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Truck Model World 2015-05-06, Czasopisma-Truck |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->CONTENTSMAY/JUNE 2015|Issue 219614CLASSIC PICKUPStunning Dodge D100from Cliff Read 1:2410REFURBISHEDDAF 95 resurrectionfrom Mick Waite 1:24MODEL NEWSWhat’s new, what’s due1022REMOTE HEAVENTamiya Ford High Lift F350 1:1030MILITARY POWERDAF YH2300 Artillery Tractor 1:4834FLEET FOCUSNewton Volvos 1:2432SHOW STOPPERHighlights from the IPMS Show26FEED TRANSPORTERScratchbuilt Ecovrac Tank 1:2418HEAVY HAULINGGerry Keenan’s Volvo FH4 1:241835WRECK RECOVERYInternational S Wrecker Truck 1:2541WEATHERED TO PERFECTIONScania R620 from AndreasRousounelis44EYECATCHINGNooteboom PX Trailer 1:5050TRUCK MOVINGEstepe truck transporterfrom WSI 1:5042GOLDEN OLDIESVintage resin trucks1:5038IN THE BOXKit content highlights 1:354246AUSSIE STYLELatest Drake Collectibles 1:5052KITTING OUTHighlighting the WSI Partsrange 1:5054COLLECTOR FOCUSBallast Nedam ModelCollection 1:5056DUTCH MOVERSShowcasing the MVO Rigfrom WSI 1:504www.truckmodelworld.comMAY/JUNE 2015Contact the editor either by post: TMW Editorial Office 3 Orchard Close, Saracens Head, Holbeach,Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE12 8AR, England or by email: editor@truckmodelworld.comMAIN CONTRIBUTORSKim Ashton, Mick Waite, Tim Cotton,Cliff Read, Gerry Keenan, Ian Peckett,Nicolas Autret, Pascal Gerrits, Andrew Bell,Neale Parsons, Andreas Rousounelis.COMMENTcoupled with tighter financial constraints which are having a positiveeffect. While there is still a long way to go, I now feel confident that withthe support of the readership and contributors, the title has a long termfuture.At the recent toy fair in Germany, many of the model manufacturersshowcased their latest and future plans which are covered briefly in theTruck News section. The fair is an opportunity to see firsthand the diverserange of products from manufacturers far and wide and there arecertainly some interesting releases for 2015, most notably theSince taking over the title from Traplet, I am happy to report that thelatest figures are looking better with increased sales of the titleEDITORSteven Downesemail:editor@truckmodelworld.comMANAGING DIRECTORAndrew Ebbageemail: andy.ebbage@igp-ltd.comOPERATIONS DIRECTORSally Ebbageemail: sally.ebbage@igp-ltd.comDESIGN & PRODUCTIONGreenland Design LimitedMAGAZINE DESIGN & LAYOUTEmma Wilsonemail: greenland.design@btinternet.comDiverse 1:35th scale military releases of some famous, and not so famoustrucks are quite interesting and in this issue, I take a look in the box of theannouncements from Italeri in the 1:24th scale truck & trailer range.ZIL 131 and Landrover kits from Revell. On the diecast side, Drake, WSI,Tekno, NZG, Conrad and Tonkin continue to develop some stunning truckand trailer models in 1:50th scale and with several companies here in theUK offering limited edition runs in UK specific liveries, there is plenty ofchoice for the discerning collector.The Gaydon show is fast approaching and the team will be inattendance during the weekend. Come by and say hello as we would loveto hear about your current and future projects. We are planning to have aphoto area set up to allow pictures to be taken of your work for inclusionin a future issue and I will look forward to speaking with anyone whowants to discuss their projects.From issue 219, the publication schedule has been adjusted slightlyand the magazine will now appear towards the middle of the month.We would be happy to hear from anyone who hasany comments on the current format of themagazine and the content, as we strive to producea balanced and interesting read for all truck modelenthusiasts.Until next time, Happy ReadingEditorADVERTISING SALES EXECUTIVEKerri Firth Tel: 01406 424681email: advertising@truckmodelworld.comADVERTISING COPY CONTROLLERSally Ebbage Tel: 01406 424681email: sally.ebbage@gmail.comPUBLISHED BYTelIGP LTD Limited,3 Orchard Close, Saracens Head, Holbeach,Spalding, Lincolnshire. England. PE12 8ARTel: 01406 424681 Fax: 01406 426855email: info@igp-ltd.comPRINTERFPensordNEWSSTAND DISTRIBUTIONSeymour Distribution Ltd.+44 (0) 20 7429 4000SUBSCRIPTIONS1 year subscription prices:UK £25.00 Europe £37.50W/Wide £40.002 year subscription prices:UK £40.00 Europe £70.00W/Wide £75.00BACK ISSUESUK £3.99/US $7.99Order Hotline: +44 (0)1406 424681Online Ordering:www.themodelhobbyshop.comSteven DownesTThis magazine is sold subject to the following conditions: that it shall not without written consent of the publishers be lent,resold or otherwise disposed of by way of trade in excess of the recommended maximum retail price.All rights strictly reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any way without the prior agreement of the publisher. All letters must be accompaniedby the sender’s full name and address. The publisher cannot accept responsibility for unsolicited correspondence nor some of the opinions expressed.All material and artwork originated by IGP Ltd, photographs, drawings, plans used in this magazine become the publishers copyright under Copyright law. Somephotographs may have been digitally re-mastered. The Company reserves the right to suspend or refuse any advertisements without giving reasons. Whilst everycare is taken to avoid mistakes, IGP Ltd. cannot be liable in any way for errors or omissions.Nor can the Publisher accept any responsibility for the bona fides of advertisers.ISSN 0958-0530©2014 IGP Limited. All rights reserved.MAY/JUNE 2015www.truckmodelworld.com5
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