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Vegetarian Living - October 2015(1), Czasopisma Kulinarne |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->HealtHy • SuStainable • DeliciouSOctober 2015 £3.95www.vegetarianliving.co.ukComfort foodfor everyoneFamily feastsCourgette,labneh andthyme tartmeat-freereCipesdairy-freeideas2556At home withprAshAd’skAushy pAtelIndIanInSpIratIonmake yourown labnehget hooked onfermented flavours100YEARSof thewomen’sinstituteSuperSquaShSupperSseasonal produce,global influencesMezzeStyleA shAring menufor friendshealthy livinglorraine pascale’snutritious anddelicious dishesvegan delightthis dairy and gluten-free mousse cake ischocolate heavenRising staRaolia hercules cooksukrainian feast inspiredby her childhoodPLUS:Veggie Morocco | Halloween cookies | Posh toast toppersIs your family looking for IRONthat’sgentleandgreat tasting?With busy lives, more of us are looking to support energy release and vitality, with an ironsupplement that is easy on the stomach and tastes great too.GENTLE FORMULAFeroglobin® Originalis a gentle, liquid formula with iron which contributes to normalformation of red blood cells and haemoglobin.Feroglobin® Plus liquidprovides all the benefitsof the original, plus Siberian Ginseng, L-Carnitine, Green Tea and Q10. Both provide a greattasting blend of minerals, co-factors, honey and Swiss malt, with vitamins B2, B6 & B12 whichcontribute tonormal energy release,and vitamin C which increasesiron absorption.EXCELLENT TASTEIncludes IRON, FOLATE & B12 which can contribute to thereduction of tiredness & fatigueOriginalLiquidPlusLiquidWith SwissAlpine MaltAvailable fromSuperdrug, Holland & Barrett, GNC, chemists, healthstores, supermarkets &www.vitabiotics.com*(IRI value data. 52 w/e 6th Sept, 2014).The UK’s best-selling, award-winning vegetarian magazine© ROB WICKs/EAT PICTUREsWelcome© DAn PEARCE22RachelDemuthCOVER RECIPE: Courgette, thyme and labneh tart (page 33). Photograph by Tara FisherFromFermentedby Charlotte Pike (Kyle Books)The chillier days of October provide the perfect excuseto head into the kitchen and try something new, and wehighly recommend the latest foodie trend – fermenting(page 29). You can ferment everything from beans to tea,but a great place to start is with labneh yogurt cheese.It’s cheap and easy to do – just take a few minutes toprepare it in the evening and by the morning you’ll havea delicious homemade ingredient that can be used for allkinds of sweet and savoury recipes, including our coverstar courgette and thyme tart.The Women’s Institute is celebrating its centenary year,and our feature (page 34) discovers these proactive womenare about so much more than perfect preserves andbeautiful bakes. For decades they’ve been championingissues as diverse as equal pay for women, Keeping BritainTidy and Fairtrade food, and the modern WI’s campaignshave focused on sustainable farming and SOS forHoneybees – but they do still know how make a lovelyVictoria sandwich (page 37).Now barbecue season is over, it’s time to move on toa new approach to cooking for a crowd, whether it’sfeeding your family or a gathering of friends. We’veplenty of recipe ideas to inspire you, from the exoticto the everyday. Try Ghillie Basan’s mouth-wateringMiddle Eastern mezze (page 56); Prashad restaurantchef Kaushy Patel’s vibrant menu of Indian dishes(page 50); Liz Martin’s ‘make and take’ meals – withleftovers for lunch (page 44); or Lorraine Pascale’snutritious yet delicious comfort cooking (page 40).Enjoy…Lindsey Harrad, Editor‘I find it fascinating to takeone vegetable and cookit in a variety of ways,using flavours from allover the world to achievecompletely different andexciting results’© TARA FIshER29chaRlottePike‘Fermented foods reallyshake up the sensesand the taste buds…and you don’t needto invest in muchequipment or time’© KRIs KIRKhAm60oliaheRcules‘You have to be muchmore creative whencooking vegetarian. It canbe so much fun – I loveworking with vegetables,they are all so beautiful’And receive these fabulous scales for FREE!See page 84 for full details.Subscribe today…03In this issue…one of threeGrocyclemushroom kits,paGe 79win!7841827676FooD matterS15 Season’s eatingsslow cooking from your october larder,featuring wild mushrooms and orchard pears6056 Share the loveGhillie Basan’s delicious middle eastern mezzemenu is perfect for relaxed entertaining502922563422 Join the squash clubonion squash three ways: a Brazilian stew,a coconut curry and turkish fatayer29 Go fermented!meet fermenting expert charlotte pike andlearn how to make your own labneh cheese60 Tales from aUkrainian kitchenolia hercules’s recipes draw on theculinary traditions of her childhoodEditor’spick3 ways to buyNever miss aN issue ofVegetarian LiVinglSubscribe:get the equivalent oftwo free issues delivered directto your door – see page 84lBuy onlineat www.selectps.comlDownloadthe digital editionfrom www.pocketmags.com04|40 Suppers of substancelorraine pascale serves up hearty,comfort fare that’s good for you too66 Get togethersarah Beattie says a pumpkin is the gift thatkeeps on giving when you’re feeding a crowd44 Make and takeGet two for the price of one, with liz martin’ssupper ideas – with tasty leftovers for lunch72 Home cooking with Chavasuppress your inner ‘witch’ with easy familymeals, plus convenient ‘cheats’ for busy days!50 At my tableprashad restaurant’s kaushy patel shares thevibrant indian dishes she makes at home75 Sugar and spicecreate a batch of cute pumpkin cookies forhalloween or thanksgiving giftsSubscribe today and receivea fabulous gift for FREE!– see page 84Contents5018896280 Toast toppersJazz up ‘something on toast’ with these tastyideas for breakfast, lunch or tea72regulars03 Welcome07 Shopping Liststylish accessories for mezze-style entertaining87 Pumpkin pienatasha Corrett’s healthier take on a classic88 Nourish yourselflisa roukin’s free-from dishes achieve theideal balance of delicious and nutritious08 New shootsnews, views and ideas, including our pick ofdelicious veggie and vegan productsThe success ofthe WI has beenin its ability tonurture a senseof community...Staying relevant,that’s always beenthe keyMarylyn Haines-evans on 100years of tHe Wi, page 34Features34 Preserving Britainthe proactive women of the Wi celebrate 100years of campaigning, baking and making jam!69 Back issuesDon’t miss out! order your copies here92 Beauty notesDiscover our new regular beauty column.this month we’re in the pink for breast cancer76 Wild ideasget children inspired to save our bees, pluscookies to bake and fun ideas for half term94 Conversion tables and next issueCooking conversion tables, andVegetarianLiving’snext issue on-sale date!78 On the toadstool trailgardening editor alice Whitehead goesforaging for wild mushrooms98 Places to go: Moroccoalex Bourke recommends where to eat outin this north african holiday destinationwww.vegetarianliving.co.uk|05
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