Too Human - IGN Insiders Guide(1)

Too Human - IGN Insiders Guide(1), Poradniki Do Gier !
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Your name is Baldur, a God of the people. You're caught in a time where war between man and machine wages
relentlessly...and the machines are winning. With the human race on the verge of extinction, your humanity's last stand
against the cold, steel menace that has destroyed most remnants of humanities' civilization.
With neither numbers nor time on your side, what is a God to do? Consult IGN Guides of course! Even Gods have their
off days, and we're here to pick up your slack.
In our Too Human guide you will discover:
Basics: Learn the basics of Too Human, from classes to combat strategies.
Walkthrough: Lost? Is a boss giving you trouble? This section is for you!
Guide by: Andre Segers
This PDF Guide is property of IGN Entertainment. Any unlawful duplication or posting of this document without the consent of IGN
Entertainment will result in legal action.
¨ 2008 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
Page 1
Too Human Basics
Too Human is an odd combination of action with some RPG elements, such as selecting your character class, equipping
items, and leveling up. Thankfully, these elements are pretty easy to deal with once you understand how they work.
Melee Basics
Battling enemies in Too Human is a bit different than what you may be used to. Instead of mashing on a button, the
right-control stick is your primary method of attack. If you're within range of a group of enemies, simply tilt it toward the
one you'd like to attack. If you're not close enough, Bauldur will slide (Gumby style!) toward the enemy and lay into him.
Once you get used to this mechanic, try chaining together attacks by tilting the control stick toward another enemy as
soon as Bauldur strikes the first one. By doing so, your combo meter will grow, which allows you to unleash a
devastating attack known as a "Ruiner."
About Ruiners: Ruiners are a special power that damages or destroys anything within the large blast radius. Now
the thing is, you can only obtain Ruiners by filling your combo meter. Activate a Ruiner by tapping the right-bumper.
But there's more to the combat than just tilting the right stick toward the enemies. You can perform different moves
depending on how you tilt the stick. For instance, if you're standing right next to the enemy, try double-tapping the stick
toward him to knock him (and any others nearby) into the air! Now if you want, you can jump and target them in the air
(by tilting the control stick toward them) allowing you to pummel them without being attacked from those below. Or you
shoot them using your long-range weapons before they can reach the ground. Or, you may simply want to leave them
alone for now -- since they're harmless while in the air, you can instead focus on other, more deadly enemies.
Packing Heat
Bauldur isn't just about using swords and hammers -- oh no, he's packing some serious heat. These long-range
weapons are assigned to the triggers. If you're carrying dual-pistols, the left and right trigger will fire the respective gun.
However, if you've equipped a single-handed weapon, the right-trigger is your primary fire-button, while the left-trigger is
Use of your long-range weaponary is crucial for your success in your mission. While Melee attacks can get the job done,
they often leave you vulnerable to nearby foes. As such, it's important to take out as many as you can from a distance
using your guns first.
Gun Tip: Too Human's environments are massive, which provides a ton of room to move around. This can be quite
useful when blasting foes from a distance. To maximize the amount of time you have before the enemies get too
close to be shot, try backing away from the herd with guns-a-blazing. Since most of the corridors are quite long,
you should be able to kill a good amount of foes before being forced to use your melee attacks.
¨ 2008 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
Page 2
Too Human Walkthrough
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 1
Section 1-1: Tracking the Beast
Section 1-2: The Temple's Defilment
Section 1-3: The Lair of Grendel
Intermission: Aesir
Chapter 2
Section 2-1: Forced Entry
Section 2-2: Power Struggle
Section 2-3: Tear out the Heart
Section 2-4: The Blind God's Palace
Intermission: Aesir
Chapter 3
Section 3-1: Ghost Ship
Section 3-2: Awakening
Section 3-3: Beast's Hunger
Section 3-4: Belly of the Beast
Section 3-5: Cutting the Line
Intermission: Aesir
Chapter 4
Section 4-1: Gates of Helheim
Section 4-2: Divide and Conquer
Section 4-3: The Fate of the Unworthy
Section 4-4: House of Hel
Section 4-5: Perfection or Vanity
Conclusion: Aesir
¨ 2008 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
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Too Human Walkthrough
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Section 1-1
Section 1-2
Section 1-3
After your character steps inside from the bitter cold, you're now in control...sort of. Pressing any direction on the control
stick will cause him to walk forward a few meters. Shortly after the camera angle change, you'll gain full-control, allowing
you to explore the environment. Only problem is there's not much to explore, go figure, right? Proceed dead-ahead and
climb up the staircase.
About the Camera: Too Human features something called a "Smart Camera." In short, it's a camera that tried to
show the action, without having to be man-handled by the player. While you don't really have direct control of it,
you can center it behind you at anytime by tapping the left-bumper. Also, if you hold it down, you can then look
around with the right control stick - but only when you're not engaged in battle! Finally, if the default camera's just
not doing it for you, try zooming in or out by tapping up or down on the control pad.
Head right to meet up with most of your squad near a glowing door - the glow means you can go through it. But before
you do, bust open the red containers to the left. These contain random items that are well worth your while.
After going through the door, follow the path and turn the corner to enter your first battle. These Goblins are weak, and
are a great time to test your battle prowess. Try starting off by firing from afar using your pistols - if you can't target the
enemy, that means you're too far and need to get closer. After blowing away a few foes, go in for some melee attacks.
For more information on melee attacks, please consult our Basics section.
After taking them down, continue through another door ahead to emerge on the second floor of the next room. The
staircase ahead leads to the lower floor where a ton a ton of Goblins await, including a powerful rocket-launcher in the
¨ 2008 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
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back, but we'll get to them in a moment. First, as soon as you enter the room, turn left and bust open the containers for
some loot. Now it's time to focus on the enemies below. If you want to take the offensive route, just jump off the ledge
and into the thick of things - chain together your attacks to take them down. Also, try and take down the rocket-launcher
in the back as soon as you can. However, if you want to take a more reserved approach, head back to the stairwell and
fire at them from afar, but pay attention to the incoming rockets so you can dodge them!
After you've taken them down, you'll be whisked away to the city where you have a very important meeting with
Heimdall. Step forward onto the platform and ride it over to his office to watch a brief cutscene.
Just when you thought you might catch a break, you're whisked back to where you were, just as a giant drill pounds
through a wall, releasing a throng of enemies. Before engaging them, you may want to check out your inventory and
equip any equipment you may have found, such as a hammer, which can deal damage to several nearby enemies (quite
handy when surrounded, such as now)!
Once they're down, bust open some containers on the left (just below the drill) and continue through the door.
As you enter the room, a train will pass overhead and drop off a few enemies. Now may be a good time to try out
¨ 2008 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
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