IN E S S @ . .. I’ve already made every mistake in the book. I think detailing my old mistakes will help you! Welcome to the first “Top 10 Mistakes” eBook! TAKE THESE TO HEART, AND YOU’LL SAVE COUNTLESS HOURS OF PAIN AND SILENT SOCIAL REJECTION INTRODUCTIONS Hello! I am Trey Ratcliff. It's nice to meet you! Perhaps you are a regular reader of StuckInCustoms.com or are familiar with my various tutorials. I really get a kick out of teaching people new ways to approach their digital art. This is the latest in that ongoing effort. I hope you enjoy it, and I look forward to your feedback. This is ugly TOP 10 COMMON MISTAKES I have processed and seen more HDR than almost anyone in the world. I am not necessarily proud of this... it’s just the way it is. I often do critiques of HDR photos for large groups of people, and I know what rings true. By the end of this eBook, you should have a good grasp of my general sensibilities on the matter. HDR does Denis no favors The evil halo Many good remedies for the most common HDR woes reside within the following pages. Stuck In Customs | A unique collection of digital eBooks | StuckInCustoms.com/ebook Trey Ratcliff and Stuck In Customs Present: T R E Y R A T C L IF F T E L E P H O N E E M A I L TOP 10 COMMON HDR MISTAKES PAGE 4 Yes, this is how my stuff used to look... back in the day So many bad HDRs... IF I CAN SAVE A FEW BAD HDR PHOTOS FROM BEING UPLOADED TO THE SWEET INTERNET, I’LL FEEL LIKE I’VE DONE SOMETHING RIGHT IN THIS LIFE. A PERSONAL JOURNEY I believe any one can get better by analyzing mistakes, forgiving the mistakes, and then moving on to create more, different, and better mistakes in the future. So instead, I decided to use my very own photos from a long time ago! I started HDR many many years ago, and, slowly, over time I have self-corrected all of the top mistakes. I wish I’d had this guide 5 years ago! ORIGIN OF THE EBOOK When I began thinking about this eBook, I was quite flummoxed! My first impulse was to jump on Flickr and comb through thousands of photos until I could find 10 horrible HDRs that fit each of my 10 points. I went through many years of photos and found ten of my old photos that have all the same problems that I still see nowadays. I hope that by critiquing my own work, that it becomes a source of ideas and “a-ha”s for you. I then started worrying a bit about it. Even if I chose Creative Common photos, I didn’t really relish the thought of tearing each of them apart in text. Even though my critique would be honest (and probably spot-on), it could be interpreted as downright mean. Now, on one hand, I don’t really care what other people think... but on the other hand, I don’t do things out of spite or malice... I did not want that to be the interpretation. INSPIRATIONAL TIMELINE I’ve often considered removing my “old” work from Flickr and the blog. I really HATE the old stuff and can’t stand looking at it. I had the occasional winner, but most were embarrassingly bad. However, I hope this helps prove the case that anyone, including you, can improve and make great strides over time just by sticking with it. Stuck In Customs | A unique collection of digital eBooks | StuckInCustoms.com/ebook TOP 10 COMMON HDR MISTAKES PAGE 5 Free HDR Tutorial and the Tools I Use BETTER PHOTOGRAPHY WITH A LITTLE HELP FROM OUR FRIENDS.... Most readers will already have these tools and links, but in case you are new to the subject matter, the following are the most critical bits. FREE HDR TUTORIAL On the web and very helpful PHOTOMATIX PRO My HDR Software of choice Use coupon code “STUCKINCUSTOMS” to save money TOPAZ ADJUST Great sharpening software to help the photos “pop” Use coupon code “STUCKINCUSTOMS” to save money MORE REVIEWS I only review software that I actually use... so go here for the latest! A beautiful set of tones made perfect, thanks to Photomatix Another Photomatix success from Japan Stuck In Customs | A unique collection of digital eBooks | StuckInCustoms.com/ebook
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