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Underwater 20Photography 20Magazine 20 2341 20 Mar-Apr 202008 , e-book Photography, Design |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] Underwater Photography a web magazine Issue 42 May/June 2008 Aquatica Canon 1DS Mk111 Subal 45° viewinder Olympus E3 / Nexus E3 Subal ND3 Nikon D300 Sealux CD300 Nikon D300 Heinrichs iTTL Converter Strobes and water colour Djibouti whale sharks Seasons Wakatobi FakFak Parting Shot Contents Underwater Photography A web magazine UwP42 May/June 2008 4 Editorial 5 News & Travel 14 New Products 21 Subal Nikon D300 33 Heinrichs iTTL 46 Wakatobi byMarkWebster byMichaelWicks 38 Water colour byAlexanderMustard 50 FakFak byTimRockandMiyukiKonda 26 Sealux D300 18 Nexus/Olympus E3 byKarinBrussaard byColinGans 54 Seasons byMarkWebster 41 Whale sharks Cover shot by Alexander Mustard Underwater Photography 2001 - 2008 © PR Productions Publisher/Editor Peter Rowlands www.pr-productions.co.uk peter@uwpmag.com 62 Parting Shot www.uwpmag.com 42/ Underwater Photography byMartinEdge byMorrisGregory Editorial DIVEQUEST The Ultimate in Diving Questionnaire indings ItappearsthatIdidn’tneedto donmytinhatwhenreadingyour responsestoourquestionnaire.14 readershavecompleteditoverthe pasttwomonthsandithas,forme, thrownupsomeinterestingresults. Forinstance.Thesplitbetween DSLRandcompactusersis approximately50/50witharound22% usingbothandabout17%shooting ilm. In truth nearly all of the ilm usersalsohadsomedigitalcapacity soIwouldreadthatas‘havethe capability of shooting ilm’ rather than ‘only shoot ilm’. Itsurprisedmethat41%dive temperate/greenwateralthoughin fairnessmaybeweshouldhavegiven theoptiontoanswer‘both’.Evenso it’s an interestingly high igure. Going theotherwayIwassurprisedthat only25%choseliveaboards.They havealwaysseemedtometobethe most eficient way to maximise dive timebut,obviously,whatdoIknow. Onestatisticwhichamazedme withenvywasthat65%goonor moretripsperyear.Anotherwhich impressedmewasthat51%saidthey hadboughtequipmentasaresultof seeinganadvertinUwP(potential futureadvertisers,pleasetakenote...) Theserioussideofthe questionnaireaskedaboutwhatsort ofarticlesyouwouldliketoseein thefutureand67%saidequipment reviewsandtheory/tutorials,while 87%wantedTips&Techniques.Only 30% wanted Photographers proiles but58%wantedDestinationsand moreMarinelife. Finallyandmostreassuringly 97%ofreadersthoughtthatUwPwas asgoodas,ifnotbetter,thanprinted magazineswhichonlyleaves%who beggedtodiffer.Now%equates tojust4readers,oneofwhom, you’veguessedit,worksforaprinted magazine.1outof4is25%sothat’s aquarterwhoarebiasedleavingonly 75%oftheoriginal%whoarenot happywithUwP.Ofthose75%,% (i.e. 1) still shot ilm exclusively and somehowmanagedtogoon‘lessthan 1’divetripayear. Somewhatdepressingly,asfar asI’mconcerned,only25%wanted moreHumour. Bahamas Turks & Caicos Tobago, Dominica Bonaire, Venezuela Little Cayman, Cozumel, Belize Honduras, South Africa & Mozambique Thailand, Sipadan, Mabul Layang Layang Derawan & Sangalaki Bali, Komodo, Wakatobi, Manado, Kungkungan Bay Palau, Yap, Truk Bikini Atoll Australia’s Coral Sea Papua New Guinea, Solomons French Polynesia Fiji, Hawaii, Sea of Cortez Revillagigedo Islands Cocos & Malpelo Islands The Galapagos Wrecks of Palau Plus Underwater Photography Group Trips and Courses with leading photographers: Martin Edge, Linda Dunk, Malcolm Hey, Charles Hood, Gavin Anderson and Alex Mustard. Peter Rowlands peter@uwpmag.com DIVEQUEST ATOL Protected 2937 Telephone: 01254-826322 42/4 e-mail website: www.uwpmag.com The Uimate in Underwater Photography Adventures News, Travel & Events Mark Webster’s Underwater Photo Workshops 2008 13 – 20 June & 1 – 8 October Ocean Optics Relocates to Action Underwater Studios TheRedSeaisaperfect photographicstudioandhaslongbeen afavouritelocationforunderwater photographersandwithverygood reason. The variety of corals, ish, spectacularcolourandwaterclarity arehardtobeat. Mark Webster made his irst visit herein1976,whenthingsweremuch morebasic,andhasbeenreturning hereeveryyearsince.Thereareso manysubjectsherethatwhateveryour experienceorinterestinphotography youaregoingtobespoiledforchoice. For2008wehavetwolive aboardphotoworkshopsonoffer. The irst in June will depart from Hurghadaandmovesouthinitially towardsSafagaandthenmakethe crossingtothespectacularBrothers islandswhentheweatherisright. ThesecondworkshopinOctober willdepartfromPortGhalibnear MarsaAlamtodivethereefsofFury Shoal,SatayaandRasBanasinthe southernEgyptianRedSea. OceanOpticsandMavericks DivinghasrelocatedtoEssexbased ActionUnderwaterStudios.The movewillprovidetheunderwater photographyanddivingspecialists withaccesstoActionUnderwater Studios unique ilming tank. The 10x12metretankisfully6metres deep.AccordingtoSteveWarren, ownerofOceanOpticsandMavericks Diving,“sharingActionUnderwater Studiosfacilitiesmeansthatwecan provideourunderwaterphotography equipmentclientswithabasicin- watercamerafamiliarisationsession atthetimeofpurchase.We’re alsoconsultingwithunderwater photographyguruMartinEdgeon constructingadedicatedunderwater settomeettheneedsofwideangle andotherspecialisedunderwater photographycourses.Ocean Visionshasalreadysigneduptorun underwaterphotographycoursesat thetank”. Forteachingcomplexskills, likeunderwaterphotographyor buoyancycontrol,beingabletotalk tothestudentishighlyeffective andmakestimeinthetankfarmore productive.Wethinkwemaybe theonlyUKdiveschoolthatoffers thisservice”,explainsSteve.Action UnderwaterStudios,locatedat ArchersFields,Basildon,isequipped withclassrooms,individualchanging roomswithshowersandfreecar parking.Thestudioisassociated with the ilming of the “Star Wars”, “Bourne”,“Bond”and“HarryPotter” blockbusters. www.oceanoptics.co.uk www.oonasdivers.com www.uwpmag.com 42/5
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