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User manual Phoenix 800-1200, ofgrid module mppt |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->ManualHandleidingManuelAnleitungManualENNLFRDEESAppendixPhoenix Inverter12 | 80012 | 120024 | 80048 | 80024 | 120048 | 1200Copyrights©2008 Victron Energy B.V.All Rights ReservedThis publication or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form, by any method,for any purpose.For conditions of use and permission to use this manual for publication in other thanthe English language, contact Victron Energy B.V.VICTRON ENERGY B.V. MAKES NO WARRANTY, EITHER EXPESSED ORIMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, REGARDINGTHESE VICTRON ENERGY PRODUCTS AND MAKES SUCH VICTRON ENERGYPRODUCTS AVAILABLE SOLELY ON AN “AS IS” BASIS.IN NO EVENT SHALL VICTRON ENERGY B.V. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE FORSPECIAL, COLLATERAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES INCONNECTION WITH OR ARISING OUT OF PURCHASE OR USE OF THESEVICTRON ENERGY PRODUCTS. THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE LIABILITY TOVICTRON ENERGY B.V., REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF ACTION, SHALL NOTEXCEED THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE VICTRON ENERGY PRODUCTSDESCRIBED HERE IN.Victron Energy B.V. reserves the right to revise and improve its products as it sees fit.This publication describes the state of this product at the time of its publication andmay not reflect the product at all times in the futureEN1. Installation1.1 GeneralWARNING: ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARDThe product is used in conjunction with a permanent energy source (battery). Inputand/or output terminals may still be dangerously energized, even when the equipmentis switched off. Always disconnect the battery before carrying out maintenance orservicing the product.The product has no internal user-serviceable components. Do not remove the frontplate or operate the product if any panels have been removed. All servicing must beundertaken by qualified personnel.Please read the installation instructions in the installation manual before installing theequipment.This is a Safety Class I product (supplied with a protective grounding terminal). Thechassis must be grounded. A grounding point is located on the outside of the product.Whenever it is likely that the grounding protection has been damaged, the productmust be turned off and secured against unintended operation; please contact qualifiedservice staff.The AC output is isolated from the DC input and the chassis. Local regulations mayrequire a true neutral. In this case one of the AC output wires must be connected tothe chassis,and the chassis must be connected to a reliable ground,see figure1. Please note that a true neutral is needed to ensure correct operation of an earthleakage circuit breaker.Ensure that the equipment is used under the correct ambient conditions.Never operate the product in a wet or dusty environment.Never use the product where there is a risk of gas or dust explosions.Ensure there is adequate free space (10 cm) for ventilation around the product andcheck that the ventilation vents are not blocked.NLFRDEESAppendix1.2 Connection to the batteryThe inverters are equipped with two DC connection cables with a length of 1.5meters. If it is unavoidable to extend these cables, use a wire gauge of at least 2times larger than the ones supplied with the inverter. Maximum recommended batterywire length is 5 meters.The inverters are fitted with an internal DC fuse (see technical data). If the DC cablelength is increased to more than 1,5 m, an additional fuse or DC circuit breaker mustbe inserted close to the battery.The red wire must be connected to the positive (+) terminal and the black wireto the negative (-) terminal of the battery.Reverse polarity connection of the battery wires will blow the internal fuse and candamage the inverter.1
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