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Total Tattoo - December 2013 UK, Tygodniki, prasa, magazyny, Tygodniki, prasa, magazyny |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] Innovation & Evolution nspirtionjustoryou Gene Coffey The Ldy with the Silver eedles IN! Mrshll Hedphones orth 10 E F E TU R E ‘In ocus’ this month rod St Tttoo rivte iew BrendenTttooHQ ughot Tommirazy MiddletonTattooStudio edc e wust CONENTIONS InterntionlLondonTttooConvention NorwichBodyArtFestivl PortsmouthTttooConvention MiltonKeynesTttooConvention 420 110 DEC2013 CONTENTS Editor ames Sandercock editor@totaltattoo.co.uk Sub Editor Emma Garwood Art Director Perry Rule artwork@totaltattoo.co.uk Advertising Manager ill Feldt advertising@totaltattoo.co.uk Social Media Manager Emma Whittaker totaltattoo@totaltattoo.co.uk 94 Contributors Marco Annunziata Lars Krutak Tina Korhonen Travellin’ Mick Doralba Picerno Ester Segarra Milton Keynes Ink Expo REGULARS 07 editorial 08 newsflash All correspondence should be sent to Total Tattoo Magazine PO Box 10038 Sudbury Suffolk C010 7WL www.totaltattoo.co.uk 84 subscriptions/ total tattoo t-shirt 49 gallery plus 96 convention calendar 97 next month’s issue 98 mugshot 21 London International Tattoo Convention dSCLaMER Adverts and articles appearing in Total Tattoo magazine carry no implied recommendation from the magazine or from KMT Publishing Ltd. We reserve the right to refuse an advertisement or article which we consider unsuitable. All details are correct at time of going to press. Whilst we make every effort to ensure all advertisements, articles and credits are correct, Total Tattoo magazine and KMT Publishing Ltd will not be held responsible for errors or omissions. Material appearing in Total Tattoo may not be reproduced for any purpose without the written permission of KMT Publishing Ltd. All letters sent to Total Tattoo magazine will be treated as unconditionally assigned for publication and copyright purposes and as such are subject to editing and editorial comment. Total Tattoo magazine No. 109 NOVEMBER 2013 Published monthly by KMT Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved. Printed in England on re-cycled paper by Buxton Press Ltd Distributed by Warners Group Publications Plc 36 68 Marcuse Portsmouth Total Tattoo Magazine 4 INTERVIEWS Every month we scour the planet to find the best artists. We bring you their stories and we showcase their work. In this month’s issue... 46 Cover Model Profile Telly Lale Gene Coffey His beautifully unnatural abstracted watercolour visions of nature. 14 Kai Uwe Faust The neo Nordic movement gathers momentum with traditional Viking techniques. 72 ONTHECOVER Model TellyLale Tattoos Various TinaKorhonen Photo 41 Norwich Body Art Festival Sam Ford With ink in her blood, second generation tattoo talent Sam keeps Southend on the map. 86 32 Private View Branden, Tattoo HQ Advertisinggeneralenquiries 01787242100 Subscriptionenquiries 08009178794 totaltattoo@warnersgroup.co.uk Tofindyourneareststockistcall 01778391150 ore-mailyourpostcodeto vickyb@warnersgroupcouk 79 Stockholm Ink Bash SUBMITTINGPHOTOS magesmustbehighresolution(00)andsizedat100mmby10mm. mailyourphotosto gallery@totaltattoocouk orsendthemonadiscto GalleryTotalTattooPOBox10038SudburySuffolkC0107WL Thediscneedstobelabelledwiththeartiststudioname. CompetitionTermsandConditions Allwinnerswillbepickedatrandom(oronmeritifapplicable)aftertheclosingdate.ntriesreceivedaftertheclosingdatewillnotbe considered.Theeditorsdecisionisfinal.Onlyoneentryperpersonplease,andremembertoincludeyournameandaddress.Winnersof conventionticketswillberesponsiblefortheirowntransportandaccommodationunlessstatedotherwise.TotalTattooisnotresponsiblefor itemslostordamagedintransitthoughofcoursewewilltrytohelpifwecan. TotalTattooMagazine 5
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