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Troy Total War, Troy Total War |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] This is a forum for Troy Total War (TTW)If you would like to download TTW please note the following:-1)It is for barbarian invasion patched to 1.6 - IT WILL NOT WORK WITH ANY OTHER VERSION OF RTW OR ITS SEQUELS.2)The latest version of TTW is 4.5. which can be downloaded in one of two versions(a) Stand alone - this is not compatible with mod switch and will overwrite you original RTW game files. We will no longer support this version of the mod!(b) Mod Folder edition - this is compatible with other mods and will NOT overwrite your original files(this can be downloaded here). We DO still support this version.3) TTW is a very stable mod; however, it has some known issues. Before posting any bugs you find please review the bug thread.4) We will not be continuing work on TTW, the team are now focusing on the new Aristeia mod, which we would encourage you to download as it is a vast improvement over TTW by common consensus.TTW 4.5.0 - modfolder editionI would like to present to you the modfoldered version of the most recent version of Troy Total War, 4.5.0. I have made this version in cooperation with Zhuge_Liang in my spare time and would like to release it to you now.Install InstructionsRead First!TTW 4.5.0 - modfolder edition is not compatible with earlier versions of Troy Total War, as it requires an unmodded installation of RTW-BI 1.6.As this edition does not overwrite any original RTW or BI files, it is compatible with other mods using the -mod:mymod structure (see the table here).Instructions:1) Make sure you have an unmodded installation of RTW-BI 1.62) Download the TTW 4.5.0 - modfolder edition full installer from here or here. [187 MB]EDITNew mirrors available at strategy informer3) Install to a directory in which RomeTW-BI.exe exists (the root RTW folder)VISTA Users: Run the installer as Administrator!4) Play Troy Total War with the Troy shortcut created on your desktopI am not the creator of any content in Troy: Total War and the license agreement and usage rights are the same as for TTW itself (as included in the installer). I will give support though in case of problems during e.g. downloading, installation and starting the mod.Note about the intro video:The TTW intro video is included in the installer, though it is not automatically played when starting the game, as this would require an overwrite of original game files.If you want the movie to play, you have to overwrite the [install dir]\Data\fmw\rome_title.wmv file with [install dir]\TTW\Data\fmv\Bi_Intro_640x480.wmv - but it will then also play when starting other mods installed in the same RTW-BI folder.Have fun playing!Cheers, NeroEdit by Zhuge:Also check out Aristeia!NOTE - THANKS TO NERO666 A FULL 4.5 VERSION IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD ON THE ROP SERVER. THIS VERSION USES A MOD FOLDER AND CAN BE USED ALONG SIDE OTHER MODS. THE LINK IS BELOW:You still need BI patched to 1.6 for the installer to work and vista users must run the installer as administrator. It contains both troy 4.0 and the 4.5 patch, it is the only download you need. IT IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH ANY OLD TROY INSTALLATIONS.Troy: Total War version 4.0 is now available for download.(Please read these installation instructions before downloading)V4.0 includes all the features of the gold beta plus more and improvements. It is the first release that i would consider to be beyond beta stage of development. It is a stand alone download, which is clear from the instructionsInstructions-You must have a CLEAN installtion of Rome - Total War Barbarian Invasion Installed and patched to version 1.6-Download the exe (link below)-If you move this exe to your RTW folder it will automatically detect the installtion path, otherwise:-Select your main RTW folder for installation.-The installation should do everything else.-Run BI as normal.Enjoy!Download Link - MegauploadFILEFRONT DOWNLOAD - Coming soonv4.0 is not save game compatible with saves from any previous TTW release including the gold release.FeaturesMyrmidon Global Gaming presents...TROY: TOTAL WAR v4.0Version 4.0 has many notable improvements over past versions. These include in no particular order...- Changed all voices- Removed romano british & slav faction defeat message.- altered hero units size and upkeep- fixed zoom in to settlement CTD- fixed diplomat, spy and assassin unit pictures and cards- added artwork- added ui- increased starting funds- amazon soldier voices changed to female (the generals etc can only be male).- changed amazon family tree and portraits so that the generals are now female and their wives are male.- added character pictures for faction starting leaders.- removed epic stone walls and related CTD.- removed historical battle and quick battle starting buttons.- added eastern walls and style buildings to greek factions.- added semi-eastern buildings to amazon faction.- new unit- many other small fixes and improvementsFor more information please visit our forums here at TWCTTW Forums
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