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[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] LOOK GOOD FEEGREAT ud your Beach Nutrition Truths! Power up Bod our fitness FAT Burn p24 5min withwights Fitness Great Women and oga weight training moves! special p32 Get 6 some was to get our training sun Vitamin D right! www ultra-FIT mgzinouk 07 9770957062048 Vol.23 No.7 Aug2013 4.25 ultra-FIT -syourpersontrner editorial Why are you weight-ing? f you had access to a wonder method of weight loss - and one of many affecting the issue of women and weights - see page 32 . And of course he puts this one and a number of other 'women don't weight training' myths to rest in the article. Need more assurance (even though you shouldn't)? Then model Sonjia Ashby who we use to illustrate Pat's feature should provide just that, as will Sonjia's comments on why her move to weights has been the best training change she's ever made. On page 40 another female weight training convert Clare Aves models our Leg-centric Beach Ready body. We start at the bottom (literally) with a workout designed to build the leanness that will create the metabolic power to burn fat each and every day from all over your body. Legs and glutes are our biggest body parts so it makes sense that leaning up these areas will pay the greatest dividends when it comes to building a body that is optimised for fat burning. Even if you are a died-in-the-wool CV exerciser, for example a triathlete, you shouldn't neglect weight training as a stronger muscle is a more powerful one and also less fade resistant. This means that it will be able to continue producing repeated movements as is needed for aerobic exercise far longer than a weaker muscle, everything else being equal. Additionally weight training will make all your soft tissue, including your ligaments and tendons much more injury resilient. So I rest my case for pushing some plates, pumping some iron or resistance exercise sculpting. Whatever you call it, it does the job! something guaranteed to get results, that would also build you a great looking and functional body, would you cast it aside? Well, there are probably a few of you reading this and many, many more less experienced gym goers who are. Of course I'm talking about the fat busting, body shaping power of muscle and weight training with heavier weights. In this issue we have numerous articles and living proof that this type of weight training and building lean muscle will shape the body you aspire to. Lean muscle is active tissue - it requires energy. In fact 0.45kg/1lbs of muscle can burn up to 70 calories a day, each day and every day. To create this metabolism booster requires you to weight train and use weights that target your fast twitch muscle fibres (those ‘heavier’ weights). These are the ones that will increase in size and power and strength if specifically trained. You should be working within a rep range of 5-12 reps and preferably in a 4-8 range. The weight must be heavy - so heavy that you find it hard to push out the last few reps and need to summon up mental and physical energy to do so. In achieving this you will break down muscle protein and increase your lean muscle mass when this re-synthesises during your non workout time. You also need of course to use the 'right' exercises and couple this to a carefully planned training programme. Ok, it's normally women that figure that weights of the type I'm talking about are not for them. They are fearful that this weight training will build big and unsightly muscles. However, as Patrick Dale explains this is a myth ohnhepherd ohnhepherd Founder Charles Mays ublishing editor John Shepherd Features Editor Nik Cook Contributing Editors Patrick Dale, Guy Holland Art Director Scott Thompson Women’s Fitness Editor Caroline Sandry romotions anager Marcia Chung t 07889 178250 e ultrafitmagazinecontact@gmail.com M A G A Z I N E Can’t find ultra-FT at the newsagent? Call Comag on 01895 433800 or email pippa.boothroyd@comag.co.uk www.ultra-FTmagazine.co.uk ultra-FIT Publications Limited, The Croft, 98a Park Lane, Wallington, SM6 0TL t 07889 178250 The yearly subscription to ultra-FIT magazine for eleven issues including P&P is £29.99 ublished by ultra-FIT Publications Ltd ultra-FIT is published 11 times a year. For all subscription queries please contact: subscriptions@warners.co.uk/ 01778 392464 or go to our subscriptions website at www.ultraTmagazine.co.uk Overseas subscriptions available at: www.ultraTmagazine.co.uk/?=327 Editorial Contributors Andy Barber Nancy Clark All rights reserved. Printed by Wyndeham Heron Ltd Distribution by COMAG SS 0957-0616 Ben McDonald Rajko Radovic Neil Rhodes Paul Mumford Phil Nourse John Munroe Design + Repro by Every effort is made to ensure that the advertising and editorial in ultra-FIT magazine is derived from reputable sources and is accurate. However, ultra-FIT magazine cannot accept responsibility for transactions between readers and advertisers nor for injuries arising from following any of our advice or training programmes. Advertising Sales Natalie Tuerena t 0845 2260477 e natt@media-shed.co.uk t 01736 333863 m 07948 972729 e scott@rorschach.co.uk 4 ultra-T AUGUST 2013 ontnts Volume 23 Number 7 August 2013 onthe over Eriillik www.sistersinshpe.om Photo:LinLouon urs P7 BodSoLE P9 REadFoRanThIng Mind, Bod & Spirit P10 BuLLSEE Brought to Book! P14 ultr-FIT InTERvIE Natalie oett P39 MCafit Q&A - Your fitness questions ansered P46 FunCTIonaL TRaInIng Balance AUUST 2013 ultr-FIT 5
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