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UFO Matrix Issue 1 - 2013, Tygodniki, prasa, magazyny, Tygodniki, prasa, magazyny |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] www.ufomatrix.com ISSUE 1 INTERNATIONAL 8 tips on... UFO RESEARCH how to Sightings, take better Reports, Reviews & Much More UFO photos The MOD UFO files ALDEBURGH A 1916 close encounter in the UK Roswell: The senator and the alien Available from www.healingsofatlantis.com Also available from www.amazon.co.uk, www.amazon.com, and all other good book outlets. UFO MATRIX MAGAZINE UFO Meet the Team MATRIX Editor Philip Mantle philipmantle@ufomatrix.com MAGAZINE Assistant Editor Malcolm Robinson malcolmrobinson@ufomatrix.com Publishing Director Amanda Owen amanda@ufomatrix.com It was June 24 th , 1947, when civilian pilot, Kenneth Arnold, was flying his light aircraft near Mount Rainier of the Cascade Mountains in Washington State, USA. Arnold observed nine crescent-shaped objects flying at high speed in a V- formation the likes of which he had never seen before. Arnold later reported the incident to a local journalist, who asked him how these objects moved through the air. Arnold replied, “Like a saucer skipping on a pond…” and the modern era of flying saucers was born. Since that day in June 1947 to now, the UFO subject has been debated and discussed by laymen and academics around the world, a debate that still hotly continues. UFO MATRIX MAGAZINE Art Director Lewis Webb lewis@creativebonfire.co.uk Published by Healings Of Atlantis Ltd will bring together an international list of columnists and contributors to provide you with the latest UFO sighting reports, discussions, debates, theories, news, reviews and much, much more. It is our aim to try and cover any and every aspect of the UFO subject as space will allow. We have no hidden agenda and no fixed editorial plan on what we can and cannot cover. Instead, we will endeavour to offer you, the reader, as much information as we possibly can on the UFO subject and allow you to reach your own conclusion. We will not favour any one particular theory as to what UFOs may or may not be, nor will we ignore the research of our colleagues who take a more sceptical stance. The pages of UFO MATRIX MAGAZINE are open to anyone who wishes to submit an item for possible publication. The one thing we do feel strongly about is the importance of UFO study. This is one of the primary reasons for producing this publication. It is to bring to the attention of the general public at large as much information on the UFO subject as possible. We feel that, whatever lies behind the UFO phenomenon, it deserves serious study and debate and to do that it needs to be kept in the public domain. UFO MATRIX MAGAZINE is our contribution to keeping the UFO subject in the public eye and, hopefully, adding something to continued UFO research and investigation. www.healingsofatlantis.com Philip Mantle Editor UFO MATRIX 03 16 20 06 AND NOW THE NEWS… Steve Johnson’s regular news column reports on the latest UFO news from around the world. 20 ROSWELL CRASH TALK BEFORE THE HOOPLA UFO sceptics have argued that nothing was heard of the UFO crash at Roswell until around 1980. Here, Anthony Bragalia checks the records and discovers quite the opposite. 28 THE ISODORO FERRI CASE This UFO landing case is one of the classic cases from Italy. We take a look at this fascinating event in detail. English translation by Daniella L. Herrera. 10 A CONVERSATION WITH KENNETH ARNOLD The late Bob Pratt interviewed Kenneth Arnold on several occasions. Here is a unique reminder of how the modern era of ‘flying saucers’all began. 32 KEEPING WILTSHIRE WEIRD Chris Williams, from the UK, gives an insight to the Weird 10 UFO conference and how it all began. 24 NICK POPE: THE REAL X-FILES Nick Pope investigated UFOs for the MoD from 1991 to 1994. Nick’s regular column will deal with a whole host of UFO events, utilising his 21 years of experience working for the Ministry of Defence. In this first column, it is the MoD’s UFO files that come under Nick’s unique spotlight. 34 8 TIPS FOR TAKING BETTER PHOTOS Did you ever look at some alleged UFO photographs and think ‘rubbish’? Well, Malcolm J. Brenner, B.A., gives us the lowdown on how to take better UFO photos. 16 ORBIS TERTIUS Scott Corrales writes his first regular column. Scott’s column will feature the UFO subject from a Latin American perspective. 04 UFO MATRIX CONTENTS Volume 1 Issue 1 06 82 57 OZ COLUMN: UFOS DOWN UNDER Lee Paqui and Sheryl Gottschall are our columnists from Australia. Each issue, they will look at UFOs from Down Under in their OZ column. 78 AREA 51 WEDDING AND UFO CONGRESS Dave Hodrien is the Chairman of the Birmingham UFO Society. In February of this year, he travelled to Laughlin, Nevada, to attend the International UFO Congress. Not only did he attend the congress, but he got married as near to Area 51 as he could. A report on both events is featured in full. 60 READERS SIGHTING A selection of UFO sightings and photographs from the readers of UFO MATRIX. 54 38 THE SENATOR & THE ALIENS Leading Roswell researchers, Don Schmitt and Tom Carey, go into some detail on how New Mexico’s Lieutenant Governor, Joseph Montoya, was shown the alleged crashed UFO and its dead alien occupants. A fascinating insight into an astounding story. 82 ALDERBURGH 1916 UK researcher, John Hanson, looks back at a curious case from the UK back in 1916. 64 MOD UFO FILES BY DAVID CLARKE Dr David Clarke is the main man behind the release of the MoD’s UFO files. Here, Dr Clarke gives us an insight on how this all came about and some of the highlights of the released files. Quite a different perspective to that of UFO MATRIX columnist, Nick Pope. 88 INCIDENT AT NORTH BERWICK Jeff Nisbet has often visited the beauty spot just 20 miles from Edinburgh. In July, 2004, while on holiday from his home in the USA, Jeff took a number of scenic photos. It wasn’t until returning home that he realised he may have captured the elusive UFO on film without even knowing it. Here, Jeff looks at these curious photographs. 46 ON ASSIGNMENT WITH PETER ROBBINS Peter Robbins, from the USA, writes his first regular column for UFO MATRIX. On this occasion, he deals with the UFO ridicule factor in American politics. 68 BACKLIGHT BY MIKE HALLOWELL One of the UK’s leading paranormal researchers and writers, Mike will look at ‘cold case’UFO reports and discuss these cases here for the benefit of UFO MATRIX readers. 48 WHO WANTS TO LIVE FOREVER? Andy Lloyd takes a look at the ancient astronaut idea and especially the Mesopotamian race, the Annunaki. 92 UFO SIGHTINGS FROM TURKEY Turkish researcher and author, Farah Yurdozu, delves into her archives and looks at three very curious contact cases from her homeland. 72 FIGHTER JETS CHASES UFO DOWN M5 Earlier this year, a clip of film allegedly showing a UFO being chased by military jets down the M5 motorway, made the headlines. Nick Pope’s second contribution looks at the film clip and asks the question: fake or real? 51 THE CLAS SVAHN COLUMN Clas is from Sweden and his regular column will look at all aspects of ufology from around Europe. To start us off, his first column for UFO MATRIX will centre on the Archives for UFO Research in Sweden, the world’s largest UFO archive. 95 COMING NEXT ISSUE Coming up in the next issue: Birmingham UFO Groups establish a new contactee group. Return to the Roswell Debris site by Chuck Zukowski. UFO sighting at the Puerto Belgrano Naval Base in Argentina by Carlo Alberto Iuchuk. The A70 Abduction - The Movie. An interview with Dionne Rose. 74 PROFESSOR YEFREMOV'S KGB FILES Former Soviet citizen, Paul Stonehill, now lives in the USA. Paul is co-author of UFO CASE FILES OF RUSSIA. In his first contribution, he looks at a leading Soviet KGB scientist’s interest in all things paranormal, including UFOs. 54 STARCHILD - THE ROCK OPERA Philip Mantle interviews musician, Patty Rayfield, from the UK. Trying to put the UFO subject into the mainstream, Patty discusses her plans for a spectacular rock opera. 96 REVIEWS Here, we look at the latest reviews of books and UFO related products. UFO MATRIX 05
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