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Truck Model World 2015-07-08, Czasopisma-Truck |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->CONTENTSJULY/AUGUST 2015|Issue 22068MODEL NEWSAUSSIE LEGEND“DENNIS DENT”What’s new, what’s dueMercedes Benz 2244 1:241:24814RUBBER DUCKInternational Lonestar16HEAVY HAULING (Part 2)Volvo FH4 & Nooteboom Trailer1:2423MILITARY MANOUVRESArmoured Mercedes Tractor 1:2426COAL HAULINGLeyland Bison Tipper 1:2529MIGHTY MAMMOETActros Titan Heavy Tow Tractor1:5030TOM’s ARCHIVESTom Charters Highlights 1:8720CRAFTY MOVERSCrafter Box Van 1:242634OFF-ROAD RESCUEMercedes 4x4 Recovery Truck 1:2441BUILD PROGRESSRevell’s Landrover build 1:3538IN THE BOXKit content highlights 1:24/1:2544DIORAMA BUILDINGBraeview Sidings diorama setting1:7646TOTAL GARBAGEMercedes Benz Econic RefuseTruck 1:504148TIMBERLogging trucks from Conrad &Corgi 1:5052SHIPPING IT OUTContainer transport & handling1:5056HEAVY MOVERSShowcasing the Les Searle Rigfrom WSI 1:5058COMPETITIONYour chance to win some goodies!4www.truckmodelworld.comJULY/AUGUST 2015Contact the editor either by post: TMW Editorial Office 3 Orchard Close, Saracens Head, Holbeach,Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE12 8AR, England or by email: editor@truckmodelworld.comMAIN CONTRIBUTORSChristiaan, Gerry Keenan, Andrew Bell,Mick Waite, Adam Weinstein, Ian Borthwick,Mick Russel, Elton Wright, Tom ChartersCOMMENTs another issue is completed and submitted to theprinters, sales figures of the magazine once againcontinue to grow over previous issues and material for futureissues has been trickling through.AEDITORSteven Downesemail:editor@truckmodelworld.comMANAGING DIRECTORAndrew Ebbageemail: andy.ebbage@igp-ltd.comOPERATIONS DIRECTORSally Ebbageemail: sally.ebbage@igp-ltd.comDESIGN & PRODUCTIONGreenland Design LimitedMAGAZINE DESIGN & LAYOUTEmma Wilsonemail: greenland.design@btinternet.comADVERTISING SALES EXECUTIVEKerri Firth Tel: 01406 424681email: advertising@truckmodelworld.comADVERTISING COPY CONTROLLERSally Ebbage Tel: 01406 424681email: sally.ebbage@gmail.comPUBLISHED BYTelIGP LTD Limited,3 Orchard Close, Saracens Head, Holbeach,Spalding, Lincolnshire. England. PE12 8ARTel: 01406 424681 Fax: 01406 426855email: info@igp-ltd.comAs I write this editorial, I am already looking ahead to theGaydon truck show and the opportunity to meet and greeta number of the magazine’s contributors to hopefullysecure additional material for the year ahead while gettinginvaluable feedback on the current format and any ideas youguys may have for inclusion in future issues. In the meantime,this issue features the stunning work by Christiaan withhis Dennis Dent Mercedes truck, showing some awesomeweathering and attention to detail along with the concludingpart of the Volvo and Nooteboom model from Gerry. The ‘inthe box’ section highlights several more new kits and we havethe full build of the Revell land rover along with armouredconvoy trucks, box vans, recovery trucks and a roundup of thelatest diecast models while also introducing an excellent1:76th scale diorama from Elton showcasing a number ofhis truck models.I have been asked to include details of upcoming shows andevents in the magazine that would be of interest to ourreaders so I am looking for your assistance. Anyone withdetails of truck shows, be it UK, Europe orwider afield, please email in the detailsto editor@truckmodelworld.com so acalendar of upcoming events can beplanned for future issues.Until next time, Happy ReadingSteven DownesEditorPRINTERPensordFNEWSSTAND DISTRIBUTIONSeymour Distribution Ltd.+44 (0) 20 7429 4000SUBSCRIPTIONS1 year subscription prices:UK £25.00 Europe £37.50W/Wide £40.002 year subscription prices:UK £40.00 Europe £70.00W/Wide £75.00BACK ISSUESUK £3.99/US $7.99Order Hotline: +44 (0)1406 424681Online Ordering:www.themodelhobbyshop.comTThis magazine is sold subject to the following conditions: that it shall not without written consent of the publishers be lent,resold or otherwise disposed of by way of trade in excess of the recommended maximum retail price.All rights strictly reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any way without the prior agreement of the publisher. All letters must be accompaniedby the sender’s full name and address. The publisher cannot accept responsibility for unsolicited correspondence nor some of the opinions expressed.All material and artwork originated by IGP Ltd, photographs, drawings, plans used in this magazine become the publishers copyright under Copyright law. Somephotographs may have been digitally re-mastered. The Company reserves the right to suspend or refuse any advertisements without giving reasons. Whilst everycare is taken to avoid mistakes, IGP Ltd. cannot be liable in any way for errors or omissions.Nor can the Publisher accept any responsibility for the bona fides of advertisers.ISSN 0958-0530©2014 IGP Limited. All rights reserved.JULY/AUGUST 2015www.truckmodelworld.com5
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