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- Tom Clancy 8.3 - Dekret, E-Booki, Tom Clancy, Cykl z Jackiem Ryanem
- Tom Clancy 6 - Bez Skrupułów, E-Booki, Tom Clancy, Cykl z Jackiem Ryanem
- Tom Clancy 8.2 - Dekret, E-Booki, Tom Clancy, Cykl z Jackiem Ryanem
- Tom Clancy 8.1 - Dekret, E-Booki, Tom Clancy, Cykl z Jackiem Ryanem
- Tom Clancy 9.2 - Tęcza Sześć, E-Booki, Tom Clancy, Cykl z Jackiem Ryanem
- Tom Clancy 9.1 - Tęcza Sześć, E-Booki, Tom Clancy, Cykl z Jackiem Ryanem
- Tom Clancy 7.1 - DÅ‚ug Honorowy, E-Booki, Tom Clancy, Cykl z Jackiem Ryanem
- Tom Clancy 3 - Kardynał z Kremla, E-Booki, Tom Clancy, Cykl z Jackiem Ryanem
- Tom Clancy 7.2 - DÅ‚ug Honorowy, E-Booki, Tom Clancy, Cykl z Jackiem Ryanem
- Tom Clancy 1 - Polowanie na Czerwony Październik, E-Booki, Tom Clancy, Cykl z Jackiem Ryanem
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Using Manual, Kurs tańca, e - booki |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] How to Read This Book This book is written largely in ‘chart’ format, and a pre-existing understanding of the terms and descriptions used is necessary to maximize the benefit of this book. Abbreviations Used in this Text Rhythm S=Slow, 2 beats of music. Q=Quick, 1 beat of music Alignment LOD= Line of Dance DC= Diagonal Center DW=Diagonal Wall P= (foot) Pointing A-LOD= Against LOD RISE & FALL Com= Commence E/O= (at) end of Cont= Continue NFR= No-foot rise (Body Rise with heel on the ground) R= Rise L= Lower Foot Position RF= Right Foot LF= Left Foot SLT=slight(ly) TTI= Toe Turned In TTO= Toe Turned Out Foot-Work T=Toe H=Heel B=Ball of foot HT= Heel, then Toe TH= Toe, then Heel F= foot (flat foot) LF= Left Foot RF= Right Foot W= whole (foot) IE= Inside Edge Body Position SLT=slight CBM=Contra-Body Motion CBMP= Contra-Body Motion Position R=Right L=Left Dance Positions PP= Promenade Position Prom Pos= Promenade Position OP= Outside Partner PO= Partner Outside ROP= Right Outside Partner LOP= Left Outside Partner SxS= Side-By-Side Position Turn Com= Commence E/O= (at) end of Cont= Continue R=Right L=Left BTL= Body Turns Less BCT= Body Completes Turn Bet= Between 4 American Smooth Alignments and the Line Of Dance (LOD) Figure 1:Line of Dance Figure 2: Alignments Figure 1 shows a typical ballroom dance floor. The ‘Line of Dance’ is the direction of travel around the room while dancing. When viewed from above the line-of dance appears as a counter- clockwise pattern. Figure 2 indicates the alignments used to describe the directions in which steps are taken. On dance frame and hold: (Pictures) On Foot Diagrams: While many other fine ballroom dance guides are commercially available, one feature which almost all these guides lack is the inclusion of diagrams indicating the placements of the feet. By including foot diagrams, it is hoped that the less experienced students who do not understand the tabular figure information will find this guide most helpful. Foot diagrams are placed on a grid where each square represents a 2’x2’ distance. The mens feet represent a length of 12 inches, and the ladies feet are slightly smaller. Pivoting: In some figures pivoting will occur. In this case the foot diagrams indicate this with the use of ‘dashed’ foot-outlines. For example, the first 3 steps for the mans left turn in Waltz are shown to the right. The first and second steps indicate in darkened feet where the step is originally taken. Once the weight transfers to that foot, the foot pivots on the ball of the foot to its position shown with the outlined foot symbol. American Smooth 5
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