Tomb Raider Underworld - IGN ...

Tomb Raider Underworld - IGN Insiders Guide(1), Poradniki Do Gier !
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Tomb Raider Underworld
Do you like fuzzy math? Then you dropped by the
wrong place, because IGN has a pinpoint guide to
Dr. Lara Croft's latest escapade in grave robbing
areas held by foreign nationals.
IGN quickly cuts through all the chuff (by
conveniently skipping chapters and cutscenes) and
gets straight to the source of the puzzles and the
hard to find relics.
In IGN's Tomb Raider Underworld strategy guide, you will find:
// All the moves little girls learn from gymnastics coaches
who are so strict, they defected back into East Germany.
// An easy to refer to page for the six hidden
// Of Lara's story mode, complete with undead wiener enemies
trying to force some kinda nasty blue soda down her throat and how she can beat
them off without breaking a sweat.
You may also find helpful to refer to these other guides (especially the basics section)
since Tomb Raider Underworld uses the same grappler and movement properties:
// The Tomb Raider game covering the origins
of Amanda's vendetta.
// The original Tomb Raider game that
tells how Natla came to be.
¨ 2007, IGN Entertainment, Inc. May not be sold, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast, in whole or part, without IGNÓs
express permission. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content. All rights reserved.
 Tomb Raider Underworld Guide
Attack & Weapons
Parkour -
Art du Deplacement
IGN will be using some terms commonly employed in our previous
Prince of Persia
guides. Each architectural element will serve as both noun and a verb. When used as a verb,
IGN's telling you to do all pertinent actions for that element.
Lara Croft may not be a skilled
since she's a big fat British archaeologist
scientician, but her atheletic skills are helpful. Moving quickly from one place to another is
beneficial for Lara, since many of the traps and secrets are only available for a brief
moment before something happens (usually resulting in death). Therefore, you (playing
Lara's controller) need to familiarize yourself with the various elements in the game, so you
can react instantly when you see it come on screen.
Element 1 - Ledges
The ubiquitous ledge is on every wall you want to climb or somehow interact with. Ledges
can collapse, much like any other element, if it's been trapped by Crystal Dynamics. Fast
move is possible on poles, bars, and especially ledges, when you need the extra speed to
avoid death. Ledges come in two types the hang ledge, which is one way down, or
normal, which lets Lara move in all four directions (up, down, left, right).
Ledges are the catch all of the game, allowing Lara to move around places where the floor
is broken, missing, or too rough to continue. Lara can stand on ledges in Underworld,
provided they are wide enough to fit her twin talents, and a ledge stand is now the sole way
for Lara to change directions in her cliff scaling.
Additionally, there are two forms of ledges (excluding the crumbling ones). Ledges with
footing (above left) and ledges without footing (above right). Ledges with footing allow
Lara to ledge jump, while those without only allow for mantling onto (if the ledge is even
with flat ground). Beware ledges without footing will restrict movement along the ledge
itself or straight down. If the surface a ledge is built into is rough, do not expect Lara to
have good footing.
Element 2 - Ladders
Ladders are for vertical movement, but in
Tomb Raider Underworld
, CD takes Lara and
lets her move left and right on it via jumping to other pipes or ladders as well. Keep that in
mind when looking for a way onward. Ladders cannot be swapped sides like in
Prince of
but there's no need to during the game. Fast move is only possible going up on a
ladder, and you can always just drop off a ladder if you want.
Ladders are like ledges, but they are climbable withouth any other assistance. Lara can
jump to the sides or away from the ladder like a ledge with footrest, but she will not turn to
look away. Instead, Lara simply presses jump to transfer away from a ladder (unlike a
Ladders are often rare and a secured path up and down a great vertical displacement. If Lara
falls from a ladder, expect to paint the point of impact with a lot of Heinz 57. Think of it as
the British Airways method of wishing you happy landings.
Element 3 - Bars
Bars are horizontal elements, but serve mostly as pieces where Lara can swing on and vault
off, like a gymnast. Bars in succession are used to traverse gaps, while longer bars may
occasionally bend and allow travel around corners and such.
Bars are tricky elements, since they can be set in a way that Lara cannot reach a bar she
swung off of. The momentum from a bar swing is fairly powerful and brings her really
quickly across gaps. Lara has near perfect grip with bars and can instantly jump swing to
the next bar or element provided it's safe.
In Underworld, Lara has the ability to mantle onto bars and balance on them like the
balance beams. While she can still swing on them, bars are now treated as swingable
beams when you have her stand on them. You will need to stand on those bars to get the
extra height needed for some jumps.
Element 4 - Rope and Grappler Wire
Ropes are the grapple wire in Underworld Lara can hang and swing from the wirerope.
There are no ropes in Underworld, but their element is retained in the grappler wire. Lara
may hold ACTION to ascend and descend the length of the rope (this shortens and
lengthens her wire), or without ACTION, push forward and back to swing on the rope to
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