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Trance - Formations [Richard Bandler i John Grinder], Richard Bandler |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] Trance-formations Neuro-Linguistic Programming™ and the Structure of Hypnosis by John Grinder and Richard Bandler edited by Connirae Andreas Real People Press Box F 1 Moab, Utah, 84532 ISBN: 0-911226-22-2 clothbound $9.00 ISBN: 0-911226-23-0 paperbound $5.50 Cover Artwork by Rene Eisenbart Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data: Grinder, John. Trance-formations• 1, Hypnotism—Therapeutic use—Problems, exercises, etc. I. Bandler, Richard. II. Andreas, Connirae. III. Title. RCA-95.G76 615.8:512 81-15342 ISBN 0-911226-22-2 AACR2 ISBN 0-911226-23-0 (pbk.) Other useful books from Real People Press: REFRAM1NG: Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the Transformation of Meaning, by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. 220 pp. 198) Cloth $9.00 Paper $5.50 A SOPRANO ON HER HEAD: Right-Side-Up Reflections on Life—and Other Perfor- mances, by Eioise Risiad. 184 pp. 1981 Cloth $9.00 Paper $5.50 FROGS INTO PRINCES, by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. 197 pp. 1979 Cloth $9.00 Paper$5.50 NOTES TO MYSELF, by Hugh Prather. 150 pp. 1970 Cloth $6.00 Paper $3.50 WINDOWS TO OUR CHILDREN, by Violet Oaklander. 325 pp. 1978 Cloth $9.00 GESTALT THERAPY VERBATIM, by Frederick S. Perls. 280 pp. 1969 Cloth $9.00 Paper $5.50 DON'T PUSH THE RIVER, by Barry Stevens. 280 pp. 1970 Cloth $9.00 Paper $5.50 EMBRACE TIGER, RETURN TO MOUNTAIN: the essence of T'ai Chi, by At Chung- Hang Huang. Illustrated. 185 pp. 1973 Cloth $9.00 Paper $5.50 PERSON TO PERSON, C arl Rogers and Barry Stevens. 276 pp. 1967 Paper $5.50 AWARENESS , b y John O. Stevens. 275 pp. 1971 Cloth $9.00 Paper $5.50 GESTALT IS, by Frederick S- Perls. Wilson Van Dusen. and others. 274 pp. 1975 Cloth $9.00 Paper $5.50 The name Real People Press indicates our purpose; to publish ideas and ways that a person can use independently or with others to become more real—to further your own growth as a human being and to develop your relationships and communication with others, 123456789 0 Pr i nt i ng 5 4 3 2 1 Contents Foreword 1-4 I Introduction Exercise 1 8 Exercise 2 11 Exercise 3 27 Summary 33 5-33 II Simple Inductions 34-69 Verbal Pacing and Leading: 5-4-3-2-1 Exercise 35 Nonverbal Pacing and Leading 43 Overlapping Representational Systems 44 Accessing a Previous Trance State 49 Naturally Occurring Trance States 50 Exercise 4 54 Discussion 56 Anchoring Trance States 61 Analogue Marking 63 Exercise 5 66 Discussion: Negative Commands and Polarities 67 III Advanced Inductions 70-98 Leverage Inductions and Pattern Interruption 70 Overload 80 Stacking Realities 85 . Exercise 6 88 Incorporation and Dealing with Abreactions 90 Benediction 97 IV Utilization Process Instructions 99 Generative Change 116 Exercise 7 118 Clean-up Routines 120 99-136 V Reframing in Trance Introduction 137 Reframing 147 Reframing Outline 159 Discussion 160 137-177 VI Specific Utilization Techniques New Behavior Generator 178 Deep Trance Identification 185 Pain Control 189 Amnesia 192 Recovering Personal History 196 178-200 VII Calibration Exercise 8 202 Exercise 9 204 Exercise 10 205 Crystal Ball Gazing 206 201-212 VIII Self-Hypnosis . 213-223 Discussion 219 IX Questions 224- Benediction 235 Appendix I 238-239 Appendix II 251-252 Bibliography 253 Index 254-255 237 Note 240-250 Foreword Hypnosis is a word that usually gets strong responses from people- some positive and some negative. Some people think it's a hoax or only good for making people act like chickens, some people think it will cure everything from dandruff to flat feet, and others think it is so danger- ous that it should be left alone completely. Trance experiences have existed in different forms for centuries, usually surrounded by a mys- tique of something "magical" and unexplainable. What is unique about this book is that it turns the "magic" of hypnosis into specific understandable procedures that can be used not only in doing "hypno- sis" but also in everyday communication. When John Grinder and Richard Bandler do a seminar on hypnosis together, one of them usually says "All communication is hypnosis" and the other says "I disagree, nothing is hypnosis; hypnosis doesn't exist." There is a sense in which they are both right, and both are saying the same thing. If I tell you about going snorkeling on my recent honeymoon in the Yucatan and describe to you the swift movements of the brightly- colored tropical fish, the rhythmic sound of the gentle waves against the shore, and the feeling of rising and falling with the warm waves as I scan the underwater scenery, hopefully I will alter your state of con- sciousness so that you can experience some representation of what I experienced. If you become excited about going there yourself, I will have used the same patterns of communication that are used by suc- cessful hypnotists . . . and by successful poets, salesmen, parents, 1
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