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Transformers Revenge of the Fallen - IGN Insiders Guide(1), Poradniki Do Gier ! |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Guide Say what you will about Michael Bay, there's something just plain cool about Transformers. The giant robots feel more at home in a video game than they do on the silver screen, and something about blowing up those Decepticons feel like the fulfillment of so many die- cast childhood fantasies. Revenge of the Fallen follows the movie in story and visual design, but somehow seems like a much more appropriate choice of medium. It's appropriate, then, that its unlockables come in the form of the classic cartoon show and not anything affiliated with the movie. The Autobots are still waging their battle to destroy the evil forces of the Decepticons, but whatever side you choose, IGN has your back with detailed strategies for each and every mission. In this Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen strategy guide, you'll find: BASICS // Universal strategies for success on the battlefield. ROBOTS in DISGUISE // A breakdown of each of the game's main characters. AUTOBOT WALKTHROUGH // Save the world and protect human life with our walkthrough of all 23 missions. DECEPTICON WALKTHROUGH // Sometimes it's good to be bad. Revive Megatron and take on the world. Guide by: Travis Fahs ¨ 2009, IGN Entertainment, Inc. May not be sold, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast, in whole or part, without IGNÓs express permission. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content. All rights reserved. ¨ 2009 IGN Entertainment, Inc. Page1 Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Basics Running and Gunning Your primary means of attack will be your guns. Melee and special abilities are reserved for situations in which they are tactically advantageous. Learning to be effective with your guns is the most important skill you can have. Obviously, strategies will differ depending on the character you choose and the enemies you face, but there are some basic techniques to keep in mind. Campaign Points and Rank Each mission had five Campaign Points available, for different ranks. Collecting all Skill Points and completing a level with a gold will give you 5/5 Campaign Points. There is also a platinum rank for those with a true level of mastery, but these are not necessary to unlock all of its campaign points. The simplest defensive skill is the dodge. You have the ability to dash in any direction while engaged in combat mode. This isn't horribly effective against machine gun fire, but it's a good way to confound snipers, enemies at longer range, missiles/slower projectiles or to pull out of melee range quickly. The best way to get good is simply practice, as there is no substitute for learning the rhythms of the battlefield. Skill Points are not generally hard to find. We have chosen not to document their exact location in this guide, because we found using our info generally didn't make it much easier to find them. They are seldom hidden, but learning their location will mean a bit of practice. If you intend to work on platinum ranks, it's usually best to do a dry run, early in the mission to find all the campaign points and then memorize their locations. Each one affords you an extra 10 seconds, and if you can hit them all without significant detours, this will enable you to more easily achieve higher ranks. The rest of combat strategy largely centers on how you use your environment. There are times when both low ground and high ground will prove advantageous. When high ground overlooks a more open area, or when rooftops are only moderate in height, being able to overlook your surroundings and pull back for cover is a great way to control the flow of battle. You'll still have to contend with any flying enemies as well as those on nearby rooftops, but it's far less likely to grow chaotic and unpredictable. Beyond this, the two most important skills are effective use of vehicle mode, and aggressive combat. Speed is everything, so powerful melee attacks and close range gunning are usually most useful. A very good sniper can also clean up quickly. Characters like Long Haul and Ironhide are often great for speed runs in combat-intensive stages because of the speed with which they can tear through enemies. This usually ends up being more important than actual vehicle speed, except in relay point missions. In denser areas or those without a pronounced high ground, the streets will prove more effective because of the cover afforded by nearby buildings. Since you recover health only after a few moments disengaged from combat, it's important to always have an exit strategy, so you can fall back and heal. In crowded urban areas, snipers won't have a very wide range in which they can see you, so it's easy to disappear from view. These areas also provide an advantage for good melee fighters, since there's less room to move. Ride or Die It wouldn't be Transformers without a vehicle form (that's right, the Action Master series doesn't count). Vehicle mode is more of a tactical ability used in short bursts than a true alternative to robot form. Every 'bot has a different vehicular form with their own advantages, so visit our Robots section for more info on particular characters. The key to using vehicle mode effectively is all about the transition between forms. Learning how to master the Advanced Jump (for land vehicles) and the Hover (for aerial vehicles) is key. This allows you to move quickly into robot form for short, effective combat strikes, or simply to better clear certain obstacles. It's also important to think about your trajectory so you don't smack into a wall right after you transform. Vehicle form is useful for getting to places quickly, more than it is for combat. When you have to fall back to heal, vehicle mode is the best escape. Stay low and covered. Some beginners make the mistake of thinking aerial vehicles can escape upward, but since you cannot heal until all enemies stop hitting you, this is usually counterproductive. Instead stay low and weave between buildings until you reach a safe hiding spot. Vehicle mode is also useful in chasing down enemies or reach objectives quickly. In fact, this is an important component to earning those coveted platinum ranks. Vehicles also pack some basic combat abilities, but their effectiveness is often limited. Aerialbots sport missiles which are a great way to soften up enemies on the approach, but you're still going to want to do most of your damage in 'bot form. Again transitions become important. You can charge your foes to do an Advanced Melee Attack that can be hard to stop. With melee characters like Optimus and Megatron, this can be really deadly. ¨ 2009 IGN Entertainment, Inc. Page2 Upgrades Killing enemies and earning bonuses will give you points to spend on various upgrades for your team. The cost of these is based on tier; a level one upgrade is inexpensive, but a level three costs quite a bit. This might encourage one to go for a well-rounded spec, but this impulse is misleading. Not all abilities are equally useful. For instance, the Turbo Cooldown is not terribly useful, since you seldom ever need to mash the turbo repeatedly. Health and Weapon Cooldown are the most important, since they directly impact your offensive and defensive power. Consider this when choosing your purchases. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Robots in Disguise Autobots | D e c e p t i c o n s Bumblebee Don't let his small size fool you; Bee is very effective character. His vehicle mode is among the fastest, and his small size allows him to slip below the melee range of certain larger characters (as well as making him harder to shoot at). His secondary weapon has a lock-on ability, which makes him very accurate at long range, although spamming his missiles without lock-on can be very deadly at close range as well. His melee abilities aren't very impressive, but his EMP stun ability can leave enemies wide open to make up for it. Long-range hit and run tactics are a good way to go when fighting with Bumblebee. Ironhide This guy is a walking tank: Slow, powerful, and durable. With a long life bar, quick recovery and extremely powerful weapons, his only real weakness is his speed and limited range. His primary weapon is effectively a scattershot, which is deadly up close, and sustainable up to 20 or 30 yards, but falls apart at close range. His secondary is a grenade toss, which is likewise powerful but less accurate and ineffective at long range. His vehicle mode isn't terribly interesting, but it's the best way of getting in range sometimes. Once you get up close and personal, there's no stopping Ironhide. ¨ 2009 IGN Entertainment, Inc. Page3 Ratchet One of the most balanced, well-rounded characters in the game. He's not terribly interesting to play has and doesn't have a lot of unique advantages, but his speedy recovery time and health regeneration make him hard to kill, and his use of both grenades and machine gun fire make him effective at all ranges, so he's a good character for beginners or just those who like to mix it up. Breakaway This Aerialbot is the Autobots' sniper character. In vehicle mode he's very fast, which helps to make up for his relatively slow recovery time and large size. As a sniper with a scoped function, he's most deadly at long range. If there's an enemy near the center of view, he will auto-target, as well, which makes him deadly against targets that aren't moving (common in single-player mode, less so in multi). His vehicle mode packs a punch, too, but is still less effective than he is in robot mode. Optimus Prime As the Autobots' leader, Prime is the most powerful of the lot. Defensively, he's impeccable, with a large life bar and extremely fast health regeneration, as well as a shield ability. Offensively, he can be very dangerous, but requires a bit more work. His secondary charge shot ability delivers a mean punch, but it can be more effective just spamming uncharged shots if you're looking for sustained damage and not a single tactical blow. This is especially true in Overdrive mode. His melee abilities are matchless, and this is often the best way to fight with Prime. His vehicle mode isn't so great, and this may constitute his biggest weakness. ¨ 2009 IGN Entertainment, Inc. Page4 Powered-Up Optimus Available only in the final battle against the Fallen, this variation of Prime is by far the best character in the game. He plays mostly similar, except for his added flight ability at the expense of his classic vehicular form. The flight is actually not that useful, as his large size and modest speed leave him vulnerable. The bump up to his basic stats are more welcome. A u t o b o t s | Decepticons Long Haul The rough Decepticon equivalent of Ironhide, Long Haul is a very powerful close range fighter, with a wimpy vehicular mode. His flamethrower sports a very limited range, but it is, quite simply, the most damaging weapon in the game. It's perfect for demolition objectives, where you have to fight a large, stationary target. His primary gun is quite powerful as well, and it has a unique ricochet ability that can occasionally prove useful in urban combat. He's a beast in melee, but this is overshadowed by the flamethrower, which is even more deadly. Sideways Speed and long-range accuracy can be a deadly combination. In both vehicle and robot form, Sideways is very fast and maneuverable. His primary weapon is a sniper ability like Breakaways, and he has a normal machine gun for his secondary, which still packs a solid range. These advantages make up for his generally weak stats in the hands of a skilled player, but Sideways is not really good for beginners. ¨ 2009 IGN Entertainment, Inc. Page5
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