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Truck Model World 2015-01-02, Czasopisma-Truck |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->CONTENTSJANUARY/FEBRUARY 2015|Issue 2176MODEL NEWS15WHITE ONRoad Commander (1:24)10LOCAL HERODevonshire F88 (1:24)What’s new, what’s due1818MINE SWEEPERDe-mobbed Bedford (1:24)23STAND AND DELIVERMercedes delivery truck (1:24)26THINK PINK!Aussie Mack (1:24)20CLIFF TOPLarge scale diecast conversion(1:24)2330WAR AND PEACEHummer v Humvee (1:24)38LITTLE GRAFTERLightweight recovery truck (1:24)42ROAD AND RAILStobart Rail models (1:50)34TRIBAL CUSTOMSEmek FH4 conversion (1:25)50MORE MAMMOETMammoet models (1:50)49VW TRANSPORTERThe Volkswagen T5 DoKa (1:50)44MAN EURO 6Latest Conrad MAN models (1:50)2656MULTIPLE COMBINATIONSFaymonville CombiMax Trailer(1:50)4www.truckmodelworld.comJANUARY/FEBRUARY 2015Contact the editor either by post: TMW Editorial Office 3 Orchard Close, Saracens Head, Holbeach,Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE12 8AR, England or by email: editor@truckmodelworld.comMAIN CONTRIBUTORSKim Ashton, Brian Fisher, Peter Hookway,Tomasz Poskrobko, Mick Waite,Johannes Zagers, Steven DownesCOMMENTIEDITORPeter Whiteemail:editor@truckmodelworld.comMANAGING DIRECTORAndrew Ebbageemail: andy.ebbage@igp-ltd.comOPERATIONS DIRECTORSally Ebbageemail: sally.ebbage@igp-ltd.comDESIGN & PRODUCTIONGreenland Design LimitedMAGAZINE DESIGN & LAYOUTEmma Wilsonemail: greenland.design@btinternet.comADVERTISING SALES EXECUTIVEKerri Firth Tel: 01406 424681email: kerri.firth@igp-ltd.comADVERTISING COPY CONTROLLERSally Ebbage Tel: 01406 424681email: sally.ebbage@gmail.comTelPUBLISHED BYIGP LTD Limited,3 Orchard Close, Saracens Head, Holbeach,Spalding, Lincolnshire. England. PE12 8ARTel: 01406 424681 Fax: 01406 426855email: info@igp-ltd.comPeter Whitet’s hard to believe I’ve written 217 of these columns, but this is my last oneasI’ve taken the decision to stand down as Editor of TMW. Not an easy decisionfor someone who has been in the driving seat of this magazine since it firstappeared almost 23 years ago but all things come to an end. As there are variouschanges being made to TMW by its new publisher, this seems like the right time forme to call it a day.During those 23 years I’ve met some great people and some very talentedmodellers and seen some incredible models. Many lasting friendships have beenforged which I know will continue beyond TMW. It’s been a privilege to haveedited this magazine and I hope in some small way I’ve helped raise truckmodelling to a greater height.I’d like to say a sincere thanks to all the people who’ve supported me duringthat time, particularly to Howard of KFS, and Kim Ashton whose superbphotography has enhanced every issue. There are too many other stalwarts tomention by name but you all know who you are. If this is a great magazine, it’s onlybecause of all the contributors who’ve put something in to it over the years.As for the future, I’m looking forward to building all those kits I’ve not had timefor, and I might have something else up my sleeve. I intend to come to Gaydonwhere I shall make a through nuisance of myself by pestering Ashley Coghill withsilly questions about how to enter the competitions etc!Thanks everyone, and my best wishes to TMW, its contributors and all readers.Oh, and a very happy Christmas!EditorPRINTERFPensordNEWSSTAND DISTRIBUTIONSeymour Distribution Ltd.+44 (0) 20 7429 4000As Peter steps down as editor, I will be stepping in as temporary editor for the next couple ofissues. The magazine has gone from strength to strength over the years, thanks to the effortsof Peter and all the contributors out there that build some amazing trucks. The core of themagazine will remain focused on 1:24th scale truck modelling with additional materialintroduced into the magazine to appeal to a wider audience. In this issue, 1:50th scale die-castcollecting is highlighted with features on MAN Euro 6 TGS & TGX trucks, Mammoet replicas andreviews of the Faymonville CombiMAX trailer set and Volkswagen T5 Transporter.A NOTE FROM THE INTERIM EDITOR, STEVEN DOWNES...SUBSCRIPTIONS1 year subscription prices:UK £45.00 Europe £64.80W/Wide £71.40USA & Canada US $95.882 year subscription prices:UK £90.00 Europe £129.60W/Wide £142.80USA & Canada US $191.76We would like to invite all contributors to get in touch with us to discuss your currentand future model projects in order to formulate a plan for future stories and articles.Drop us a line by email: editor@truckmodelworld.com or by phone:+44 (0)1706 671822.We look forward to hearing from you.BACK ISSUESUK £3.75/US $7.99Order Hotline: +44 (0)1406 424681Online Ordering:www.themodelhobbyshop.comMany thanks for your continued support -Andy EbbageDear TMW Reader,As part of our review of Truck Model World since our acquisition earlier in the year, we havedecided to continue publishing the magazine from the next issue (217) as a bi-monthlymagazine. Issue 217, or January/February 2015 will be published as normal at the start ofDecember. Each subsequent issue thereafter following every two months. Although we neverlike to disrupt a title’s traditional pattern of publishing. This change is to ensure and secure thetitle’s longevity. There will be no change in subscription fulfilment once the magazine moves tobi-monthly publishing. We look forward to producing future issues of Truck Model World.Managing DirectorIGP LTDNOTE FROM THE PUBLISHERS...This magazine is sold subject to the following conditions: that it shall not without written consent of the publishers be lent,resold or otherwise disposed of by way of trade in excess of the recommended maximum retail price.All rights strictly reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any way without the prior agreement of the publisher. All letters must be accompaniedby the sender’s full name and address. The publisher cannot accept responsibility for unsolicited correspondence nor some of the opinions expressed.All material and artwork originated by IGP Ltd, photographs, drawings, plans used in this magazine become the publishers copyright under Copyright law. Somephotographs may have been digitally re-mastered. The Company reserves the right to suspend or refuse any advertisements without giving reasons. Whilst everycare is taken to avoid mistakes, IGP Ltd. cannot be liable in any way for errors or omissions.Nor can the Publisher accept any responsibility for the bona fides of advertisers.ISSN 0958-0530©2014 IGP Limited. All rights reserved.JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2015www.truckmodelworld.com5
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