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Total Sea Fishing - August 2016, wędkarstwo |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->BREAMSPECIALHOW TO BAG THESE SUMMER BATTLERS1OBRILLIANTBAITCASTERSOUR VERDICT!THEUK’SBESTSEAFISHINGMAGAZINETHE UK’SBESTSEA FISHINGMAGAZINEWINLEEDA£400!THE NEEDFOR SPEED!ICONRODSWORTHTUBERTINI TEAMENGLANDSHOW WHYEVERY SECOND COUNTSESSENTIAL MATCHTIPS FROM TRONIXACEMARIO ASPROUSUPER MARIOPECIALSALAN BROWNBREAM-BAGGINGBEACH BASICSMATT CROWETUNES UP YOURBOAT BREAM SKILLSBREAMON TESTOUTSTANDING VALUELEEDAICON BOAT RODFEATURE-PACKEDDAIWAFREAMS SPINNING REEL£3.40 AUGUST ’16A DHP PUBLICATIONICS AND ADVICE FORTOP TACTTHIS SUMMER SPECIESSThe UK’s ONLY SaltwaterTackle SpecialistNew tonea Angliing?Buy WithConfidence0%FinanceNow Availableon All Ordersover £300*llllllllRRepresentative examplet tilCash price.................... £500.00Deposit .......................... £50.00Total amount of credit.... £450.0012 Monthly payments of .. £37.50Interest rate..........................O%Total amount payable..... £500.00O% APRINFORMATIVE AND EASY TO NAVIGATE WEBSITETHOUSANDS OF PRODUCTSEXPERIENCED STAFF - WE ALL FISH!HUGE SOCIAL MEDIA FOLLOWINGNEXT DAY DELIVERYPRICE MATCH AVAILABLEPHONE FOR YOUR FREE CATALOGUETWITTERFACEBOOKGOOGLE+OmniFINANCE*UKcustomers only. Finance subject to status and a credit application. E-mail: sales@veals.co.uk or call: 01275 892000.Finance provided by Omni Capital Retail Finance, FCA No.686139, Operations Centre, Oak House, Reeds Crescent, Watford, Hertfordshire WD24 4QPLINES & LEADERS365 FLUOROCARBONVarivas 365 is one of the finest grade fluorocarbons availableand is an exclusive import from Japan. This is by far our mostpopular trace line for boat anglers presenting artificial lures onlong traces!15lb .33mm£8.6020lb .37mm£9.4025lb .43mm£11.4030lb .47mm£12.50LINES & LEADERSYELLOW SPORT-NOW AVAILABLE IN1/2 KG BULK SPOOLS!£34.99Our biggest selling top quality hi-viz mono,by popular requestNOW AT VMO!15lb .33mm 5200m, 18lb .37mm 4000m20lb .40mm 3320m, 25lb .43mm 2800m4oz SPOOL£8.99Super hi-viz line, loved by night anglers15lb .35mm x 1033m, 18lb .37mm x 920m,20lb .40mm x 770m, 25lb .43mm x 660mSHOCK/RIG NYLON£8.50100m spools of ultra-clear Japanese nylon which is designedfor use as shock leaders, rig bodies or hook lengths. Spooled on largebangle spools for reduced memory. We have used this extensivelyfor the last decade and believe it to be one of the best on the market!50lb .60mm, 60lb .70mm, 70lb .72mm, 80lb .75mmSWIVELSPOWER CRANE SWIVELS2/0 -600lb Wrecking25 for£6.301/0 -250lb Heavy shore/pulley 25 for£5.00#3 -105lb Top of trace#7 - 60lb Heavy snoods#10 -40lb General snoods25 for£4.2025 for£3.1525 for£2.75GAME FISHING TOURNAMENT NYLONA premium quality Japanese Copolymer nylon monofilament whichhas been designed as a trace and leader line for big game fishing.Tournament is a superb trace line for conger, skate and tope plus itcan also be used as a rubbing leader for shark fishing. Despite itsobvious large diameter it still remains a supple line meaning that eventhe 300lb can be knotted with ease if you prefer not to use crimps.220lb 1.47mm£12.98300lb 1.65mm£15.98#12 -12lb Scratching snoods 25 for£2.60Larger sizes available on-lineSPORT- MIST GREENSold on 4oz spool£8.99Our original Japanese import15lb .35mm x 1110m, 18lb .37mm x 930m,20lb .40mm x 770m, 25lb .43mm x 660m, 30lb .47mm x 580m3 WAY SWIVEL BEACH£3.203 WAY SWIVEL BOAT£4.80GEARVELCRO ROD BANDS£8.99Not your average rod bands, these are made from a heavy dutyneoprene and are fitted with the highest quality Velcro. Unlikecheaper brand’s they will not ping off and get lost on theway to your mark. Sold as a pair.SPORT- CLEARSold on 4oz spool£8.99‘Non spook’ version of the original12lb .28mm x 1300m, 15lb .35mm x 1110m, 18lb .37mm x 930m,20lb .40mm x 770m, 25lb .44mm x 660m, 30lb .47mm x 580mYou fish, we finance...Imagine having more time to pay for the fishing gear you love.Being in total control of your budget and concentrating on the fishing.Well now you can with Direct Credit from Angling Direct. Available online and in-store.Clickwww.anglingdirect.co.ukCall01603 400870Emailsupport@anglingdirect.co.ukAngling Direct acts as a credit broker and only offers credit products from Hitachi Capital (UK) PLC.Angling Direct is authorised and regulated by Financial Conduct Authority. Our registration number is 690275. Credit provided subject to age and status.AUGUST 2016EDITOR’SWELCOMEDo you have an opinion you want to share with the sea fishing community? E-mailpaul.dennis@dhpub.co.ukWell, the much vaunted recreationalfishing meeting in Weymouth that Imentioned last month turned out tobe nothing more than a Brexit rally.The only good point about the trip was that Imanaged to shoehorn some fishing in while I wasdown there. It was a tough day, but hey, it was aday’s fishing so I wasn’t complaining.One thing that the day did throw into sharprelief was the number of lures that I have in mybox that seldom see the water. I’m overdue a bigclear out to stock up with ones that I know work,rather than ones that might.It’s not a difficult process – the ones that don’tget used much are the only ones that are leftafter the wrecks have been at them!I also managed to get out for a day’s fishingwith the Tubertini Team England boat teamrecently, and what a cracking bunch of blokesthey are. The speed at which they work isamazing. Obviously at World Championship levelit is vitally important, but even when they arefishing relatively casually there doesn’t seem tobe much let-up.While you or I might be thinking aboutFIND US ON…WIN EVEN MOREGOODIES20,892 likesJoin the ‘Total Sea Fishing’ Facebook page. Each monthwe will give away prizes, you can post your catch reportsfor all to see, and you can also make friends and chataway with 20,892 other fans worldwide.changing a rig, they have already done it and areback in the water.They are always thinking about their fishing too,and asking questions of each other, especiallyin regard to what is the best brand line, or whatare the most reliable hooks. They do have theirfavourites but they are always looking to findsomething better.On the flip side there’s a similar amount ofdiscussion on what items of terminal tackle mightnot be quite up to the mark – so they know whatto avoid!Something that cropped up on the day out withthe England team was bait shortages. Apparentlysquid was in short supply and so was mackerel(fresh and frozen in both cases).It seems that this year species arrivals and thelike seem to be about six weeks behind where theynormally are, so it may sort itself out. If it doesn’tit may well be a symptom of something a lot moreserious.Time will tell.One species that is holding up reasonablyare bream, and there’s definitely a lot moreresponsible rod and line fishing being done now,with plenty of fish returned and only a few kept forthe table.We have a good hard look at bream fishing inthis issue. There are plenty about just now so whynot go out and catch a few?Tight lines.WHAT’SHOTIN THIS ISSUE…There aren’t many seaanglers who don’t havea soft spot for bream.They are tough littlebattlers and on lighttackle they give greatsport. They are a colourfull species too, as wellfi tllas being good ‘table’ fish. We take a good look atthe species and tactics to catch them from boatand shore.Alan is a shore anglerthrough and through, andalthough his first love iscod fishing he isn’t one toturn up his nose at a bitof seasonal fishing. Thebream are in, and Alan’s rodhand was starting to twitch when he couldn’t getstraight out after them. It all came good, though,when he was able to get to the beach, and heshares his fish-catching secrets with you.Matt is a real hard-working angler and isnever shy of putting ashift in for his targetspecies. One of thehighlights of Matt’s fishing year is a boat tripi b tt ifor bream, and this year was no exception. Wefollow him on a trip, picking up a few bream-catching pointers along the way.BREAMALAN BROWNMATT CROWE@TotalSeaPLUSwe’re on Twitter too!Paul Dennis, EditorGET 12 ISSUES OF TOTAL SEA FISHINGSEE PAGE 82FOR MORE INFO*Package value includes cover price of £3.40 x 12, plus £9.99 RRP of bookazine. **Angling Direct reserves the right to withdraw the 5% discount on certain items+ONLY £29.99!TOTAL PACKAGE RRP: £50.79SAVING YOU £20.80*SUBSCRIBERS GET 5% OFF AT ANGLING DIRECT**May 201605WHERE PRICES ARE CHECKED DAILY FOR THE BEST VALUEAND THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO SEA RIGS BOOKAZINE FREE
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