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Total English Intermediate WB, Angielski ebooki , learning |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] Antonia Clare JJ Wilson r:ILESSON Vocabulary:ver.bs, adjectives, prepogilioqs Grammar:auxiliary Vocabularyr timearc r,:-:. :: verbs verbs Grammar:question numbers Reading:Shenzen,China tags financialcrime personalqualities :r G_rammaf: modalverbs Writing: an invitationandresponse Pronunciation: Writing:anemail Listening:emaiIrelationships stressedsyllabies Reading:Hownotto getrichquick Grammar:PresentPerfectvs Past:Sim,pl6 Vocabulary: for andsince Pronunciation: opposites Pronunciation: lal or lal? Reading:Brotherly wordstress [ove? Reviewandconsolidationunitr Grammar: I unless f assoonaswith (pro-u) firstconditional Reading:RFID Reviewandconsolidationunit 4 (pr+-rs) Grammar: Howto:giveopinions,agreeanddisagree. Reading:TheLatestNews freetimeactivities Grammar:PresentPerfectSimplevs Continuous Pronunciation: contractions Howto: correctresponse Reading and [istening:Thegenius Vocabulary:TVprogrammes Howto:dealwith problems Grammar:who,whose,which,where Reading:Whennonewsisrealnews Vocabulary:booksandfilms Pronunciationt lal lel /qr/sounds Grammar:gerundsvsinfinitives Howto:describea fitmorbook Listening:fourconversations regularandirregularverbs Pronunciation: verbendings Grammar:PastSimoleandPastContinuous Listening:newsheadlines Reviewandconsolidationunitz (pr8-rg) foodandeatingout Writing:a,summary Gramniar:couhtablevs uncountable llowto:rrecommend a restaurant Reading:a restaurant review Reviewandconsolidationunit 5 (pr+z-+l) z+.t Pronunciation: Listening: :rVocabu-[ary: Vocabulary: if lwhen passive Vocabulary: Vocabutary: LESSON 5.3 Vocabulary: Vocabulary: travel Reading:Past Perfect Grammar:Past Perfectvs PastSimole Howto: describe a ohoto Listening: collocations work Grammar:make, let,allow Listening: casuaI Fridays .t-:f.,'::.:::::,r',,-.i.1 , V-ocabularyz -ing l-ed ad jectives i Grammar: reported speech Vocabulary:places to visitin a city Pronunciation: Thebossfrom hell? how to sound polite Howto:getaround a new place Grammar:uses of like Writing: a quicl<guide Reading: OutandaboutonPlanetEarth liie$se$t pastobtigation/per:mission ,,Micabulary: adve rtiserh,e.nis',: ,'..1,l t..Rlad'ing: Realise your dre4m,,.,,, , :rr:rl.,.ri;i':tl,l Gt+-ts) sts:i,,:,ti,Xl,,,:r::r.rrxri{p$r Vdcabulary-: Reviewandconsolidation unit 9 radjectives to describenaturaI places Grammar:articles Pronunciation: Interest'and surprise Howto: :showrinterest apdsu,rprise Reading:TravilI agents'truestories Reviewand consolidationunit6 ;r,Vocabulary: verbsconnected withmemo'r Grarnmar:wishlifonly Vocabulary: (pso-sr) natu recollocations a ibrain pill' "Reading: red ucation Grammar: Grammar:past tensesreview How to:saynumbers subject andobjectqLrestions Learn,ing frommistakes .lclammal: phrasal verbs ,rW,6if,l6g3 formaIvsinformal , howto remember Reviewandconsolidation Listenins: usedto lwould Listening: chitdhood Pronunciation: unitro (p8z-83) silentletters Answerkey (p8+-g+) past ability l Reading: lwas ableto lmanaged tofor retirement Review andconsolidationunit 7 (ps8-ss) Vocabulary:phrases with change Reading andvocabulary: global issues Howto: tall<aboutchanse Grammar: adverbs Listening:a votuntaryworl<erdescribeshiswork Vocabulary:,tif€ decisio ns Grammar: conditiona[ , decisions Reviewand consolidation unit8 (p66-6t) Vocabulary: Reading: :L,t::Xtiixxli::ial?iii:ii1::t:t::::::r:;:::11;:ii:::a:i:::ii::iliiiii|:l:ii:::ii:l:l ', Giammar: Vocabulary: Reading: Grammar: could Grammar: the law Grammar:second conditional Vocabulary: th:ir:d, Listening: Voca,bulary I verbs, adjectives, Gramm&f I auxiliarv verbs prepositions a Putthewordsinthecorrectorderto mal<e questions. 1 aresportsat good you? z brothersany got orhassistershe? 3 arehowtheyold? 4 youGerman 1 Complete thesentences withwordsand fromthebox. bestfriend havea lotincommon a good senseofhumour enjoyedhiscompany colleagues get to l<nowher stranger losttouch l<eep dotike studying? 5 Americabeenhave you to ? 6 todayyouseenhave boss your ? 7 you shopsdid goyesterday intouch ex-girlfriend friendof a friend theto ? Ithas beenrealtyniceseeing you again. Let's in Ex. 3a. Useauxiliaryverbswherepossible. to the questions tryand Shealwaysmakesmelaugh.Shehas 4 fromthe prompts. r What/sports/you/interested 3 Ourrelationship has finished soshe'smy in? z You/been/sl<iing/recentty? r She/tike/[isteningto/music? 4 Mozartlptay/the now. 4 I'vemethimonceortwiceatparties.He's a 5 I'dliketo violin? 5 Yourparents/enjoy/the betterbecause she concert/last night? seemsveryfriendly. 5 I'm going outonFridaywithafew from worl<. 7 MarioandI havea goodrelationship to Frances/yesterday? t Claralhadlher baby yet? because 8 You/born/in thesamethings.We 8 Hewas a _ whoI metonatrain, butwetatkeda lotandI 9 | speak Xr Matchtheanswers to theouestions in Ex.4a. a Yes,shedoes.She's reallykeenonMozart. to Lucyeverydayonthephone.She's IwasborninRome. c Yes,I did.Shecaltedmelastnight. d Yes, my ro Unfortunately we _ whenweleft it. e Yes,hedid.He taughthimselfwhenhewas fiveyears old. f | [oveskiingandwatching university. Complete theadvertswith prepositions. footbatt. g Yes,shehas.He's calted Jack. h Yes.I have. Iwentto Switzerland lastweel<. Wantto be fluent (6) - Engiish, but you don'twantto spendall your money (7) a language course? Join theEngtish Students Languag e Club. from all overthe world belong (8) - the clubsocome andiearnabout newcultures too. phrases b Writeshortanswers a, Mal<equestions 6 You/speak Turin? we[il<e b No.Iwasn't. theydid.Theyloved Pronunciation 5 a @ Say the fotlowing numbers. Listen andchecl<. I 79.5 2 47o/" 3 3hr5mins b @ Cover I+ 6,t56 5 72.9"/" 6 r8o thetapescript.Listenandwrite thenumbersyou hear. 7 2 3 4 5 6 TAPESCRIPT' t 8.967 3 645 5 3,642 2 92"/o 4 27o/o 6 €4to that what you spend your money ondependsonyour age,where you live,how big your family Reading is,and howmuchmoneyyouearn. But have you ever thoughtabouthowpeoplechange theirspendingwhen awholecitystarts Readthe articleandchoose thebesttitle. toget richer? Shenzen, r Youngpeople - aretheybigspenders? z China - therichestcountry inthewortd? inChina,hasattracted lotsof inthe lastfew years, and the averagemanorwoman 3 Shenzen - achanging city:how peopte spend therenow earnsmore thanin anyothermedium-sized theirmoney cityinChina.So Read thearticleagain.Are thesesentences whatdo theseShenzen residents tendtospend true their moneyon? Thefirst thingiseducation. (T) or false (F)? r How you spend your moneydoes notdepend onhowotd you are. ! z ThecityofShenzen Thisisvery expensive inChina, and professionaI peopte spend morethanrooo yuan each on education. has become richer Thisis oneanda halftimesmore because professional people havemoved than theyspentin1995.Theyalso spend fourtimesasmuch oncommunications thereforwork. ! 3 People nowspend and twiceasmuchmoneyon there are now 93 mobilephones and 54 homecomputers. Peoplehave started In everyroohouseholds education asbefore. I 4 Mostfamities inShenzen haveamobile to buybiggerhouses. They f 5 Sevenout oftenfamilies phone. nowusua[ty haveanaverage five squaremetres inShenzen have morespace intheirapartments, andsomehave evenbought secondhouses acar. ! 6 People spendmoremoney onvisitingother ptaces. too. The biggestchange,however, hasbeeninthe number of people buying cars.In1995onlyfour orfive families f 7 More people eatin restaurants than ineveryroo owneda car.Nowthis number hasrisentoseven ineveryroo,anditis before. ! torise. Earningmore moneyalsomeans \ that the in thearticlewhich canbeusedformal<ing generalisations. four wordsorexpressions people ofShenzen canenjoytheirleisure time more.Tourism isupby t8%.During the last festivaI morethan2oo,ooo Shenzen peopte travelled abroad.Perhaps thisiswhere theystarted to eatoutinrestaurants, because formanypeople in Shenzen, andparticularly for younger people, notcool<ing athomeis another newtrend. It'snosurprise talentedprofessionals generally money tetephones. continuing Underline Spring
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