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Turning Pro 2012 winter, Fotografia |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] On trend Moving pictures Making money from movies & gear guide What should you be shooting? Get your foot in the door Presentation Eight ways to get your first assignment Perfect portfolios – 10 ways to wow! Turning Pro Welcome to the Winter 2012 issue of Turning Pro Possessing the tenacity to thrive in a market which is saturated with gifted photographers competing within the same sphere is no easy feat. Aspiring professionals have their work cut out for them, this we know, with new challenges, fi nancial constraints and customers demanding more for their money than ever before. It’s even fair to say that being a one man (or woman) band has never meant or stood for more in the business sense. However, the key word here which separates the wheat from the chaff is opportunity. In this issue of Turning Pro we turn the negatives of the imaging world on their head and tap into exciting new trends including the glamorous world of boudoir and movie making, which demonstrate the stunning work that can result from leaving your professional comfort zone. Flourishing pros reveal their winning formulas in addition to trialling brand new gear, and we offer a comprehensive guide to presentation for a multitude of clients with diverse requirements. Group Editor/Editor Adam Scorey adam.scorey@archant.co.uk Features Editors Lorna Dockerill lorna.dockerill@archant.co.uk Kathrine Anker kathrine.anker@archant.co.uk Features Writer Jessica Bracey jessica.bracey@archant.co.uk Multi-media Writer Jade Price jade.price@archant.co.uk Art Editors Rebecca Stead rebecca.stead@archant.co.uk Noel Hibbert noel.hibbert@archant.co.uk Aside from this meaty menu of top advice, marketing musts and alternative career options within photography, we also felt it important to focus on new success stories from fresh talent, while documenting the truths that those going solo will need to consider. And while going back to basics with ‘how to get your foot in the door’ may seem obvious, our fi ckle industry is constantly evolving with numerous pathways into the fi eld. A brilliant thing, but what do clients seek from you, the professionals, these days? We give you the answers. If you enjoyed the summer issue of Turning Pro, this edition is the next beacon of light to empower you and your livelihood. Seize those prime opportunities and the luminous art that is photography – but don’t do it until you’ve read TP! Lorna Dockerill Features Editor, Turning Pro © Archant Specialist. Archant Specialist is part of Archant Community Media Ltd. While reasonable care is taken to ensure the accuracy of the information in Turning Pro , that information is obtained from a variety of sources and neither the publisher, the printers nor any distributor is responsible for errors or omissions. All prices and data are accepted by us in good faith as being correct at the time of going to press. Pound conversion rates correct at the time of going to press. Advertisements are accepted for publication in Turning Pro only upon Archant Specialist’s standard Terms of Acceptance of Advertising, copies of which are available from the advertising department. All advertisements of which the content is in whole or in part the work of Archant Specialist remain the copyright of Archant Specialist. Reproduction in whole or in part of any matter appearing in Turning Pro is forbidden except by express permission of the publisher. SUBSCRIPTIONS/BACK ISSUES Customer care 01858 438832 Order hotline 01858 438840 www.subscriptionsave.co.uk Email: photographymonthly@subscription.co.uk WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DISTRIBUTION If you have diffi culty obtaining a copy of Turning Pro contact Seymour, 86 Newman Street, London W1T 3EX; 020 7396 8000 GROUP SALES MANAGER Eleanor Godwin | eleanor.godwin@archant.co.uk 01242 216085 MULTI-MEDIA SALES EXECUTIVE Victoria Buckley | victoria.buckley@archant.co.uk 01242 211099 CLASSIFIED SALES EXECUTIVE David Lennox | david.lennox@archant.co.uk 01242 216054 PUBLISHING PRODUCTION MANAGER Kevin Shelcott REPROGRAPHICS MANAGER Neil Puttnam MD, ARCHANT SPECIALIST Mark Wright | mark.wright@archant.co.uk MD, ARCHANT LIFE Miller Hogg | miller.hogg@archant.co.uk HEAD OF DIRECT CUSTOMER MARKETING Fiona Penton-Voak SUBSCRIPTION MARKETING EXECUTIVE Lisa Flint-Elkins | lisa.fl int-elkins@archant.co.uk 01242 264751 Competition terms and conditions: The closing date for competitions/ giveaways is displayed alongside the competition/giveaway online. Employees of Archant Specialist, and those professionally connected with the competition/giveaway, for example, employees of the sponsor company, are not eligible to enter. Unless otherwise stated, competitions/giveaways are only open to UK residents. Prizes are as described and no alternatives can be given. The editor’s decision is fi nal and no correspondence will be entered into. Archant Specialist may wish to contact you in the future, or pass your details to selected third parties, to introduce new products and services to you. If you are sending your entry by text and do not wish to be contacted, please add the word ‘NO’ to the end of your text message. If you are sending your entry by post, please tick the appropriate boxes on the entry form. Turning Pro is published by Archant Specialist, Archant House, Oriel Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. GL50 1BB. +44(0)1242 211096 CONTRIBUTORS P12 P8 P25 P44 F e P46 P72 P82 P64 P81 N P94 P120 P136 P113 P119 P148 B Foot in the Door 9 Specialist magazines | 10 Local wedding market 12 Local newspapers | 14 The picture agency 15 Event photography | 18 Model agencies 20 Teaching photography | 22 Alternative career paths My Firs t Year 26 Alex Rickard | 28 Marisa Taylor 30 Milly Colley | 32 Bob Owen | 34 Charlotte Stone 36 Care Johnson | 38 Bernie Ramsay P43 Busines s 44 The cost of doing business | 46 How to create a brand 52 Accounting start up needs | 56 Professional associations, what can they offer? | 60 PPOTY competition New Bu siness 65 Boudoir – behind the scenes, the history of boudoir and the Banana Studios refi t | 72 Bumps and births 76 Photo workshops, old hat or a new route to riches? Movie Magic 82 Crash Taylor – convergence with your camera 85 DSLRs | 86 Lenses | 87 Lights | 89 Monitors 90 Sound | 91 Support | 92 Rigs P93 Present ation 94 Newspaper picture editor | 96 Specialist magazine editor | 98 Photographer’s agents | 100 PR agency 102 Business owner | 104 Specialist picture library 106 Sports agency | 108 Family portrait Univers ity, the Real Story 114 Is the debt worth it to be a professional photographer? We ask students about their experience Inspira tion 120 Big interview – Nigel Harniman 127 Working pro – Tanya Ahmed P135 Gear 136 Tamron 24-70mm | 141 Nikon D600 148 Elinchrom D-Lite | 157 Lupo Lights
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