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VPN and BSD BSD 10 2010, E-book - Public, BSD Magazine |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] CONTENTS Dear Readers! Get make yourself comfortable and open this issue. October has welcomed us with the cold weather and nothing reminds us about summer. You will �nd inside some advice about Building VPNs written by Daniele. Joshua as alwaysshares with us his thought in Let’s Talk. Rob introuces the �rst part of his article, to teach you how to perform a bare metal installation of FreeBSD with networking enabled. Editor in Chief: Olga Kartseva olga.kartseva@software.com.pl Contributing: Rob Somerville,Daniele Mazzocchio, Rashid N. Achilov, Joseba Mendez, Laura Michaels Lukas Holt, Caryn Holt, Laura Michaels Special thanks to: Marko Milenovic, Worth Bishop and Mike Bybee Art Director: Ireneusz Pogroszewski Hope you �nd the articles interesting and useful. We want to remind you about answering short questionnaires concerning our magazine. This will certainly help us to improve our magazine! DTP: Ireneusz Pogroszewski Senior Consultant/Publisher: Paweł Marciniak pawel@software.com.pl National Sales Manager: Ewa Łozowicka ewa.lozowicka@software.com.pl Thank you and enjoy your reading! Thank you! Marketing Director: Ewa Łozowicka ewa.lozowicka@software.com.pl Olga Kartseva Editor in Chief olga.kartseva@softwa re.com.pl Executive Ad Consultant: Karolina Lesińska karolina.lesinska@bsdmag.org Advertising Sales: Olga Kartseva olga.kartseva@software.com.pl Publisher : Software Press Sp. z o.o. SK ul. Bokserska 1, 02-682 Warszawa Poland worldwide publishing tel: 1 917 338 36 31 www.bsdmag.org Software Press Sp z o.o. SK is looking for partners from all over the world. If you are interested in cooperation with us, please contact us via e-mail: editors@bsdmag.org All trade marks presented in the magazine were used only for informative purposes. All rights to trade marks presented in the magazine are reserved by the companies which own them. The editors use automatic DTP system Mathematical formulas created by Design Science MathType™. 4 10/2010 Contents GET STARTED Commissioning FreeBSD with the Drupal Content Management Framework – Part 1 ROB SOMMERVILLE With nearly 6000 modules and PHP support Drupal offers a sophisticated web development platform as well as a thriving community. Drupal, originally conceived by Dries Buytaert, has a reputation of being an extremely capable DContent Management System (CMS) albeit with a steep learning curve. While many criticisms concerning the complexity of the interface will be addressed in the forthcoming Drupal 7 release (which is currently in the alpha stage), Drupal 6 excels in stability, flexibility and high quality code. The developers also subscribe to a transparent policy towards security issues, and have a dedicated security team which ensures that core modules remain high quality. Used as the basis of many high profile sites. Closed-source and unsupported drivers with FreeBSD Anton Borisov Sooner or later you come to a conclusion that you need to have an enhanced mobility throughout your home place. And you decide to purchase an Wi-Fi card and put it into a home gate-keeper. Do you know about troubles that could bring this simple transaction like WiFi network card purchase?Some might ask – is it necessary to buy a WiFi-card instead of a simple AccessPoint (AP)? At first glance you can figure out that there exist the fine models of ADSL-modems with wireless capabilities and that could work as AP. However, it should be noticed that: a) not all home connections to an Internet-provider go through a „copper” like phone- or cable-line; b) you simply need to add a WiFi-capability to an already working gate; c) a WiFi-card itself costs several times cheaper of AP. HOW TO’S Building VPNs on OpenBSD Daniele Mazzocchio A VPN is a network made up of multiple private networks situated at different locations, linked together using secure tunnels over a public (insecure) network, typically the Internet. VPNs are becoming increasingly popular, as they allow companies to join the LANs of their branches or subsidiaries into a single private network (site-to-site VPNs) or to provide mobile employees, such as sales people, access to their corporate network from outside the premises (remote-access VPNs), thus making accessing and sharing internal information much easier. LETS TALK I.T. certifications and the value I got in it Joshua Ebarvia Joshua shares his experience with our readers, this time about certifications. www.bsdmag.org 5 06 34 12 40
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