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Treadaway Chris, Internet. (Mass-)Media. Digital(ism) |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] Chris Treadaway and Mari Smith Marketing AN H UR A DAY INSIDE: Get your free ticket to an online Facebook Marketing Workshop with the authors! SERIOUS SKILLS. Facebook ® A N H U R A D A Y Advance Praise for Facebook Marketing: An Hour a Day Not only does FBMHD provide a practical framework for Facebook marketing, but it also offers a 360-degree perspective on how social media connects with a cross-section of marketing disciplines. By reading and using FBMHD, social-savvy marketers gain the strategies, tactics, and tools to cross the chasm from a hope-it-works community to a well-performing channel for marketing and communications. —ADAM WEINROTH, VP of Strategic Marketing, Demand Media Facebook is a powerful new marketing platform and thanks to this book it, just got a whole lot easier to understand and tap. —JOHN JANTSCH, author of The Referral Engine This is the only book that walks you through every step of creating, implementing, measuring, and optimizing a successful strategy for engaging on Facebook. Featuring proven strategies and techniques, this approachable guide walks the walk. It shows mar- keters at all levels how to roll up their sleeves, jump in, and get winning results quickly. —BRIAN GOLDFARB, director, Microsoft The best marketing engages buyers with valuable information at the precise moment they are receptive. That’s why my chiropractor shares video exercises with me on Facebook! And it’s darned effective, too. If you want to learn how to tap the com- munications tool of choice for hundreds of millions of people around the world, study Facebook Marketing. The real-world examples from organizations of all kinds are especially valuable for those who still need to be convinced (like your boss). —DAVID MEERMAN SCOTT, bestselling author of The New Rules of Marketing & PR , now published in 24 languages Even though (or perhaps because) it’s transforming the way businesses interact with cus- tomers and prospects, Facebook is often confusing and counterintuitive. Not anymore. Chris and Mari have created the Holy Grail, a book where nearly every page is worthy of an underline, highlight, or dog ear. With some companies posting to Facebook twice a month, and others posting banalities four times daily, the content strategy guidelines alone make this book indispensable. Buy two copies—keep one for yourself and mail one to a company whose unfocused Facebook approach drives you crazy. —JAY BAER, Convince & Convert Mari Smith quickly became THE go-to expert before the crowds locked to Facebook, realizing how powerful this channel is for business. Mari, teamed up with Facebook analytics expert Chris Treadaway, have created an absolute masterpiece! Facebook Marketing: An Hour a Day is long overdue, and every reader is lucky to have this book at their ingertips so they can tap into the mind of these pioneers and accelerate their success on Facebook by applying these tips. If you want to know exactly how to position yourself as the go-to expert among the millions of users on Facebook and drive droves of paying clients to your website, you must get a copy of this book! —DEBORAH COLE MICEK, aka: @CoachDeb, founder of QuanSite.com and author of Twitter Revolution and Secrets of Online Persuasion The social media world is full of people saying they know this tool or that tool. But there’s a reason “Mari Smith” is the irst name people think of when they think “Facebook marketing.” This book shows you how the world’s largest social network can be leveraged for your business. And it’s written by one of few people out there who actually has shown companies how to succeed on Facebook. If you’re trying to leverage Facebook to reach your customers, this book should be on your shelf. It’s on mine. —JASON FALLS, Social Media Explorer Every marketer knows they need to be on Facebook and other social networks, but few know how to do it right. Chris and Mari have created what is essentially a user’s manual for anyone managing a brand or advertising a business on Facebook. Whether you’re new to social networking or a savvy user, this book provides the tools every marketing professional needs, from getting set up the right way to managing success- ful, targeted advertising campaigns. The book’s step-by-step format makes what many consider a daunting undertaking seem more like a manageable process for even the busiest marketers by helping you prioritize your time online. —PETER VANRYSDAM, Chief Marketing Oficer, 352 Media Group Mari and Chris have written an excellent, easy-to-read guide on using Facebook to grow your business. Chapter 7, “Advanced Tactics and Campaign Integration” is alone worth well more than the price of this book. —DAVE KERPEN, CEO, theKbuzz I love books that start with strategic planning. Just about every Facebook title I’ve seen is obsessed with secret tips and tricks, without ever encouraging the reader to identify what they’re trying to accomplish in the irst place. Chris and Mari have done a splendid job putting those tips and tricks into a meaningful context, and I know I’ll be studying my copy to improve my own Facebook presence. If you’re looking for the full picture—the “why” along with “what” and “how”—then this is your book. —DAVE TAYLOR, online entrepreneur, AskDaveTaylor.com Mari and Chris have a unique gift in that they can take the very complex and sophisti- cated paradigm of marketing on the world’s largest social networks and present it in a way that anyone can understand and, more importantly, put into practice. —BRIAN SOLIS, author of Engage: The Complete Guide for Businesses to Build and Measure Success in the New Web Marketing An Hour a Day Chris Treadaway Mari Smith Facebook ®
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