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Vegetarian Times 2011 04-05, ZAGRANICZNE czasopisma kulinarne |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] Special: Mario Batali’s ultimate veg pizza recipes EAT GREEN LIVE WELL 31 easy, healthy recipes eat in season! Clean up your diet 8 spring detox foods Light & luscious Asian noodle dishes BOK CHOY SKILLET SUPPER, p. 64 April/May 2011 Clean up your diet 8 spring detox foods Light & luscious Asian noodle dishes fl WorldMags Circle reply #2 on Info Center card April/May 2011 | ISSUE 384 | VOL. 37 | NO. 4 contents features 60 Spring-clean your diet with eight fresh and natural detox foods. BY MATTHEW KADEY, RD, AND MARY MARGARET CHAPPELL 66 Celebrated chef Mario Batali shares his pizza-making secrets (and best vegetarian recipes). RECIPES BY MARIO BATALI on the cover 74 The ultimate veggie staple steps into the recipe spotlight. BY MARY MARGARET CHAPPELL 78 Want to win over friends and loved ones to the delights of plant-based dining (and have fun doing it)? Start a veg supper club. BY NANCY EISMAN 26 36 60 66 | | 2011 1 WorldMags 36 24 26 fi 30 36 fi 44 52 58 fi 92 52 4 10 14 91 Vegetarian Times | 2011 | WorldMags 6 Enter our Earth Day Sweeps! Win fabulous prizes from CLICK TO ENTER WorldMags
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