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- Tom Clancy - DÅ‚ug Honorowy - Tom 2, E-Book, Tom Clancy, Cykl z Jackiem Ryanem, DÅ‚ug Honorowy 1994
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[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] UNIT LESSON LESSONz '4 4 Grammar: question tags Grammar:any /ev ery /n o /so me Vocabulary:making adiectives page 5 Cando:check information fromnouns Cando:expressagreement/disagreement futu res overview Vocabulary: Grammar:FuturePerfectandFutureContinuous Vocabulary:'afterwork'activities Cando:doasurveyandreporttheresults page19 verb phrases aboutwork Cando:talkabout future plans andmake ns Grammar: narratlve tenses Grammar:articles Vocabulary:materials Cando:talkaboutmaterials, timeexpressions Cando:writeashortstory page 33 possessions and inventio ns a.-V (r) Can do:rvriteadiaryentry if structures obligation Vocabulary: physicaI movements Cando:explainhowto dosomething page 47 page51 Grammar:usedto/getusedto/would Vocabutary: Grammar:expressingability Cando:talkaboutmemories 6 Grammar:PresentPerfectSimpleand Contin ouestions Vocabulary: uous Vocabutary:adjectiveswith -ed and -ing endings Cando: write an informal email weather Cando: ask and answer page 75 ouestions aboutunusual olaces = € Grammar:countableanduncountable nouns oassives Vocabulary: page89 foodandcooking Cando:describehowto prepare andcooka dish verb phrases aboutmoney Cando:writeaforma[ letterofcomolaint * Grammar:lt'stime/lArather/'dbetter Vocabulary:describin reportedspeech Vocabulary:ad jectives andintensifiers Cando:reportanddescribewhatpeoplesaytoyou g personality Cando:describedifferent page1o3 typesof people page 777 Grammar:sequencingdevices. e.g.After+ -ing Vocabulary: Grammar: past modalsof deductionmust/might/ can'thovedone Vocabulary:com pou ndadjectives Can do:speculate aboutpastevents 1# pronouns Cando:askaboutand giveyour ownbeliefs andopinlons reflexive Grammar: gerunds andinfinitives Vocabulary:advertisin g Cando:writethearguments page131 forandagainsta point ofview r Grammar: predictio Vocabutary: Grammar: Grammar:expressing appearance Cando:describeappearance Grammar: Grammar: Vocabulary: Grammar: lawandinsurance Cando:te[[a funnystory Grammar: COMMUNICATION verbs (retationships) familyhistory Goodrelations with prepositions The bestcandidate Dreamcareer adjectives andadverbs Makingnouns Lessons fromhistoryFilmheroes verb phrases with take Cando: give apresentation about a place emphasis Vocabulary: and dimensions Take a risk Ellen MacArthur phrasal verbswithouf Cando:compare and contrast photographs Grammar:olthough tb ut h oweve r/n eve rth eless ldiomsdescribing people Timecapsule HomeRoadMovie feelings Cando:talkaboutbooks Grammar: com parisons Expressions with go Travelling companrons Bhutan Vocabutary: verbphrasesabo utmovin g/travettin g Cando:makecomparisons about places and people have/get somethingdone Vocabulary: Prefixes CanI helpyou? Vikings animalexpressions Cando:talk aboutservices hardandhardly Cando:writeareportofsurvey Phrasalverbs with Radio ohone-in Secrets ofsuccess findings three'parts clauses Cando:writeanarticle Newspaper headlines Mindbenders Bullion Robbery f structures (z) Commonly misspelt How does your mind YesPrimeMinister work? speaking Cando:talkabout your regretsandresolutions woros Your PhrasaI Collocations Grammar: Vocabulary: Grammar: Distances Vocabulary: making Grammar: Grammar: Grammar: retative Grammar: Vocabulary: 1 Read the parts ofspeech a-[belowto eachunderlinedwordor phrase. thetextandmatch s> !-) the word mapswithwords/ phrasesfrom the boxbelow. ccordingto 1) theancientGreekhistorian form sense ofhumour tal<eupa hobby bepromotedgo sightseeingfather-in-law tI lt in the7thcenturyec 7-,\ thekingof Egypt,Psamtik1,decided to conducta lt scientificexperiment.Usinghis absolutepoweroverhissubjects, a) hetook two nex'bornbabiesandhandedthemto ashepherd, u'ith instructionsthattheywereto be 5) brought qp in totalisolarion.Mostimportantly,no-one \\-asto speakin thebabies'presence. 7 A I Herodotus. Psamtik s'antedto find out what languagethe children *'ould speakif leftto themselves.Hethoughtthat thelanguage orts and theyproducedwouldbethe 6) oldest in theworld - the originallanguageof the human race.After two years, theshepherd heardthetwo children 7) repeatedlypronouncetheword'becos'. Thiswasidentified asmeaning 8) 'bread'in the language of thePhrygians,apeoplethenliving in centralTurkey.From this experiment, Psamtik deduced language e) must bethe first ever spoken.Nobodynow believes Psamtik's 10) conclusion - afew commentators suggest that thePhrygian ?: Underline the main stress ineachword/ phrase. * Addthreemorewordsto eachwordmap. that theinfants 11)were imitatingthesound of the sheep,but no-onesince 12) hashadany bettersuccess 4 a Lookatthedictionary extract below from the in discoveringwhat man'svery first spoken languagewaslike. Whatdoesit tellyouabouteach ofthe following: Active StudyDictionary. grammar, pronunciation andmeaning? a) PresentPerfect b) Past Continuous c) uncountable noun h) superlative i) adjective j) adverb k) pronoun l) modalverb adl t showing good judgement: a sensible decisionz suitable for a particular purpose,especiallya practicalone:senslb/e clothes - sensiblY adv noun d) phrasaI verb e) article 0 preposition 'fu Complete thedictionary extractsbelowby foreachone. r re.tire lrrtatel v[11 f'r! liitt: tr: st:ii:t l.rti-rtrt:i";;; ;j+ z a.broad le'brctdl adv _: Didyougo abroad 2 Find thegrammar mistake ineachsentence. 1 2 3 They'vebeento Brazil lastyear. This cathedrat buittinr59o. thepersonwhat told meI shouldstudy economics for your lastholiday? at university. Iwasreading 3 get onwithsb phr v lTl I get onwe[[withbothmysisters. a pitch lptt[l nlC] Theplayers inmyroomwhenIwashearing a loud crashdownstairs. My grades thisyeararea lotworstthan[ast year unfortunately. YouworkforlBM, aren't you? lf I'11havetime,l'11 paint mybedroom ran outontothe pitch. {.i Nowcompare yourdefinitionswith the 6 7 inadictionary. i.$ Addthewords/phrases this above totheword weekend. CanI giveyou a small advice? He'salwayswantedto beteacher. inEx. 3a. 8 9 Complete doaerobics souvenirapplication shepherd's Longman d countable sen.si.ble/sensebel/ writingadefinition She's definitions maps fu*m,d-$sb 3 Lookatthe photos. Whoarethepeople?Howdoyouthinktheyare con nected? ffi r. Whatisthedifference in meaningbetween thewordsineach pair below?Usea dictionary if necessary. r step-sister/half-sister z colleague/acquaintance 3 soulmate/closefriend 4 partner/wife initalicsmean. Idon'tthinkImadea very good first impression onyourparents. inme. Thefirsttimewemet,we just clicked.ltwasamazing.We started going outsoonafter. 3 Wehaveo lotin common. Ofcourse,webothworkforthesame company butwealso likedoinglotsofthesamekindsofthings outsideofwork. 4 MysisterandIdon'treallyseeeyeto eyeonmuch.We've always argued - evenaschitdren. s Shethinksaboutthings inthesamewayasme.I reatly feel onthe samewavelengthasher. Discuss. Whoarethe peopleyou feelyouhave mostincommonwith?Do you always Why/Whynot? Read thesentences.Whatdothephrases Theydidn'tseemvery interested feelonthesamewavetength?
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