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Vegetarian Living – July 2015, Czasopisma Kulinarne |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->HealtHy • SuStainable • DeliciouSJuly 2015 £3.95www.vegetarianliving.co.ukfresH salads InspIredby Global flaVoursSunshine suppers(fun)meaT-freerecIpesdaIry-freeIdeas2645Party onthe patio10PockeTParksCreate a greenspace in yourcommunityShare great foodwith friendsoutdoorcampingideaSThewholefoodkiTchenEnjoy simple seasonalcooking with Amy ChaplinMy IndIan recIpe secretsannie riggmadeGorgeous dessertswith summer fruitsa new TwIsT on TradITIonal faVourITes from anjalI paTHakLet’s dobrunch!forIndulgent ideaslazy weekendsHeart-healthy dishesfrom the TV cooksaLLy beePLUS:Supper club menu|Healthy living|Vegan cheeses|Fairtrade fashionThe UK’s best-selling, award-winning vegetarian magazineWelcome26AmyChAplinCOVER RECIPE: Char-grilled halloumi, courgette and mint salad (page 70); Photograph by Matt RussellFromThe Salad Bowlby Nicola Graimes (Ryland Peters & Small)Some days, daily life is just too hectic,forever racing around shopping, ticking off anever-ending list of chores and picking upafter the whirlwind of chaos created by ourchildren. Thankfully, summer holidays arejust around the corner.In the past, an overseas break was ourrelaxing getaway from the routine – let’s behonest, with small children they areanything but – so this year we’ve decided tomake things easier for ourselves by having afamily staycation.Inspired by the exploits of the Meek family(see page 60), I’m planning to take life at aslower pace and enjoy everything that’s greatabout being at home: inviting friends roundfor get-togethers (see page 18) and indulgingin lazy weekend brunches (see page 41), aswell as visiting my local parks and greenspaces (see page 46). We hope to inspire youto do the same.Enjoy the issue…Paul Morgan, Editor‘In the community I grewup in, being vegetarianwas just seen as normal.We had to grow a lot ofour own produce, as therewere no well-stockedfood stores close by’37AnjAlipAthAk‘My earliest memory ofbeing in the kitchen waswhen my grandmotherbought me a small rollingpin to help her make rotis.She pronounced, “If youcan make them round, youwill find a good husband”’52kerstinrodgersAnd receive these fabulous scales for FREE!See page 24 for full details.Subscribe today…‘I’ve always cooked, sincethe age of four. I wascooking and making littlerecipe notebooks evenwhen cooking was seen asalmost anti-feminist’03In this issue…TuRn TOpAgE 79 FORCOmpETITIOnSAnd REAdEROFFERSWin!3239466234Food matters16 In season68604626182168 Salad suppersEasy mealtime salads with global flavours18 Party on the patioShare great food with good friends32 The sweet taste of summerAnnie Rigg’s beautiful fruity desserts74 The orchard basketCooking with peaches, plums and apricots37 Secrets from the Patak’s kitchenAuthentic Indian recipes with a modern twistFeatures26 From market to tableVeggie chef and blogger Amy Chaplin sharesher wholefood cooking philosophy41 Easy like Sunday morning…3 ways to buyNever miss aN issue ofVegetarian LiVinglsubscribe:get the equivalent oftwo FREE issues delivered directto your door – see page 87lBuy onlineat www.selectps.comldownloadthe digital editionfrom www.pocketmags.com04|Six indulgent ideas for a relaxing brunch50 Create a classicStep-by-step lemon meringue pie46 Park lifeThe communities turning disusedspaces into ‘pocket parks’Editor’spick52 Supper club favouritesfrom MsMarmiteLoverVibrant vegan dishes from Kerstin Rodgers57 I can’t believe it’s not dairy!Our top five must-try vegan cheeses62 Shape up!Heart-healthy meals from TV’s Sally Bee60 Ten ways to sleep outsideFun ideas for outdoor family adventuresSubscribe today and receivea fabulous gift for FREE!– see page 24Contents42262950RegulaRs03 Welcome07 Sound bitesReaders’ comments, tips and questions6072 In the kitchen withRachel DemuthMake the most of summer’s fresh berries08 New shootsAll the latest news, including food festivals,picnic and barbecue ideas, and dining out88 Back issuesMissing an issue? Order them from hereCreating a beautifulbus stop might seemlike a small thing,but it can have aprofound effect onlocal people, makingresidents feel betterabout their area’HOW TO CREATE ‘POCkET PARks’in uRBAn sPACEs, On PAgE 4615 What shall I cook?Try our suggestions for lighter summer eating– big on flavour, low on calories92 Essential facts and figuresHelpful info for maintaining a healthy lifestyle98 Places to goWhere to find the best vegan food in Mallorca58 Home cooking with ChavaChava Eichner’s delicious do-it-yourself ideasto get children involved at mealtimesgReeneR living80 Doing our bitA new line of sustainable fashion from PeopleTree, plus eco-accessories for outdoor eating65 Books for cooksBuy cookery books at unbeatable prices, plusan exclusive recipe fromMeat-Free Any Day66 Healthy livingAdvice on nutrition and wellbeing84 From plot to plateAlice Whitehead’s gardening tips and advicewww.vegetarianliving.co.uk|05
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