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[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->FITNESS & NUTRITION FOREVERYBODYFEELING FIT, FEELING GrEAT!LOOKBHIILD AUSTGREATGOODNODY!BOW!ultra-FITMAGAZINEBLAST FAT, MOVE WELLVOLUME TWENTY FOUR NUMBER SEVENwww.ultra-FITmagazine.co.ukHITMOVE WELLObliterateFastCaloriesWeightAthlete Body WorkoutBLAST FAT,Training!With Weight TraininglossReader EmilyShape upLingaardwith Weights6 Stone Weight LossSuper Foods = Super Fitness5BetterExercisesWeight Losswww.ultra-FITmagazine.co.ukwww.ultra-FITmagazine.co.uk0708Tone &shapeyour armswith yogaMoveP22Stay TrimWORKOUTSFoodPilates, Powerblock,Rip TrainerTennisGreatFitness- GETTING THE WORLD IN SHAPEOB OBADIKEkitIideas!AreYOUR MIND MATTERSsupplementssafe?9 770957 0620489 770957 062048Vol.24 7Sep/Oct 2014£4.25ultra-FIT-isyour very own personal trainerultra-FIT- isyour24/7 personal trainerVol.23 No.8Sept 2013£4.25CMYK2Sept14.indd 2ultra-FITSeptember 201413/09/2014 10:46:10editorialWFitness meets Sporthat’s the best way to get a lean,strong, shapely, reduced fat body?That’s a bit of an odd question comingfrom the editor of a fitness magazine. Overmore years than I’d care to remember I’vebeen involved in sport and fitness - writingabout it, doing it and coaching it. And I’vebeen asked that question many times, sodo I know the answer?Recently I started training the CEO of atech company. So, what innovative kit, app,gadget or device did I take along to impressand show how ‘21st century!’ I was? Andwhat method of training did I think wouldget results? Well, we went to the park!After a 45min workout my client was suitably‘tired’ and - if I may say so - impressed bymy somewhat ‘Spartan’ approach. Shecommented on how much she had enjoyedthe workout! So, what had I done? Well, Itaught an array of running-based athletic,functional movements, exercises and drillsthat were designed to work all musclesgroups synergistically. Consequentially themind also gets a great workout too - no overlylinear, restricted path movements here. Allenergy systems were also targeted, althoughpredominately the anaerobic one and alsodifferent types of strength - local muscular,strength endurance, all-body and power.Most athletic coaches (of which I amone) could have structured this workout -although I also borrowed from Crossfit( )and from military-themed park workouts andof course the pages of ultra-FIT.During the workout I explained howsurprisingly the ‘skill’ of running is not reallytaught to10k runners and triathlon types forexample and why running drills notonly develop this skill but are also great‘exercises’. My client was surprised by howmuch an exercise lasting as little as 10seconds could have such a high metaboliccost. The answer: all body exercisesperformed with a reasonable level of speed/power will create fatigue relatively quickly.Over time such a regime will develop lean,functional muscle and burn fat - during theworkout and after it due to the large EPOCcreated (excess post oxygen consumption).By using relatively short recoveries and shortbouts of exercise the 50min workout burnedover 400 calories. Yes, you could burn asimilar number of calories through a similarduration 40min bike workout, pedalling at amedium/fast pace, but apart from developinglimited aerobic capacity, your all-roundphysical and functional capacity wouldreally be heading no where. Life (like sport)requires multi-directional movement and co-ordinated actions. These need balance to beperformed unilaterally and synergistically,with twist , bending, reaching and turningone foot, so developing and enhancingthis capacity through your workouts willmake for a better fit (pun intended) for life.Two of these themes are explored as featuresin this issue of ultra-FIT. On page 18, there’sthe closely related, ‘Get an Athlete’s BodyWorkout’ - this is a strength and conditioningbased one, which uses the types of dynamicexercises that top sportsmen and womenwould use to get them into great shape fortheir sport. And if they can contribute tothe ‘shape’ that the likes of Usain Bolt andJessic Ennis-Hill are in, then they must bevery effective. And the second theme is theEPOC aspect of HIT (High Intensity Training)workouts and the specific value of resistanceexercise in particular (performed with andwithout weight). On page 2 , we provide amyriad of reasons why you (and in particularwomen) need to ‘move some weight to shiftsome weight’, to look great (and improvemultiple measures of health).Workouts need to be fun and varied and theyneed to get results to keep you coming backfor more. Hopefully like the individual I trainedand the workouts I’ve eluded to in this editorial,you’ll be surprised and willing to find out aboutand try non-typical fitness-world workouts,they’ll probably be the ones that you enjoy themost and have the greatest cross-over inimproving your physical quality of life.John ShepherdCan't ndultra-FITat the newsagent?Call Comag on 01895 433800or email pippa.boothroyd@comag.co.ukwww.ultra-FITmagazine.co.uke yearly non-discounted subscription to ultra-FITmagazine for eleven issues including P&P is £29.99For all subcription queries please contactsubscriptions@warners.co.uk/01778 392464 or go to our subscriptions website atwww.ultraFITmagazine.co.ukOverseas subscriptions available atwww.ultraFITmagazine.co.uk/?=327Every e ot is made to ensure that the advertising andeditoral in ultra-FIT magazine is derived from reputablesources and is accurate. However, ultra-FIT magazinecannot accept responsibility for transactions betweenreaders and advertisers nor for injuries arising fromfollowing any of our advice or training programmes.FounderCharles MaysPublishing EditorJohn ShepherdFeatures EditorNik CookContrbuting EditorsPatrick Dale, Guy HollandArt DirectorScott ompsonWomen’s Fitness EditorCaroline SandryEditorial ContributorsJoey BullRajko RadovicPaul MumfordJohn MonroePhil NourseNancy ClarkAdvertising SalesLouise Gardinert:020 8144 6173e:lou@ijam-media.co.ukPromotions ManagerMarcia Chungt:07889 178250e:ultra tmagazinecontact@gmail.comultra-FIT Publications Limited,e Cro . 98a Park Lane,Wallington SM6 0TL t: 07889 178250Published byultra-FIT Publications Ltdultra-FIT is published 11 times a year.All rights reserved. Printed by Wyndeham HeronLtd. Distribution by COMAGISSN 0957-0616Design + Repro byAndreas Michael ofwww.Fitnorama.comSeptember 2014ultra-FITSept14.indd 3313/09/2014 10:46:11on the coverRegularsP12Fit KitchenSuper FoodsP16Kim InglebyConfronting yourself!contents2424P6Ready for AnythingBy Rajko RadovicP42Fitness over 50The Elementary Approach toFitnessP44Bull’s EyeEye HealthP70Galaxy GirlsSummer Show ReportP38Muscle Group ExpoThe ‘wings’ of your backCOVER CREDITSUK Cover: Louise GloverPhotography: Andy Lesauvagettege t12on the cover70COVER CREDITSUS cover: Obi Obadike andJessica VasquezPhotography B-Housewww.b-housephotography.com4Sept14.indd 4ultra-FITSeptember 201413/09/2014 10:46:16FeaturesP8Power BlockP18Get An athlete’s BodyWorkoutP28?Yes, weight training is the key to fat loss andhealthy living!P31Emily LingaardLoses 6 stones to become a bikinicompetitor!P60Mind Your WeightBy Chistianne Wolfe18WORKOUTSP24TRX® Rip TrainerP78Derryn Brown WorkoutPilatesInterviewsPLouise GloverP50No More Plain JaneModel Jennifer Jane tells her storyP6GymsportDavid Stalker CEO of ukactive interviewP74Obi ObadikeTalks fitness and his New TV showOtherP46Tri It?Nilufer Atik’s Cyprus Triathlon odysseyP54Model SchoolThe good, the bad and the uglyP64Real Men do yoga!P82SubscribeSeptember 2014ultra-FITSept14.indd 5513/09/2014 10:46:22
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