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Vegetarian Living - September 2015 UK, Czasopisma Kulinarne |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->HealtHy • SuStainable • DeliciouSSeptember 2015 £3.95www.vegetarianliving.co.ukSimpleStyliShcookingfresh flavoursfrom anna Jonesmeat-freereCipesdairy-freeideasdinnerdeliveredWe put veggie recipeboxes to the test5032raChel demuth’svibrant seasonalreCipesfrying pansquash andCavolo nerotartdo thebright thingharvestsuppersDiscover the bounty ofyour september larderlet themeat cake!at home withvanilla blacka tempting menu from thepopular london restaurantTry Kate hackworthy’sveg-packed bakessoul foodgizzi erskine cookscrowd-pleasing dishesfor easy entertainingsweetdesserts fortreatsdeliciouseveryday eating andspecial occasionsmindful mealsnaturally sassyblogger saskia’shealthy vegan foodPLUS:Natural beauty ideas|Fun for families|Get your five-a-dayThe UK’s best-selling, award-winning vegetarian magazine© MAtt RussEllWelcome© DAn PEARCE32AnnAJonesCOVER RECIPE: Frying pan squash and cavolo nero pie (page 35). Photograph by Matt RussellFromA Modern Way to Cookby Anna Jones (Fourth Estate/Harper Collins)As summer begins to wind down into earlyautumn, heralded by crisper mornings, shoppingtrips for back-to-school supplies and the arrival ofplump squashes at the farmers’ markets, it’s timeto enjoy the incredible bounty on offer at thistime of year. If you eat with the seasons, you’llalways enjoy produce at its peak of flavour andfreshness, and in this issue we’re celebrating someof the stars of September, from figs to sweetcornand raspberries (from page 15), while chef RachelDemuth launches her new seasonal column andrecipe series with vibrant tomato, red pepper andbeetroot recipes (from page 22).The challenge of producing quick and tastymidweek meals can be a minefield, so we’ve beenkitchen-testing the latest in convenience cooking– recipe box delivery services (page 42), whilecelebrated cookery author Anna Jones preparesnutritious and utterly mouth-watering food that’sstill simple enough for everyday eating (page 32).Finally, for those with a sweet tooth, you musttry vegetable-based bakes from Veggie Dessertsblogger Kate Hackworthy, for a treat that’s nicebut not quite so naughty (page 72).Tuck in!Lindsey Harrad, Editor‘That’s what cooking is forme – food that is flavour-packed, nourishing and nottoo fussy, that can be onyour table in a life-friendlytime and manner’© lOuIE bAnks58Gizzierskine‘I’ve always lived by the80/20 rule: if you eathealthily 80 per centof the time then you’reallowed a little bit ofsomething that may beconsidered “naughty”the rest of the time’© MAtt RussEll86sAskiAGreGson-WilliAmsAnd receive these fabulous scales for FREE!See page 50 for full details.Subscribe today…‘Purposeful eating issomething I base all myrecipes and meals around,using ingredients thatheal, strengthen, reduceinflammation andincrease energy’03In this issue…Dinner anD winefor two atVanilla Blackin LonDon,page 56Win!2071418625FooD matterS3242223672546654 Dinner at Vanilla BlackDine out at home with an indulgent menu fromLondon’s innovative vegetarian restaurant15 Season’s eatingsDiscover the best from your September larder22 Red alertMake a big impact with rachel Demuth’svibrant tomato, pepper and beetroot ideas58 Dig in!Cooking for friends is easy with chef andauthor gizzi erskine’s fuss-free recipes27 Rick Stein’sMediterranean delightsinspiration from Venice to istanbul64 Home cooking with Chavatry Chava eichner’s easy one-pot dinnerideas, perfect for the start of the new term!3 ways to buyneVer miss an issue ofVegetarian LiVinglSubscribe:get the equivalent oftwo free issues delivered directto your door – see page 50lBuy onlineat www.selectps.comlDownloadthe digital editionfrom www.pocketmags.com04|32 How to eat wellfood writer anna Jones presents herdeliciously modern way to cookEditor’s69 One for allpickCrowd-pleasing dishes for the whole family77 Gimme five!Veg-packed recipes that make it easy to getyour five-a-day all on one plate36 Harvest suppersLiz Martin dishes up some tasty midweekmeals using the best seasonal ingredients46 The grain eventSarah Beattie reveals why rice should be yourfavourite storecupboard standby86 Mindful mealsHealthy vegan dishes from Saskia gregson-williams, a 17-year-old ballerina and bloggerSubscribe today and receivea fabulous gift for FREE!– see page 50Contents27601942Features42 Dinner deliveredwe test the latest convenience cooking trend:recipe box delivery services7308 New shootsnews, views and ideas, including our pick ofdelicious veggie and vegan products, our newwine column and dates for your diary66 Wild ideasoutdoor fun for all the family, fromblackberry picking to creating a bird café80 From plot to plateKitchen garden advice from alice whitehead,plus how to brew your own natural fertiliserMy ‘root to stem’philosophy meansthat everything fromroast dinner peelingsto juicer pulp andforaged ingredients,all find their wayinto my recipesExclusivE intErviEw withKatE hacKworthy, on pagE 7272 Let them eat cake…From kale to swede, meet Kate hackworthy,the blogger who puts vegetables in all hercakes – and try her recipe ideas too83 Back issuesDon’t miss out! order your copies here90 Beauty notesDiscover our new regular beauty column. thismonth: organic and natural productsregulars03 Welcome07 Shopping ListFor organic september, we’ve been samplingorganic staples and a few treats!92 Essential facts and figureshelpful info for maintaining a healthy lifestyle98 Places to go: Budapesttake a veggie-friendly break in hungary, withalex Bourke’s eating-out guidewww.vegetarianliving.co.uk|05
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