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Travel + Leisure Southeast Asia - June 2016, NOWE CZASOPISMA |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->BE ACHE S+ISL A NDSSOUTHEAST ASIAJUNE 2016SEVEN GREAT ASIANBEACHESBOTH SIDES OFBORACAYWHY YOU NEEDCLEVER LUGGAGEWHAT’S HOTIN HUA HINSINGAPORE S$7.90/HONG KONG HK$43THAILAND THB175/INDONESIA IDR50,000MALAYSIA MYR18/VIETNAM VND85,000MACAU MOP44/PHILIPPINES PHP240BURMA MMK35/CAMBODIA KHR22,000BRUNEI BND7.90/LAOS LAK52,000FAMILIES AT SOFITELMAGNIFIQUEAcross the world, Sofitel hotels and resorts offer guestsan authentic luxury experience. Each Sofitel embraces thesame core brand values of excellence, elegance, joie devivre, open-mindedness, generosity and l’art de vivre—acelebration of French lifestyle and culture, with superbdesign, gastronomy, culture and wellbeing.Another key feature of the brand is theimportance Sofitel places on the family.Included in the brand’s core philosophyis an emphasis on products andservices that encourage family bondingand ensure that children’s needs arecatered to through dedicated services,activities and play centres.Sofitel’sfamily-friendlyactivitiesprogramme, Ensemble, which literallytranslates as “together”, seeks toprovide fun and enriching activitiesspecially designed for families to dotogether, such as cooking courses,snorkelling, kayaking, movie nights,yoga, bike riding, tennis and manymore. Additionally the newly developedLa Villa des Enfants is a fun, engagingindoor and outdoor facility createdby Sofitel to provide entertaining andeducational activities for children in asafe, supervised environment.Children feel special from the momentthey arrive at a Sofitel resort. Theyare presented with a booklet aboutall the activities that await them andcan enjoy the imaginary world ofAntoine de Saint-Exupery’s Little Princethrough a special diary in which theycan write, draw and paste photographsas the Little Prince relates his story.It is a travel diary to bring home as akeepsake from their trip. Additionalservices for children include a specialwelcome drink, turndown gift, warmmilk and cookies and a children’s pillow.The emphasis on family is a hallmarkof each Sofitel, and to highlight a fewexamples from Southeast Asia:SOFITEL PHILIPPINE PLAZA MANILAis a prestigious hotel that has housedroyalty, celebrities and heads of state.Opened in 1976, it features architectureand landscaping by National Artists ofthe Philippines. The newly constructedLa Villa Des Enfants is a haven forchildren, offering them a perfectSofitel Krabi Phokeethra Golf and Spa Resort - ThailandSO Sofitel Hua Hin - ThailandSofitel Philippine Plaza Manila - The Philippine Islandsenvironment to explore the sprawlinggardens of Treasure Island. The outdoorplayground is complete with slides,swing riders, seesaws, swing sets andmore. Young guests will also enjoythe comfort of an air-conditioned tentpacked with blocks, puzzles, books,arts and crafts. The resort has createddevelopmentally appropriate children’sactivities and classes for all ages soboth little ones and older children canenjoy enriching and fun experiences.Additionally the resort boasts abreathtakinglagoon-shapedpoolwith two giant water slides; and withtennis, petanque, mini golf, yoga andkickboxing amongst the activities onoffer, families will be spoiled for choice.The iconic lifestyle resortSO SOFITELHUA HINoffers an audacious, playfuldesign and innovative cuisine. Set on agorgeous beachfront just 2 hours fromBangkok, the resort features 71 guestrooms and seven private pool villas,including a special SO Family room andSO Family kids house. The SO Familykids house is a cube unit connected tothe parents’ room offering two bunkbeds with air-conditioning and a flat-screen TV inside, along with playfuldécor. Children have their own space tohang out and have fun, with a dedicateddoor into the cube. For parents wholike to keep their children close, the SOFamily room offers a bunk bed behindthe main bed where children can sleep.Exceptional dining options includeBeach Society, a beachfront destinationdining restaurant and club servingbarbequed seafood and White Oven,home to authentic Thai cuisine. HI-SO isthe resort’s picturesque rooftop bar, theperfect place to watch a tropical sunset.The276-roomSOFITELKRABIPHOKEETHRA GOLF & SPA RESORTin Southern Thailand provides gueststhe ultimate in seaside comfortand elegance, combining traditionalcolonial-style architecture with thelatest in technology. La Villa Des Enfantshas spacious indoor and outdoor areas,and organises numerous activitiesfor families and children of all ages,including Batik painting, Thai boxing,water aerobics, tai chi and yoga, and avariety of indoor and outdoor games,many of which are complimentary.The resort has a dedicated pool areafor kids with toys and games. Familiescan also enjoy lessons at the tenniscourts or nearby 9-hole golf course, orrelaxing at the spa. Cinema Nights arethree times per week (including candyfloss and popcorn). The nearby beachoffers plenty of seaside family fun.www.sofitel.com
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