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Us Weekly - December 2 2013 USA, Tygodniki, prasa, magazyny, Tygodniki, prasa, magazyny |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] INSIDE CATCHING FIRE Issue 981 December 2, 2013 HOT PHOTOS! SET SECRETS! Doing it her way! Kate reinvents royal traditions and fights to give her little prince a normal family life HOW Kim & Kanye’s TV Wedding BABY CHANGED LISA’S WILD ATTACK Brandi Is K ATE ‘Disgusting’ DECEMBER 2, 2013 HOT HOLLYWOOD A is no stranger to the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show. But at this year’s No- vember 13 taping in NYC, the Voice star had a special job: cheerleader. When his fianceé of four months, Behati Prinsloo , 24, strutted down the runway, Levine, 34, and his pals leapt up from their front-row seats to give her a standing ovation. “They were the only group really going crazy for any model,” says an onlooker. (Prinsloo re- sponded by blowing him a kiss.) Once the finale confetti fell, the Maroon 5 singer — who performed in 2011’s show with then-girlfriend Anne Vyalitsyna , 27 — “couldn’t wait to see Behati,” says a source. And the Namibian beauty was eager to party. “I’m excited to cel- ebrate,” she told Us. “ We’re going to have a blast!” She and her guy hit the afterparty at Tao, then headed to Avenue for pizza and a bit of video game competi- tion. Says a source, “They were obsessed with Big Buck Hunter. It was hilarious!” Wedding belle Expect the same chill vibe at their 2014 nuptials. “Ad- am doesn’t want a super- uptight affair,” says one friend. And though the pair admittedly haven’t gotten far in the planning process — he told To d a y they had “a kind-of-ish time, but no date,” and she told Us they “haven’t really thought about” the details — the friend says the fete will be rockin’. “He’ll have amazing mu- sic,” says the pal. “He just wants to let loose!” DAM LEVINE ADAM CHEERS ON HIS ANGEL “They have fun,” a source says of the duo (in NYC Nov. 14). “That’s why it works.” The s how (feat uring Prin sloo) will air on CBS D ec. 10 at 1 0 P . M . BY SARAH GROSSBART, BETH ANNE MACALUSO & JENNIFER O’NEILL With reporting by Brody Brown, Carson Olivares, Jennifer Peros, Alisandra Puliti, Cara Sprunk, Elizabeth Durand Streisand & Charles Thorp USMAGAZINE.COM | 1 HOLLYWOOD HOT HOLLYWOOD ALEC BALDWIN His Stalker Is Jailed A LEC BALDWIN is breathing a sigh of She’s mom to Sophia, 4. relief. On November 14, Canadian actress Genevieve Sabourin was ordered to serve six months in jail for stalking the 30 Rock alum, 55, and his wife, , 29. (Sabourin, 41, received an additional 30-day sentence after the judge found her in contempt for repeatedly disrupting proceedings.) While Sabourin claimed she and the father of two shared a romantic weekend in 2010, he testified that he sim- ply took her to a business dinner at a producer pal’s request. After a f lood of calls, emails and threats to infiltrate his apartment and Hilaria’s yoga class, she was arrested outside his NYC pad in April 2012. Now that the saga is over, Hilaria tells Us in a statement, “we feel safe, relieved and happy to move forward.” Hilaria R elationship coun- seling for one! Farrah Abraham , 22, will be the first person to go solo on V H1’s Couples Therapy (airing in January). De- spite Abraham’s status, “the exercises were rele- vant,” says show therapist Dr. Jenn Berman . And, she adds, they worked for the porn star, whose ex died in a 2008 car crash: “The Farrah who walked in is different than the one who walked out.” Alec (Nov. 13 ) called Sabourin “dangerous.” Sabourin GEORGE IS A MEAN GIRL! The original Plastic? Clooney , 52, pulls devilish pranks S an dra B u l l o c k H e pe rsua ded h is Gr avity Br ad Pi tt He ord ered card s wi th 49 -ye ar-ol d Pi tt’s n ame , the n fo rged a no te to M ery l Str eep , 64 pal, 4 9, to hol d his ha nd a nd ju mp i n a poo l, clo thed . Th en, she r ecalls , he “ let g o!” — offe ring h er ac ting tips! 2 | DECEMBER 2, 2013
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