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Veggie - October 2015(1), Czasopisma Kulinarne |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->FOOD*WELLNESS*LIVINGIt’s time to revel in the changing of the seasons.Yes, summer is coming to an end, but there’splenty to look forward to, from bumper crops ofheritage applesand delicious bu ery potatoes,to digging outthicker jumpersand lookingforward to comfort food. Savour this season’s vegwith Theo Randall’sMushroom Gnocchi(p35)and our 10 potato recipes (p24). And, as the daysget that li le bit shorter, pore over Gizzi Erskine’s8power foods(p26), or find out why Davina’squit sugar for good (p13). Or discover a new hobbywith ourguide to yoga(p62), or Kirstie Allsopp’sadvice onupcycling(p70).But whatever you do, don’t dismay– this is a beautiful time of year...E D I TO RFA E G I L F I L L A NIn thisISSUE...OCTOBER 2015FOOD7 MODERN INSPIRATIONAnna Jones returns with delicious recipes for the waywe live now13 “SUGAR BECAME SOMETHING THAT I NEEDED”29facebook.com/veggiemagazinetwitter.com/veggiemagazinepinterest.com/veggiemagazineDavina McCall wants us to ditch the sweet stuff, for ahealthier, happier, sugar-free life19 VEGGIN’ OUT WITH LUCY PORTERThis month, the comedian discusses the apple tree thatrefuses to quit20 ULTIMATE CROWD PLEASERSIf you’ve got friends coming for a relaxed dinner, play itsafe with one these laid-back delicious dishesDiscover how to strikethe perfect balance inlife with advice fromLorna Jane5324 7 FUSS-FREE SOUPSUpgrade your lunch today!26 “I WAS BECOMING FRUSTRATED BY LOTS OFFOODS BECOMING CRIMINALISED”Gizzi Erskine on the rise of the restricted diet29 MAKE WEEKNIGHTS SPECIALDitch the short cuts and get back to basics with theseeasy dinners35 THEO’S GNOCCHI ENCYCLOPEDIATheo Randall rings the changes with a gnocchi recipe36 SPICE UP YOUR LIFEIf you’re after a bit more excitement for tonight’s dinner,get inventive with spicy flavours41 IN OUR KITCHENDiscover what’s been whetting our appetite this month43 A FAIR COPWe showcase the hottest kitchenware trend of the yearInject a little boho chicinto your wardrobeDIGITAL EDITIONS ARE AVAILABLE FROM:744 A DELICIOUS CIRCLEWe track down some of the best dishes you can makewith a spiralizer48 THE WEEKEND PROJECTSet aside some time this weekend and cross ‘bakingfresh bread’ off your foodie bucket list4For 1,000s more recipes go to vegetarianrecipesmag.comSELF51 IF YOU ONLY DO ONE THING THIS MONTH...Swap sugary treats for this healthy ice cream alternative53 “BELIEVE IN YOURSELF”We chat to wellness guru Lorna Jane Clarkson58 BEAUTY BAG INSIDERAmerican beauty Kimberly Wyatt lets us rifle throughher cruelty-free makeup bag61 TIME FOR AN OIL CHANGEDiscover the healthiest way to use your oils62 7 REASONS TO TAKE UP YOGASEE OUR GREATSUBSCRIBEROFFER ONPAGE 28Subscribe todayand recieve a freespiraliser worth awhopping £39!Roxy Shahidi tells us why we should be doing yoga65 HEALTH BITESYour latest nutrition, fitness and wellbeing adviceLIVING69 IF YOU ONLY DO ONE THING THIS MONTH...Inject a pop of colour into your kitchen!70 “ONCE YOU SEE HOW MUCH YOU CANTRANSFORM SOMETHING, IT BECOMES ADDICTIVE”748Kirstie Allsopp on upcycling73 THE KITCHEN NOTEBOOKFood writer AnnaJones returns!The hottest kitchen gadget news74 RETRO REVIVALSeventies styling is back in a big way!77 UNUSUAL ESCAPESWwe’ve tracked down the best bizarre places to stay81 LIVE LIKE A LOCAL IN... MANCHESTER32We round-up all of the best places to eat in thisgorgeous Northern cityREGULARS84 FEELING LUCKY?Win a super-stylish InSinkErator tap system!88 BEAUTY BOOSTNo makeup bag is complete without these must-haves91 THE TOP-UP SHOPThese are the newest, tastiest and most excitingveggie products on the shelves at the moment94 JOIN THE VEGGIE COMMUNITYAll the latest from our wonderful readers98 THE MINDFUL VEGETARIANRose Elliot walks us through mindful eatingCalorie and fat analysis provided by Nutracheck.co.uk, the UK’slargest online calorie counter, (over 160,000 foods). Downloadthe App - search for ‘Nutracheck’ in the app store.COVER: Photography by cliqq.co.uk.Recipe and styling by Nico Ghrilandoghirlando.co.uk5
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