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Total MMA - Inside Ultimate Fighting, Tygodniki, prasa, magazyny, Tygodniki, prasa, magazyny |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] Inside Ultimate Fighting Jonathan Snowden ECW Press  Copyright © Jonathan Snowden, 2008 Published by ECW Press 2120 Queen Street East, Suite 200 , Toronto, Ontario, Canada m4e 1e2 info@ecwpress.com / 416.694.3348 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any process — electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise — without the prior written permission of the copyright owners and ECW Press. library and archives canada cataloguing in publication Snowden, Jonathan, 1975 – Total MMA : inside ultimate fighting / Jonathan Snowden. ISBN 978-1-55022-846-5 1. Mixed martial arts. 2 . Mixed martial arts — United States. i. Title. gv1102.7.m59s66 2008 796.815 c2008-902430-3 Editor: Michael Holmes Typesetting: Gail Nina Printing: Printcrafters This book is set in Minion and Akzidenz printed and bound in canada TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 The Birth of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu . . . 9 2 The War of the Worlds . . . 24 3 Fight Night . . . 33 4 Hybrid Wrestling: Pancrase . . . 43 5 The Lion’s Den . . . 57 6 The Tournament . . . 72 7 The Great UFC PR Battle . . . 85 8 Pride Arrives . . . 97 9 Remodeling the UFC . . . 111 10 Frank Shamrock and the Alliance . . . 122 11 Gracie vs. Saku . . . 132 12 Enter the Fertittas . . . 143 13 The UFC Survives . . . 157 14 MFS . . . 167 15 Tito vs. the Lion’s Den . . . 179 16 Randy vs. Chuck . . . 189 17 The Growth of Pride . . . 202 18 The Ultimate Fighter . . . 213 19 Post-TUF . . . 226 20 Pride Before the Fall . . . 242 21 TUF 3 . . . 255 22 Ortiz vs. Liddell . . . 264 23 Bob Sapp . . . 272 24 The Return of Captain America . . . 287 25 Rampage . . . 296 26 UFC Buys Pride . . . 310 27 The Couture Controversy . . . 320 28 Upsets . . . 333 29 The Battle for Britain . . . 348 30 Looking Forward . . . 362 31 Challenges . . . 381
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