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Tuckinlow 2014-02, Czasopisma PDF, Zagraniczne |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] EXCLUSIVE FOOTAGE FROM SOUTHEAST SHOWDOWN, 2013 IMPORT ALLIANCE & 44TH NATIONAL STREET RODS PLUS ISSUE 05 | TUCKINLOW.COM We are proud to be your lowrider headquarters for 20 years. 7514 PRESTON HWY., LOUISVILLE, KY 40219 | (502) 969-7600 COOLCARS.ORG ISSUE 05 | TUCKINLOW.COM TABLE OF CONTENTS Paint Content and Photo Credits by Josh Culver Parker’s 2008 Crew Cab Content and Photo Credits by Josh Culver Hellalush Mazda Content and Photo Credits by Tom McAdams Run to the Hills 2012 Content and Photo Credits by Sarah Lassiter Rollie’s ‘06 Dodge Charger Content by Chris “Krisko” Knotts Photo Credits: Koapono Patrick – KPconcepts.com 2013 Southeast Showdown Content and Photo Credits by Sarah Lassiter 2013 44th Nationals Street Rod Plus (NRSA) Content and Photo Credits by Robert Mills 2013 Import Alliance Photo & Content Credits: Nick Jones ISSUE 05 | TUCKINLOW.COM PAINT Content and Photo Credits: Josh Culver Step 1 For the irst part of this texture, we are going to add a little visual background noise to the panel with this stencil that you can pick up at any hobby shop or art store. Step 2 After mixing up our clear binder, we added our Kustom shop gold dry pearl to the mix until we have a good coverage on the paint stick. 1 2 Step 3 Now for the main texture of the panel. We are going to do an old school simple “ blowout” or as some people call them “ freak dots.” It’s a simple way to add a very cool texture to any custom graphic paint job. Before starting, I recommend doing a test panel to get used to this technic, paint low consistency, and air low correct. 3 4 Step 4 As soon as you have achieved the desired coverage and shadow, pull the ine line while the paint is still a little wet. This will allow the paint edge to low out a little. Step 5 After the rest of this, the helmet was inished, pinstriped, and cleared. You can see how the pearls, shadows, kandies, and extra tape lines really accent this panel. It has a lot to catch your eye. And the longer you look, the more you will see. 5 ISSUE 05 | TUCKINLOW.COM “ JUST WHO IN THE WORLD DO ” YOU THINK YOU ARE, ANYWAY? Good question. We ask because we really want to understand what’s going on with you, where you want to go, when you need things to happen and how NIMBUS can help you get there. NEITHER DOES ROI. That’s why we believe insight and strategy are just as important as intriguing design and compelling messages when it comes to building your brand. Ask some of our clients ... SEE? Told you it was a good question! hellonimbus.com 1.800.645.9841 hello@hellonimbus.com ISSUE 05 | TUCKINLOW.COM
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