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V Waltz, Kurs tańca, e - booki |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] Viennese Waltz Style: American of International Style Category: Smooth Ballroom Rhythm: 3/4 time Tempo: American International Competition 54 60 Bars per minute Social 54-58 56-60 Bars per minute These ‘preferred’ tempos notwithstanding, the basic figures may be danced to any waltz played between 44 and 64 bars per minute. The Viennese Waltz is the classic waltz, more often featured in films than the more modern ‘slow Waltz’. This dance is a quick rotating dance with a subtle rise and fall. It is considered a very difficult dance to do properly, even in its simplest forms. <Note: Write more on history> Alignments: The Viennese Waltz is a fast-rotating dance, and therefore some of the alignments given are slightly confusing. In the Viennese Waltz a figure may begin with a certain alignment, then rotate 1/8’th of a turn before the first step touches the floor. The alignments listed are the alignments for the feet when they first touch the floor. <I am not really satisfied with these foot diagrams or alignments, do a more careful analysis of alignments and step lengths when I have time> Dancers Notes 2001 Kevin Buell Revision May 19 2001 This guide is not meant to be a definitive description of how to dance these steps. Instead this guide should provide a useful starting place for you to keep your own notes collected from group classes, workshops, and other dance experiences. If a competent instructor states something which is contrary to what is in this guide, disregard what is written here in deference to the instructor. No guarantees are made as to the technical accuracy of these steps. 1 Table Of Contents Amalgamations……………………………………………………………………………………………….3 Bronze Syllabus Left Closed Change…* .................................................................................................................................. 4 Right Closed Change…* ................................................................................................................................ 6 Reverse Turn / Left Turn…* ........................................................................................................................ 8 Natural Turn / Right Turn…*....................................................................................................................... 10 Underturned Natural Turn at Corner Hesitations (Forward/Back) Hesitations (Left/Right) Progressive Forward/Back Hesitations Fifth Position Breaks (Whisks Progressive Fifth Position Breaks Cross-Body Lead Cross-Body Lead to Left Underarm Turn Open Beak and Underarm Turn Right Hand to Hand Left Underarm turn to In/Out Hesistations (Explosions) Counter-Promenade Runs Back Spot turn Open Break & Back Spot Turn Change of Place Curtsey and Bow Silver Syllabus Left Back Closed Change…* Right Back Closed Change…* Left Turn with Lady's Underarm Turn Canter Turns Open Right turn Back to Back Box Forward and Backward Flares Promenade Hesitation and Run Turning Hesitation to Back Lock Progressive 5th Position Breaks with Hand Change X-Line Shadow Turns to Right Fan Kicks Ronde to Throwaway Underarm Spin to Throwaway Standing Spin Note: Most figures are American Smooth Figures. Figures marked with a * are International Standard figures as well. Amalgamations Viennese Waltz 3 Gentleman BRONZE Left Closed Change (Reverse to Natural) Rhythm: 1 23 Position Align- ment Turn Foot work Rise &Fall Description Beat Foot Body Man Slt CBM Com facing LOD Rise E/o 1 * turn 1/8 L through 1&3 1 LF Fwd * HT 1 2 2 RF side &sltfwd Sway L * T Up 3 3 LF close to RF Sway L End Facing DC * TH Up, Le/o3 4 Viennese Waltz S t e p BRONZE Lady Left Closed Change (Reverse to Natural) Rhythm: 1 23 Position Align- ment Turn Foot work Rise &Fall Description Beat Foot Body Lady RF back Slt cbm Com backing LOD * TH Rise E/o 1 * turn 1/8 L through 1&3 1 1 2 2 LF side & slt back Sway R * T Up 3 3 RF close to LF Sway R End Backing DC * TH Up, Le/o3 Viennese Waltz 5 S t e p
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