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Ultra Fitness Mag 2014-04-05, BODYBUILDING CZASOPISMA |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] YOUR AUSTRALIAN FITNESS & HEALTH EXPO EDITION AMAZING ABS MEAL PLAN SUPERSET P.32 P .50 YOURSELF STRONG & SLIM in 20 MIN The ultimate: Body-Sculpting Metabolic-Revving Calorie-Killing Fat Loss Strategies P.72 The surprising link: GUT HEALTH & EXERCISE P.56 PERFORMANCE THE SECRETS BEHIND DISTANCE RUNNING P.84 APRIL/MAY 2014 AU $8.95 NZ $9.95 She is Australia’s most marketable athlete! P.28 Meet Ellyse Perry ultrafitnessmag.com.au ARE YOU AUSTRALIA’S BEST PT? LAST CHANCE TO ENTER & WIN $50,000! inside 84 THE SECRETS BEHIND DISTANCE RUNNING Assistant Editor Olivia says: “ I always knew African runners were extremely talented but after reading this it amazes me just how far ahead of the rest of the world they really are! Denitely a worthwhile read!” 89 EXPO GUIDE Advertising Executive Mat says: “ If you’re looking for the latest tness trends, products and go-to tness businesses, look no further. e 2014 Australian Fitness & Health Expo is set to be huge!” 114 CODE OF ETHICS FOR PTS Editor and Publisher Michael says: “e Sandhill Warrior has decades of experience as a tness professional, so if anyone knows the ethics PTs should have, it’s him! Whether you are a PT or you’re looking for one, these tips are benecial for all!” COVER STORIES 50 32 72 56 84 28
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