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Vegetarian Times - December 2015, Czasopisma Kulinarne |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->CONTENTSISSUE 426 • VOL. 42 • NO. 2december2015FEATURES52ON THE COVERBEST VEGAN COOKBOOKSOF 201570FRESH TAKE: VEGETABLESREIMAGINED36BEST VEGGIE POTLUCKPICKS5266TO THE RESCUEGrassroots eforts to stopfood waste are also gettinghealthful foods to peoplewho need it most.BY NICOLE GREGORYPOTLUCK PERFECTIONVTstafers dish on theirmake-and-take party favorites.601 FOOD 5 WAYS:CHOCOLATEFrom cookies and candyto luscious homemadesorbet, chocolate makesthe best holiday treats.70NOT FOR VEGANS ONLYAdapted recipes from ourfavorite vegan cookbooksof 2015.CROWD-PLEASERS:5 ESSENTIAL CHOCOLATERECIPES60COVER: P H OTOGRAPHY Kate Sears | FOOD STYLING Paul Grimes | PROP STYLING Cindy DiPrimavegetariantimes.com | December | 20151PEANUTBUTTERSANDWICHCOOKIES,p. 58DEPARTMENTS2830 MINUTESSpeedy suppers for anynight of the week.36VT SPECIALChef Michael Anthony putsvegetables front and centerin his latest cookbook.425 INGREDIENTSThese irresistible partyappetizers will disappear fast.46GLUTEN-FREE REDOThe best GF recipes don’teven try to replace wheat.80TASTE BUDSCasey Easton shares a favoritefood pairing.STAPLES46101679EDITOR’S NOTECONTRIBUTORSCOMMUNITYTHE DISHRECIPE INDEXIssue 426, Vol. 42, No. 2. Vegetarian Times (ISSN 0164-8497, USPS 433-170) is published monthly exceptFebruary, May, and August by Cruz Bay Publishing, Inc., an Active Interest Media company. The knowno ce of publication is at 5720 Flatiron Pkwy., Boulder, CO 80301. Periodicals postage paid at Boulder,CO, and at additional mailing o ces. POSTMASTER: Send all address changes to Vegetarian Times, POBox 420235, Palm Coast, FL 32142-0235. SUBSCRIPTIONS: Basic Rate: $19.90 per year (9 issues);Canada: $31.95 per year; all other international orders: $43.95 per year (U.S. funds only).2December | 2015 | vegetariantimes.com! # !# "# $!$! $%Find our recipe for Holiday Cranberry Cake atoridacrystals.com.
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