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Vegetarian Living - March 2015 UK, Czasopisma Kulinarne |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->HEALTHY • SUSTAINABLE • DELICIOUSMarch 2015 £3.95www.vegetarianliving.co.ukSimple kitchen suppersDELICIOUS MEALS FOR ANY DAY OF THE WEEKMEAT-FREERECIPESPOTATO ANDSPINACH VINDALOO4848WHOLEFOODHEAVENPALEOPERFECTProtein-packedideas for breakfastthrough to dinnerDAIRY-FREEIDEASOn the road with the veganstreet food pioneersCURRYCLUBforIndian dishesa sharing feastETHICALSHOPPINGGreat green inspirationSWEET RED ONION TARTE TATIN●MUSHROOM, LEEK AND ASPARAGUS PIE●MEDITERRANEAN TOMATO TARTLETS●LIFE OF PIEELLA WOODWARDThe journey from sugaraddict to quinoa queenCOFFEE & CAKEFree-from bakes fora morning treatLEE HOLMESLight and easyspringtime flavoursPLUS:Veggie catering|Grow your own|Eco life|Cooking with tofuVEGFESTUKBRIGHTONMARCH 28 29 2015THTH11AM�½7PM (SAT)11AM�½6PM(SUN)FOR TICKETSBOUGHT BYFEB 28THFREEBUY ONEGET ONEBRIGHTON CENTRE(BN1 2GR)160 STALLSFOOD VILLAGEUK VEGAN COMEDY FESTIVALA WELL�½FED WORLDGLOBAL FOOD SUSTAINABILITY CONFERENCEPARTY POLITICAL CONFERENCEHEMP EXPOLIFEWELL HUBNEW PRODUCT SHOWCASEKIDS AREATALKS - NUTRITION & HEALTHCOOKERY DEMOSFREEBIESPERFORMANCESKIDS COOKERY CLASSESTALKS - CAMPAIGNS & LIFESTYLECINEMATEENVGN ZONESPEED DATING & LGBT SOCIALWARM WELCOME TO OUR SPECIAL GUESTS ANIMAL AIDBIG THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS, INCLUDING:ALL EXHIBITS 100% VEGANBUY ONE GET ONE HALF PRICE UNTIL MAR 21STTICKETS AVAILABLE ON THE GATE AT £8 ADULTS, £4 CONCESSIONSTICKETS AVAILABLE ON THE GATE AT £8 ADULTS, £4 CONCESSIONSKIDS UNDER 16 FREEKIDS UNDER 16 FREEADVANCE TICKETS £5£5 A DAY,£8WEEKEND, AVAILABLE AT:A DAY,£8WEEKEND, AVAILABLE AT:ADVANCE TICKETSBRIGHTON.VEGFEST.CO.UK/ADMISSIONBRIGHTON.VEGFEST.CO.UK/ADMISSIONBUYGET ONEFREEUNTIL28THBUY ONEONE GET ONEFREEUNTIL FEBFEB 28THBUY ONE GET ONE HALF PRICE UNTIL MAR 21STWelcomeLIVINGVegetarian Living,PO Box 6337Bournemouth BH1 9EHSubscription enquiriest. +44 (0)1202 586848 • chris@selectps.comThe UK’s best-selling, award-winning vegetarian magazineSpring sunshine makes me long for lighter food and dishesfull of colour and flavour. So with that in mind, wholefoodschefLee Holmesbrings some fresher eating ideas to ourpages for the days ahead (page 54); whileJenna Zoeencourages you to try the Paleo approach for breakfastthrough to dinner (page 42).Of course, the seasonal transition is not all daffodils andsunshine, so for those chillier days when you still cravesomething deliciously filling, we think you’ll love Liz Martin’swarming pies and tarts, from handy empanadas for a casualbite to an open rustic tart for a family meal (page 22). Curryis also a great British comfort food, as Sarah Beattie hasdiscovered in France, sharing some of the recipe favouritesfrom her monthly expats curry club (page 72).Lindsey Harrad chats exclusively with blogging sensationElla Woodwardof Deliciously Ella, as the former sugaraddict reveals how poor health lead her on an astonishingfood journey (page 30); and Jon Bennett talks to street foodduoDavid and Charlotte Baileyabout life on the road intheir vintage Citroën van (page 46).Also, food writer and journalistSue Quinnshows howto veganise your cooking (page 60); sistersHelen andLisa Tsefrom Sweet Mandarin reveal a family recipe forcreating authentic dim sum (page 68); and resident chefRachel Demuthunlocks the secrets behind cooking withtofu (page 58), plus much more!Enjoy the issue…Paul Morgan, EditorMEET THE TEAMEditorPaul Morgan • paul@vegmag.co.ukManaging EditorSarah Moran • sarah@vegmag.co.ukNutrition EditorSue BaicContributing EditorSara Niven SmithFood EditorLiz MartinGardening EditorAlice WhiteheadVegan EditorAlice GunnProduction EditorSuzanne JubyContributorsSarah Beattie, Jon Bennett,Kelly Rose Bradford, Rachel Demuth,Chava Eichner, Alex Gazzola, Lindsey Harrad,Karen Hollocks, Anthea Prince, Sarah ScottDesignLaunchpad Studios LimitedCover imagesPotato and spinach vindaloo © Victoria Wall HarrisElla Woodward © Tommy ClarkeCoffee & cake © Ryland Peters & SmallLee Holmes © Steve Brown and Cath MuscatAdditional images courtesy of ShutterstockPUBLISHINGPublisherTim HarrisAdvertising Sales ManagerWendy Kearns • wendy@vegmag.co.ukt. +44 (0)1392 466099Online Marketing ExecutiveAdrian Lito • adrian@selectps.comCirculation ManagerTim HarrisProduction ManagerJohn BeareIT ManagerVince JonesSubscriptions ManagerChris Wigg • chris@selectps.com(See page 85 for subscription details)Published bySelect Publisher ServicesPO Box 6337Bournemouth BH1 9EHt. +44 (0)1202 586848Printed byPrecision Colour PrintingHaldane, Halesfield 1Telford, Shropshire TF7 4QQt. +44 (0)1952 585585DOWNLOADVEGETARIAN LIVINGTODAYThe UK’s best-selling vegetarian magazine is available todownload on your Apple iOS, Android, Amazon andWindows 8 phone/tablet. Visit www.pocketmags.com.GET IN TOUCH!Tell us what’s on your mind and what you want to read about.@VLmagazineVegetarianLivingMagazine© Select Publisher Services Ltd 2015. All rightsreserved. No part of this magazine, or digital versionsof the magazine, may be used, reproduced, copiedor resold without written permission of the publisher.All information and prices, as far as we are aware, arecorrect at the time of going to press but are subject tochange. Select Publisher Services Ltd cannot acceptany responsibility for errors or inaccuracies in suchinformation. Unsolicited artwork, manuscripts or designsare accepted on the understanding that Select PublisherServices Ltd incur no liability for their storage or return.Alternatively, email us at:letters@vegmag.co.ukOr visit:www.vegetarianliving.co.uk03In this issue…TURN TOPAGE 40 FORCOMPETITIONSAND READEROFFERSWIN!36682710ON THE COVER18FOOD MATTERS18 In seasonOur seasonal recipes to help you liven up yourveg box cooking ideas3068 Dim sum for everyone!How to create the perfect Chinese bites4642727830365422 The upper crustLiz Martin’s golden pastry dishes, from piesand pasties to tarts and filo parcels72 Tales from theGascon Curry ClubSarah Beattie’s expat friends gather for a feast36 Coffee-time treats22Share tempting cookies, buns and cake filledwith good-for-you ingredientsFEATURES30 From sugar addictto quinoa queenBlogging star Ella Woodward on how aplant-based diet turned her life around42 Your Paleo dayNutritionist Jenna Zoe reveals her protein-filled ideas to get you through the day54 Spring the changesEmbrace lighter eating as spring emerges,with wholefoods chef Lee Holmes46 On the road…Jon Bennett chats to street food pioneersDavid and Charlotte BaileyCOVER RECIPEPotato and spinach vindaloo, page 60Photograph © Victoria Wall HarrisCover image fromEasy VeganbySue Quinn (Murdoch Books)60 Step-by-step vegan kitchenDairy-free ideas from food writer Sue Quinn,plus top tips for veganising your diet66 Campaign cateringMeet the community-based social enterpriseproviding ethical food at events around the UK04|ContentsSubscribe today!Get the UK’s best-selling veggie magazine here – see page 21APPeARINgTHIS moNTH…Lee Holmes‘I think it’s important to celebrate andappreciate your food by sitting downat the table, savouring each bite andenjoying food as an experience’4346Diagnosed with anautoimmune disease in2006, Lee was eager tofind a drug-free solution,and developed a dietregime that led to herfull recovery. She is theauthor of five cookbooks and writes aregular column forWellBeingmagazine.nEnjoy Lee’s deliciously fresh, lightereating ideas, on page 54.© STEvE BrOWnAnD CATH MuSCAT© GArETH MOrGAnS© MiCHAEL WATFOrDHelen and Lisa Tse‘It’s always been a dream to opena restaurant together. We all gaveup our jobs in 2004 to set upSweet mandarin’78RegulaRs03 Welcome09 Share your thoughtsHave your questions answered by our experts5688 The green manHealth advice and products for menThe thirdgeneration of Tserestaurateurs,Helen and Lisawon Best LocalChinese onGordon ramsay’sF Wordin 2009, and went on to secureinvestment offers for their range ofsauces onDragons’ Den.nLearn the art of dim sum with thesisters’ family recipe, on page 68.10 New shootsLatest news, food products and events89 Books for cooksBuy cookery books at unbeatable prices15 Home cooking with ChavaComfort food with a ‘taste of the ocean’90 Places to goTop places to eat out in BrightonJenna Zoe‘People are realising that you canreally live life to the full if you fuelyour body with good food, goodthoughts and good energy’Jenna set up her onlinehealth food blog andshop, Foods to Love,after she was forced toclean up her diet forhealth reasons. Jennasells her favourite, triedand tested free-from products, withadvice on how to use them.nTry recipes from her second cookbook,Planet-based Paleo,on page 42.www.vegetarianliving.co.uk|17 What shall I cook?Create your own street food favourites92 Essential facts and figures98 The view from my tableSarah Scott on a long-awaited reunion52 Healthy livingAdvice on nutrition and wellbeing58 In the kitchen withRachel DemuthThe secret to cooking with tofugReeneR living78 Doing our bitBristol is named 2015 European Green Capital86 Back issuesMissed an issue? Order your copies here82 From plot to plateAlice Whitehead’s gardening tips and advice05
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