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Vegetarian Times 2011 06, ZAGRANICZNE czasopisma kulinarne |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] EAT GREEN LIVE WELL June 2011 28 - CHALLENGE YOUR FAST & FRESH RECIPES CHANGE Meal plan Go-to menus from a top nutritionist Easy recipes Stir-fry, Tex-Mex, pizza & more Expert advice Veg diet myths busted! ZUCCHINI–GOAT CHEESE PIZZA, Wrap & roll! Healthy dinners in 30 minutes 54 CHANGE YOUR DIET A : Whether it’s sweet as the sunrise or fresh as your garden, you supply the answer. Make it like only you could. We’ll help you every step of the way at . Shine Through. June 2011 | ISSUE 385 | VOL. 37 | NO. 5 contents features 55 Teetering on the edge of veg or looking to fine- tune your daily eating habits? Our 28-day plan will have you eating your greens—and your reds, yellows, and oranges—for life. BY AURELIA D’ANDREA RECIPES BY MARY MARGARET CHAPPELL & DAWN JACKSON BLATNER, RD, LDN 64 These uniquely tart stalks are good for so much more than pies. BY VICTORIA ABBOTT RICCARDI 68 Adorn your summer table (and garden) with edible flowers that taste as good as they look. BY ALISON ASHTON on the cover 35 55 56 60 61 | | 2011 1 WorldMags 49 26 28 30 35 40 49 - 84 4 10 16 83 35 Vegetarian Times | 2011 | WorldMags 6 contact us to receive a free recipe booklet! Gps!pwfs!211!zfbst-!Kpzwb!Tftbnf!Ubijoj!ibt!cffo!! qspwjejoh!b!efmjdjpvt!dpnqmfnfou!up!nfbmt!fwfszxifsf/!! Rich in anti-oxidants, with no trans-fats or cholesterol, it’s a great and tasty way to stay healthy. Enjoy some today! JOYVA CORP • 53 VARICK AVE • BROOKLYN, NY 11237 • 718-497-0170 • 718-366-8504 (FAX) • WorldMags Circle reply #10 on Info Center card
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