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Upper Body Ebook, Ćwiczenia |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->30-DAYAN ALEXA JEAN FITNESS PROGRAMCHALLENGESHOULDERS + ARMS + BACKCOPYRIGHT 2015Prepared exclusively for paulineczkaddz@gmail.com Transaction: 145508UPPER BODYLex Brown LLCThis E-Book (30-Day Upper Body Challenge) and its associated content are for informa-tional purposes only. Before performing any suggested testing and/or exercise assess-ments and practices, you should consult with a qualified professional who is familiar withsuch exercise assessment techniques and may properly interpret the results.By using this E-Book (30-Day Upper Body Challenge) you agree to hold harmless AlexaBrown, Alexa Jean Fitness,www.alexajeanbrown.comand Lex Brown LLC from any liabil-ity or personal injury associated with any content on this E-Book (30-Day Upper BodyChallenge).We do not guarantee you will lose any weight just from reading this document. Your resultsare completely dependent on what you do with this knowledge.If you're unsure if you should follow any of the guidelines mentioned within any of the con-tent of this E-Book or site related to this content, contact a qualified professional.1Prepared exclusively for paulineczkaddz@gmail.com Transaction: 145508#alexajeanfitnessSHARE YOUR PROGRESSTake a before picture and at the end of eachweek take a progress picture.Tag me in your progress and transformationphotos on instagram #upperbodyguide#alexajeanfitness and#AJFtransformations2Prepared exclusively for paulineczkaddz@gmail.com Transaction: 145508WORDS TO LIVE BYIT’S NOT ABOUTAT SOMETHINGIT’S ABOUTBEING GOODBEING GOODTO3Prepared exclusively for paulineczkaddz@gmail.com Transaction: 145508YOURSELFWeek 1MONDAY10 REPS - EACH SIDEComplete this circuit 3 times with 1 minute rest between each round.SIDE PUSH-UPTRICEP DIP10 REPSWALKING PLANK10 REPSDUMBBELL CURL12 REPSHAMMER CURL12 REPSCopyright 20154Prepared exclusively for paulineczkaddz@gmail.com Transaction: 145508Lex Brown LLC
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