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VS0 - Van Staal - 2012, wędkarstwo, Katalogi |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] VAN STAAL ® NO LIMITATIONS ™ There are select types of fi shermen who strive to push themselves and their equipment to the limit. These fi shermen have passion that demands more than ordinary fi shing tackle. Only the highest-performing, most durable tackle will do. These fi shermen have no tolerance for a rod, reel, line or any equipment that doesn’t live up to the elements, or even worse – doesn’t live up to the fi sh. These are Van Staal fi shermen. These are whom the brand was created for. Van Staal is made for the fi shing you dream of. It is a brand unique to all other fi shing brands; built for the extremes and exotic locations. For far away places with the utmost of elements and challenging, remarkable, ultimate fi sh. Only the highest-performing, most durable tackle will do. The entire line of Van Staal reels and pliers are specially designed to the extreme, so you know they can not only handle – but maximize - anything you want to fi sh for, anywhere you want to go. No Limitations. Fully machined from the highest quality bar stock aluminum, stainless steel and titanium metals, Van Staal reels can take on anything. No other reel offers this combination of precision, power, strength, capacity, smoothness, gearing, durability and performance. If you could only have one reel for the rest of your life, make it Van Staal. “No Limitations” describes everything this product line is about. No limits on where you can go, how big a fi sh you can hook or the pressure you can put on it and your equipment. With Van Staal your tackle never limits you from what you want to catch or where you want to catch it. Van Staal is made to do the fi shing you dream of. VS 2 WWW.ZEBCO-EUROPE.COM NO LIMITATIONS VS 3 VS SPIN Proven for the surf, these reels are ready for any situation. A completely sealed, water-proof body CODE MODEL LINE CAPACITY LINE CAPACITY GEAR RATIO WEIGHT LINE RETRIEVE RRP £ BLACK MONO BRAID 0680 101 Van Staal VS100 Left Hand 225 yds. / 10 lb. 220 yds. / 20 lb. 4.75:1 328 g 69 cm 595.00 129.00 0983 001 Spare Spool VS100 0680 151 Van Staal VS150 Left Hand 340 yds. / 12 lb. 330 yds. / 30 lb. 4.75:1 340 g 76 cm 604.00 129.00 0983 005 Spare Spool VS150 and drag allow you to fi sh on the beach – or in the water . Van Staal reels have a fully machined 0680 201 Van Staal VS200 Left Hand 400 yds. / 15 lb. 400 yds. / 40 lb. 4.25:1 611 g 85 cm 682.00 154.00 0983 009 Spare Spool VS200 aluminum body, fl yer and spool for no-fl ex strength; a machined stainless steel spiral-bevel main 0680 251 Van Staal VS250 Left Hand 350 yds. / 20 lb. 490 yds. / 50 lb. 4.25:1 634 g 93 cm 716.00 162.00 Van Staal spiral gears Huge, machined stainless steel spiral-bevel gears are used in all Van Staal spin reels. Individually cut out of hardened stainless steel, their design creates tremendous gear tooth contact between the main gear and the pinion. No gear works better under load. gear for long-lasting power. A machined solid titanium, titanium-nitride treated center shaft and 0983 013 Spare Spool VS250 titanium-nitride line roller allow you to fi sh monofi lament or braided lines under the heaviest of 0680 276 Van Staal VS275 Left Hand 425 yds. / 25 lb. 350 yds. / 80 lb. 4.25:1 679 g 102 cm 741.00 162.00 0983 031 Spare Spool VS275 drag loads. With huge line capacities and the ability to pick-up to 40 inches of line with a single 0680 301 Van Staal VS300 Left Hand 350 yds. / 30 lb. 450 yds. / 80 lb. 3.25:1 792 g 70 cm 758.00 167.00 handle turn, there is no better reel to fi sh tough, big fi sh in-shore or off-shore. 0983 034 Spare Spool VS300 VS 4 WWW.ZEBCO-EUROPE.COM NO LIMITATIONS VS 5 VSB TITANIUM BAIL SPIN CODE MODEL LINE CAPACITY LINE CAPACITY GEAR RATIO WEIGHT LINE RETRIEVE RRP £ SILVER MONO BRAID 741.00 144.00 0681 102 Van Staal VSB100 Left Hand 225 yds. / 10 lb. 320 yds. / 20 lb. 4.75:1 453 g 69 cm 0983 042 Spare Spool VSB100 0681 152 Van Staal VSB150 Left Hand 340 yds. / 12 lb. 330 yds. / 30 lb. 4.75:1 475 g 76 cm 751.00 144.00 0983 045 Spare Spool VSB150 Now you can fi sh Van Staal with a bail. Like all VS reels these reels are sealed water-tight 0681 202 Van Staal VSB200 Left Hand 400 yds. / 15 lb. 400 yds. / 40 lb. 4.25:1 611 g 69 cm 804.00 171.00 for use anywhere. They come equipped with a solid titanium bail and a giant oversized 0983 048 Spare Spool VSB200 anti-reverse clutch to guarantee rock-solid hook sets. The brand new VSB200 and VSB250 0681 252 Van Staal VSB250 Left Hand 350 yds. / 20 lb. 490 yds. / 50 lb. 4.25:1 634 g 76 cm 827.00 188.00 0983 051 Spare Spool VSB250 with their huge line capacity and machined strength are the perfect reels for saltwater jigging, surface popping or casting to huge pelagic fi sh. These reels are built for the ultimate trophy fi shing – anywhere in the world. Van Staal Braid-Rated Clutch This extra-large anti-reverse clutch offers rock-solid hooksets and the ability to use heavy braided lines with unyielding strength. VS 6 WWW.ZEBCO-EUROPE.COM NO LIMITATIONS VS 7 C-VEX FLY Named for their unique convex shape, which adds strength while reducing weight, these reels are machined to precision standards from CODE LINE CAPACITY LINE WEIGHT RRP £ SILVER MONOFIL MONO 0685 078 Van Staal C-VEX 7/8S 230 m / 0.30 mm 250 yds. 20 lb. WF8 466.00 215.00 0985 003 Spare Spool C-VEX 7/8S 0685 110 Van Staal C-VEX 9/10S 210 m / 0.40 mm 230 yds. 30 lb. WF10 517.00 222.00 0985 006 Spare Spool C-VEX 9/10S 0685 112 Van Staal C-VEX 11/12S 320 m / 0.40 mm 350 yds. 30 lb. WF12 551.00 239.00 aircraft grade aluminum, anodized for saltwater protection and feature a unique, completely sealed waterproof drag cartridge. This 0985 009 Spare Spool C-VEX 11/12S makes C-VEX the most sophisticated fl y reels ever designed. Available in three spool sizes that accommodate 7 weight up to 12 weight 0685 999 C-VEX 9/12 Combikit with 9/10 and 11/12 spool 707.00 fl y lines with plenty of backing, Van Staal C-VEX is the fl y reel of choice for fi shing the surf, the fl ats or even out in blue water. 0985 012 C-Vex Drag Cylinder 205.00 Fishing Conditions Are Always Changing. Shouldn’t Your Reel Be Able To Change With Them? 9/10 and 11/12 fl y reels share a universal frame and drag cylinder, sold together as the C-Vex combo kit. one revolutionary drag. two interchangeable spools.infi nite perfor- mance. giving you innovation, versatility and value (C-Vex 9/12). VS 8 WWW.ZEBCO-EUROPE.COM NO LIMITATIONS VS 9
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