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Toni Griffin - Holland Brothers 04 - Forbidden Mate, New folder 1 |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] Forbidden Mate The Holland Brothers, Book #4 Toni Griffin Published by Silver Publishing Publisher of Erotic Romance A BOUT T HE E -B OOK Y OU H AVE P URCHASED : Your non-refundable purchase of this e-book allows you to only ONE LEGAL copy for your own personal reading on your own personal computer or device. You do not have resell or distribution rights without the prior written permission of both the publisher and the copyright owner of this book. This book cannot be copied in any format, sold, or otherwise transferred from your computer to another through upload to a file sharing peer to peer program, for free or for a fee, or as a prize in any contest. Such action is illegal and in violation of the South African Copyright Law. Distribution of this e-book, in whole or in part, online, offline, in print or in any way or any other method currently known or yet to be invented, is forbidden. If you do not want this book anymore, you must delete it from your computer. WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated and is punishable by imprisonment and a fine." Cover Artist: Reese Dante Editor: Jason Huffman Forbidden Mate © 2011 Toni Griffin ISBN # 9781920501556 Attention Readers: This book uses Australian English. All rights reserved. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission. All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental. The Licensed Art Material is being used for illustrative purposes only; any person depicted in the Licensed Art Material, is a model. P U BLISHER https://spsilverpublishing.com N OTE FROM THE P UBLISHER Dear Reader, Thank you for your purchase of this title. The authors and staff of Silver Publishing hope you enjoy this read and that we will have a long and happy association together. Please remember that the only money authors make from writing comes from the sales of their books. If you like their work, spread the word and tell others about the books, but please refrain from sharing this book in any form. Authors depend on sales and sales only to support their families. If you see "free shares" offered or cut-rate sales on pirate sites of this title, you can report the offending entry to copyright@spsilverpublishing.com Thank you for not pirating our titles. Lodewyk Deysel Publisher Silver Publishing D EDICATION To my readers: Who have waited patiently, (well, mostly) since the beginning for Patrick and Jake's story. Thank you all for making this an amazing experience. I hope you enjoy. Lastly to my editor Jason: Thank you for not running away screaming when you receive my manuscripts.
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